Which supplies clothes for my boutique shop


Tanggerang Selatan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

93 installments  •  90%

About Me

.my bawel can not keep always active Offering to people and easy to get along always keep trying and always grateful.my my business grow and suskes. various kinds of religion and tribe. aspire to be my teacher hobbies shop and it turns out i a clothingman

My Business

. Clothes, skirts, pants, clothing and other clothing items are not so stale to be easy to sell. More interesting, my pesos about 200ribuu and my omest averages 4juta. just sebgaian not all the advantages I use to make matters outside my business .. my profit luck again to buy new goods and some pay my loan repayments

Loan Proposal

I borrowed because of lack of capital to purchase barang2

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

.saya orang bawel tidak bisa diam selalu aktif
Menawarkan kepada orang dan gampang bergaul
.selalu terus berusaha dan selalu bersyukur
.biar usaha saya berkembang dan suskes
.berbagai macam agama dan suku bangsa
.cita-cita ingin menjadi guru
.hobi saya berbelanja dan ternyata saya tukang jual sandang

My Business

. Baju, daster,celana, pakaian dan lain - lain barang sandang
.tidak cepet basi jadi gampang untuk dijual
.lebih menarik
.ongkos saya sekitar 200ribuu dan omest saya rata-rata 4juta
. hanya sebgaian tidak semua untung saya pakai buat urusan diluar bisnis saya..soal untung saya diputar lagi buat beli barang baru dan sebagian bayar cicilan pinjaman saya

Loan Proposal

Saya meminjam karena kekurang modal untuk membeli barang2





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 months



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Tari a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Tari    Dec 6, 2022

    Thank you for helping with a new project for my business capital which is being developed again...with the funds you helped

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  • Su    Feb 15, 2019

    Loans for Indonesia are suspended, wait until the latest news from Zidisha, for more information please click the link below, www.zidisha.org/forum-threa...

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  • Tari    Oct 31, 2017

    Payments are lighter for me

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  • Tari    Oct 23, 2017

    I use for my trademark sells wholesale or wholesale prices I"m very grateful for my financially financed loan I will use the best possible loan

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  • Tari    Oct 22, 2017

    . Yes I bought my merchandise with a zidisha loan. .buy wholesale or wholesale .1million buy merchandise and profit I save. .semakin sure with the need to make forward. Eid day fitri and christmas day

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  • Tari    Oct 15, 2017

    . I buy my merchandise with loan capital in zidisha. Buy with small capital and sell at a high price. Including about 1jutaan buy with new stuff that is model now. enough Eid celebration Idul Fitri and Christmas Day

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  • Tari    Oct 15, 2017

    . yes I buy my merchandise with loan capital in zidisha. by buying goods with bulk. up to 1 million buy a grocery item to make it lucky. lumyan enough Eid celebration Idul fitri and christmas

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  • Tari    Oct 15, 2017

    . I buy my merchandise with loan capital in zidisha. Buy with small capital and sell at a high price .including me about 2jutaan more. Buy with new stuff which is current model. Very lumyan enough. Celebration of idul fitri and christmas and new Year

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  • Tari    May 10, 2017

    I wrongly push the installment of its 10,000

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  • Tari    May 10, 2017

    . I will buy my merchandise to keep its stock. . __. Sell ​​with promo2__. I am very grateful for her funding from good volunteers

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  • Tari    Apr 24, 2017

    , Rp.500.000__. baju2 that my ak jual__. sya"s grateful for the help of loans are very helpful for me

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  • Tari    Apr 17, 2017

    , I used to buy goods that will dijual__. Menarik__ sell with promotion. I am very grateful for the loan to sya. , , My very useful bagii

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