

Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

58 installments  •  69%

About Me

Hello everybody!
My name is Wahyu Pramono, I come from Jakarta.
I am a head of household who has not got offspring, I started my Muslim & Women's clothing business online and offline, in 2016 - for the first time from I started my business - things did not run well because this is a financial constraint for capital.
In 2017 my business runs smoothly every day, can sell only 10/100 packs of shirts, so that a turnover profit is about 300 thousand-500 thousand rupiah per day ..
I open this Muslim fashion store in the factory environment and in a strategic place near the market.

My Business

My business is offline fashion (sales in store) for people around here and online sales for people far away from where I live.

Why did I choose fashion business? Because it is a hobby, many people demand it, opportunities in business is more promising because clothing is also a necessity.

Loan Proposal

I have paid off the previous loan and sy want the following loan to buy the stock of materials that have been thinning, yarn stock, plastic for shipping infrastructure goods sold online, because many customer demand for sy meet customer needs to buy materials and sy require capital to buy these goods, hopefully the filing of this sy funds can soon be funded, in order to continue to run and develop this sy business, sy hoping if the funds can buy sy stocks that have been thinned with it sy can sell and get profit turnover 30 % -50% and from that profits sy can help the family economy

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About Me

Assalamualaikum nama saya wahyu pramono berasal dari jakarta,saya kepala rumah tangga yg belum memiliki keturunan,saya memulai bisnis busana muslim wanita & pria saya secara online dan offline,pada thn 2016 saya memulai bisnis saya, untuk pertama kalinya bisnis saya tidak berjalan dengan baik karena ini kendala keuangan untuk modal. Dan dithn 2017 sekarang bisnis saya berjalan lancar setiap hari,bisa menjual puluhan sampai 100pcs baju dg rata-rata omset keuntungan 300 ribu-500 ribu rupiah setiap membuka toko busana muslim sy ini di dkt lingkungan pabrik dan pasar tempat yg strategis karena dkt dengan lingkungan pasar.

My Business

Usaha saya ini dalam bidang produksi fashion offline untuk orang sekitar dan online untuk orang orang yang jauh dari tempat tinggal saya.. saya ingin membeli stok bhan yg kosong dengan hrga permeter 45ribu rupiah ingin membeli bahan 20meter dan stok benang 20pcs,mengapa sy memilih usaha fashion ini?karena memang suka,banyak diminati orang,peluang dalam usaha fashion busana muslim ini lebih menjanjikan karena busana merupakan kebutuhan sehari-hari..apabila semua stok barang trpenuhi sy bisa mendapatkn omset keuntungan 30%-50%,dari keuntungan yg sy dapatkn sy bisa memperbaiki perekonomian keluarga dengan berjualan dalam bidang fashion wanita dan pria ini.

Loan Proposal

Saya sudah melunasi pinjaman sebelumnya dan sy ingin pinjaman berikut ini untuk membeli stok bahan yg sudah mulai menipis, stok benang, plastik untuk prasarana pengiriman barang yg di jual secara online, karena banyak permintaan customer agar sy memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan untuk membeli bahan dan sy membutuhkan modal untuk membeli barang-barang tersebut, semoga pengajuan dana sy ini bisa segera di danai, agar bisa terus berjalan dan berkembang usaha sy ini,sy berharap apabila di danai sy bisa membeli stok barang yg sudah menipis dengan itu sy bisa berjualan dan mendapatkan omset keuntungan 30%-50% dan dari keuntungan itu sy bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga.terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 13, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Alexandria, Va, United States


Yelka Mikolji

United States


Paul Graham

United States


Geneva, Switzerland



Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Wahyu a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Wahyu    Jun 1, 2023

    Thanks to my loan funding which has been fulfilled, I used it to buy stock of goods in online & offline clothing stores that have run out such as thread, plastic, stationery for online needs, materials so that the stock of goods is replenished and buyers are also fulfilled, I hope that funding donors can fulfill my next loan..thank you to all my donors who have funded good luck always and my online and offline clothing businesses can develop better and be successful

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  • Wahyu    Mar 12, 2023

    My business is in the field of offline fashion production for people around me and online for people who are far from where I live. goods. If all stocks of goods are fulfilled, I can get a profit turnover of 35% -50%, from the profits I get, I can improve the family's economy by selling in the field of women's and men's fashion. Thank you to all the donors who have funded my project, good luck always.

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  • Wahyu    Mar 12, 2023

    My business is in the field of offline fashion production for people around me and online for people who are far from where I live.. I want to buy empty material stock at a meter price of 45 thousand rupiah. I want to buy 20 meters of material and 20 pieces of thread stock, why did I choose the fashion business? this? because I really like it, many people are interested in it, the opportunity in the Muslim fashion business is more promising because clothing is a daily necessity. can improve the family's economy by selling in the field of women's and men's fashion.. Thank you to all the funders who have helped fund the previous project so that I can make progress in my current business, hopefully my next loan project can be approved and re-funded.

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  • Wahyu    Feb 7, 2023

    Thank you very much to the donors, I will use this money to buy stock of materials, yarn, shipping needs such as plastic, glue.. I wish the donors all the success.

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  • Wahyu    Feb 7, 2023

    Thank you to the funders who have funded my business and have been very helpful, I hope the funders are always successful.

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  • Wahyu    Dec 28, 2022

    I will use it to increase the stock of goods at grocery stores and credit counters that have run out, such as stocks of instant noodles, rice, credit etc. Thanks to the funding, it has been very helpful to develop my shop so that it is more crowded with buyers, I thank you very much for the funding, Hope it is useful.

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  • Wahyu    Jan 7, 2018

    Hopefully the donors can immediately fund my loan fully,

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  • Wahyu    Jan 4, 2018

    I will buy materials about 20 meters and 20 yarn stock of rolls of this loan to meet the demand of customers who order Muslim women"s clothing, if all this stock sdh fulfilled I can meet customer demand and can jd clothes about 20 pcs and will get to the profits 30% -50% per pcs and from the profits to install this loan .. thank you for funding my loan hopefully can be fulfilled 100% of my savings.

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    Thank you mary

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    Thank you ms JessieD

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    Thank you peter

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    the honorable to the donors hopefully this loan can soon be financed .. before this loan sy loan has paid off the loan before its well and on time .. and with this loan hopefully I can meet customer demand to buy materials and yarns are empty. .thank you

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    Stock is empty only remaining few pcs

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  • Wahyu    Jan 3, 2018

    With this loan, I have paid off the loan well before and on time, so I applied for this new loan to buy 25 meters of material at a price per meter Rp.45.000 and buy yarn stock of about 20 rolls per price Rp .18.000..because all of this stock is out and there are his customer orders who want to order Muslim fashion, with all this stock if fulfilled I can fulfill customer orders from this order I can get 30% -50% profit per pcs .. from profit that I can get to pay the loan from zidisha .. hopefully this loan can be fully funded by donors .. thank you

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  • Wahyu    Jan 2, 2018

    I changed the amount of installments want to pay off the installment immediately .. so can at any time apply for a loan when needed in my business .. thank you zidisha who has been very helpful in this my business.

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  • Wahyu    Oct 13, 2017

    I would like to thank all loan lenders ..

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  • Wahyu    Oct 12, 2017

    Stock of goods (clothes robe) is a lot of empty, hopefully soon be fully fined so as to be able to buy materials and threads to be sewn into shirt and full stock back.

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  • Wahyu    Oct 12, 2017

    Thank you mary for loan.

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  • Wahyu    Oct 10, 2017

    Thank you team zidisha.

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