Supplies of medical devices


Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

27 installments  •  78%

About Me

good morning my brother all introduce me suyatno thank you for being allowed to join me a private employee in the field of marketing as well as marketing and also a business in the field of medical devices that serve the health needs of my business targets in pharmacies / clinics / hospitals / and individuals to support the business I need carefulness of carefulness and also maintain the stock of needs that must be available every time so that we can serve all requests for relations to support all of that in serving customers with prime golden cv in my own name

My Business

Good morning, my friend, thank you for being allowed to join my monthly income from employee salaries of approximately 5/6 million per month, plus business income per month, net profit, up to 4 million in such traffic, hopefully we can consider and trust us

Loan Proposal

we will use the funds to supplement the provision of "health" tools so that we can fulfill the demand of the customers so that the full range of goods so that we can get more profit from sblmnya because it gets additional stocks of goods so that get additional benefits so bigger in the hope that can mengbalikan this loan with orderly and smooth so that can be mutually beneficial all of us trimakasih sadaraku donors hopefully make barokah amiin

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

selamat pagi saudaraku semua perkenalkan saya suyatno trimakasih sdh di perkenankan bergabung saya seorang karyawan swasta di bidang farmasi sbgai marketing dan juga meruntis sebuah usaha di bidang alat kesehatan yang melayani kebutuhan kesehatan sasaran usaha saya di apotik /klinik/rumah sakit /dan perseorangan untuk menunjang usaha tersebut saya butuh ketelitian kejelian dan juga menjaga stok kebutuhan yg harus tersedia setiap sat sehingga kami dapat melayani semua permintaan relasi untuk menunjang semua itu saya dalam melayani konsumen dg cv golden prima utama atas nama saya sendiri

My Business

selamat pagi sodaraku trimakasih sdh di ijinkan bergabung untuk penghasilan perbulan saya berasal dari gaji karyawan sebesar kurang lebih 5/6jt per bulan di tambah penghasilan usaha per blm keuntungan bersih sampe di kisatran 4 jt an demikian semoga bisa sbgai pertimbangan dan kepercayaan ke pada kami

Loan Proposal

dana tersebut akan kami gunakan untuk menambah penyediaan alat"kesehatan sehingga kami dapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggan semakin komplit macam barangnya sehingga kami dapat mendapatkan keuntungan yg lebih dari sblmnya karena mendapat tambahan stok barang sehingga mendapatsn tambahan keuntungan yg kebih besar sehingha dengan harapan bisa mengbalikan pinjaman ini dengan tertib dan lancar sehingga bisa saling menguntungkan kita semua trimakasih sadaraku penyandang dana semoga menjadikan barokah amiin





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 2, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks




assenede, Belgium

Paul Smithson

Leeds, United Kingdom

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States





Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Suyatno a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Suyatno    Jun 13, 2018

    good morning honorable to bpk / donatur I say thanks trimakasih who have given trust to the lend me a lucky cooperation that we have built hopefully trust me hopefully make barokah amiinn

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  • Suyatno    Jun 12, 2018

    Thanks to our lenders who have given trust to me so that we can use the funds as well and can add to the smooth efforts we great my hope to always get guidance and supot who can support for the advancement of our business trimakasi

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  • Lotus Flower    Jun 11, 2018

    Hello, Suyatno Yatno,

    For information about what the Discussion page is for--(it's *not* for asking the Staff for help)--and to learn the correct place to ask the Staff for help, please read:

    Also, please don't confuse lenders with Zidisha Staff.
    Although some members of the Staff also are lenders, most lenders are *not* on the Staff. Lenders contribute money to help fund loans. Zidisha Staff handles all of the administrative functions.

    Please do not reply to me here, as I won't be notified of your reply.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Zidisha Team

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  • Suyatno    Jun 6, 2018

    lucrative donor lender please help me sdh make payment trasfer kre account bni through atm bca for rp 200 thousand I check on the loan why not have to pay bills yes please help trimakasih

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  • Suyatno    May 23, 2018

    trimakasih yg as big as sy to say donors who have believed give me a loan will sy use as well as its "to support oprasiaonal delivery of goods to the relation once again trimakasih hope barokah .. amiinn

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  • Suyatno    May 12, 2018

    no rek saya sorry not BRI but BCA

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  • Suyatno    Feb 12, 2018

    I can pay more

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  • Suyatno    Feb 12, 2018

    I want. installment every month just be nice way to remember because sometimes forgot to pay because weekly because of my busyness. therefore I am very humbly begging for the monthly payment pattern thanks to the cooperation hopefully will be better in the future. thanks to all those who have helped me

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