Clothing supplies for my online store


Kota Mojokerto, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

44 installments  •  41%

About Me

I am a student at a state university in Malang majoring in communication science, I also have a husband and child. I have been living with my little brother and my mother, from childhood I have experienced many things in the struggle and survival so that now I grow into an independent woman. I started my business since high school graduation until now I can afford to pay for my own college and help ease my husband"s burden to meet my daily needs. I live in the city of Mojokerto, a small town that is so comfortable to live in, full of majapahit kingdom culture. I aspire to be a journalist and entrepreneur where I have now begun to process to make it happen.

My Business

I am an online shop shop since 2013, initially active in supplying second import clothes, but at the end of 2015 second imported clothes very hard to get because there are restrictions on importers by the government so that in 2016 I switched to sell bags, clothes, and cosmetics online. I sell the goods "because it"s a very high market demand for the goods, my main target market is women especially mothers", I chose the online business because it is easier in marketing and save costs because it does not have to pay rent or employee salary as well as time efficiency . Within a month I can get orderan about 10jt rupiah with net profit about 3.5jt rupiah. I use the profits for capital then turn it into a return profit, my business results I also use to pay tuition.

Loan Proposal

I will buy clothes from suppliers to stock up my online store for $ 10, the profit I will get is $ 30.

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About Me

Saya seorang mahasisiwi di universitas negeri di Malang jurusan ilmu komunikasi,saya juga sudah memiliki suami dan anak.Saya sedari kecil hidup bersama adik dan mama saya,dari kecil saya sudah mengalami banyak hal dalam perjuangan dan bertahan hidup sehingga kini saya tumbuh menjadi wanita yang mandiri.Saya mulai menjalankan bisnis sejak lulus SMA hingga saat ini saya mampu membiayai kuliah saya sendiri dan membantu meringankan beban suami untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari.Saya tinggal di kota Mojokerto,kota kecil yang begitu nyaman ditinggali,sarat akan budaya kerajaan majapahit.Saya bercita-cita menjadi jurnalis dan pengusaha dimana saat ini saya sudah mulai berproses mewujudkannya.

My Business

Saya berbisinis online shop sejak tahun 2013,awalnya aktif menjadi supplier baju second import,namun di akhir 2015 baju second import sangat susah didapatkan karena ada pembatasan importir oleh pemerintah sehingga muali 2016 saya beralih menjual Tas,baju,dan kosmetik secara online.Saya menjual barang" tersebut karena memang permintaan pasar sangat tinggi akan barang tersebut,target pasar utama saya adalah wanita terutama ibu",saya memilih bisnis online karena lebih mudah dalam pemasaran dan menghemat biaya karena tidak perlu membayar sewa toko atau gaji karyawan dan juga efisiensi waktu.Dalam sebulan saya bisa mendapatkan orderan sekitar 10jt rupiah dengan laba bersih sekitar 3,5jt rupiah.saya menggunakan keuntungannya untuk modal lalu memutarnya menjadi laba kembali,hasil bisnis saya juga saya gunakan untuk membayar biaya kuliah.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli baju dari supplier untuk persediaan stok toko online saya sebesar $10,keuntungan yang akan saya dapatkan adalah sebesar $30.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 20, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Farkhana a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sujik    Feb 6, 2018

    good afternoon mbak farkhana rizki how are you, ngomong ngomong kok kok not paying already matured, when will ya start ngangsur again

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  • Sujik    Jan 2, 2018

    Dear team, I have spoken farkhana riski, he will pay soon

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  • Farkhana    Dec 17, 2017

    To facilitate the unemployment

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  • Sujik    Nov 20, 2017

    Dear lenders, I have spoken with fakhana riski in one or two days he will pay

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  • Sujik    Oct 11, 2017

    Dear lenders, I"ve talked to farkhana"s sister, she had just gone out of town so she was late to pay & she was about to settle

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  • Farkhana    Sep 15, 2017

    Thanks for the loan, I will use it for my venture capital

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  • moursund    Sep 15, 2017

    keep up the on-time repayments, and good luck!

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  • Farkhana    Sep 12, 2017

    Thank you for the loan from the investors can help smooth my business. zidisha is very helpful to develop my business

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  • Farkhana    Sep 12, 2017

    thanks to investors for lending me for my use as venture capital so that my business can run smoothly

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  • Farkhana    Sep 12, 2017

    I will use this fund as a venture capital to stock the goods in my home. fortunately quite large, 5x of the capital I spend. and thanks for the loan that the investor has given me, I have now paid it and applied for a new loan. thanks zidisha and investors for helping me smooth my business.

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  • Farkhana    Sep 12, 2017

    Thank you investors, thanks to the loans from zidisha are very helpful to the smooth running of my business today.

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  • Farkhana    Sep 12, 2017

    I will use this loan as capital to buy my store stock. hopefully these funds can help the development of my business. thanks zidisha and investors

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  • Farkhana    Aug 31, 2017

    Because this time online orderan rather quiet than usual so the balance d atm is not always a lot, now more often selling offline

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  • Farkhana    Aug 5, 2017

    Thank you for the loan

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  • Farkhana    Aug 4, 2017

    Thanks for the help from investors

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  • Farkhana    Aug 3, 2017

    I will repay the loan early

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  • Farkhana    Jul 2, 2017

    Thank you for the loan

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  • Farkhana    May 23, 2017

    you received the loan was received. I will use as much as you

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  • Farkhana    May 20, 2017

    Thank you for the loan. I will use my best.

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