Supplies of handpohone accessories

Alvin Januar

Ciamis, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $26 goal


days left



Alvin Januar

Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  25%

About Me

Introduce my name Alvin Januar Firmansyah, I am 22 years old, I am the second of two children. I like to do business and independent. from my high school graduation I often do business from start selling food, clothing and others that I can make sure I tekuni business, I also had time to work in restaurants, hotels and other places because for me at a young age not only fixated on one business we must master the various fields so that in the future we have a lot of entrepreneurship own knowledge.

My Business

Currently I work and do business in the field of mobile phones or more in the know with smartphones, I provide a large selection of smartphones from a cheap price to an exorbitant price. why I choose this business because in modern times like today smartphone has become the primary needs of everyone, from school children to parents, sometimes my monthly turnover is pretty good to be able to support myself buying monthly needs and buying a vehicle. My goal of this advantage I want to continue education is the lecture

Loan Proposal

I will buy stock items for resale, such as asecoris hp headset, battery, cassing handphone and also silicone cellphone. which requires a capital of headset 5 $ and battery 10 $ cassing 10 $ and silicon protector 5 $, each item I will resell with a profit of $ 2 of nominal capital, hopefully you can petrify me by way of investing your money in me , and I will refund it as soon as possible

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About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya Alvin Januar Firmansyah , umur saya 22tahun , saya anak kedua dari dua bersaudara . saya senang berbisnis dan mandiri . dari saya lulus SMA saya sering berbisnis dari mulai berjualan makanan,pakaian dan lain lain yang bisa saya jadikan usaha pasti saya tekuni , saya juga sempat bekerja di restoran,hotel dan tempat lain nya karena bagi saya di usia muda jangan hanya terpaku pada satu bidang usaha kita harus menguasai berbagai bidang agar di masa nanti kita punya banyak ilmu wirausaha sendiri .

My Business

Saat ini saya berkerja dan berbisnis di bidang handphone atau lebih di kenal dengan smartphone , saya menyediakan banyak pilihan smartphone dari harga yang murah sampai harga yang selangit . mengapa saya memilih bisnis ini karena di zaman modern seperti saat ini smartphone sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer setiap orang , dari mulai anak sekolah sampai orang tua , terkadang omset saya perbulan cukup lumayan bisa untuk menghidupi diri saya sendiri membeli keperluan bulanan dan membeli kendaraan . tujuan saya dari keuntungan ini saya ingin melanjutkan pendidikkan yaitu kuliah

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli stock barang untuk di jual kembali , seperti asecoris hp headset,battery ,cassing handphone dan juga silikon pelingdung handphone . yang membutuhkan modal sebesar headset 5$ dan battery 10$ cassing 10$ dan silikon pelindung 5$ , masing masing barang itu akan saya jual kembali dengan keuntungan 2$ dari nominal modal , mudah mudahan anda dapat membatu saya dengan cara menanamkan modal uang anda pada saya , dan saya akan mengembalikan secepatnya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 21, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans



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United States

Craig Newmark

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United States


Craig Newmark

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Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Alvin Januar    Sep 21, 2017

    Thank you very much to all of you who have lent your money to me, thank you already entrust your money to lend to me, I will use this money to buy stock of goods for resale and start a business.

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  • Alvin Januar    Sep 15, 2017

    With this loan I will buy handpohone accessories stock, this purchase is very helpful for me to run my business, the addition of income from this business is quite good for me to pay my tuition fee, my family is very proud of me because I can have business if you give me a loan capital.

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  • Alvin Januar    Sep 11, 2017

    Thanks to the loan funds yesterday I was able to open a small business small, although not much but very helpful I say thanks a lot for his help hopefully can be established again in the future

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  • Alvin Januar    Aug 26, 2017

    Thank you for lending me your money, I will use it to buy stock of goods for my resale which later will I use the results for tuition. Once again I say many thanks.

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