Member since
September 2018
On-time repayments
21 installments • 52%
Introducing the name Liza, I am a housewife with 1 child, an honorary teaching staff at RA/TK/BA, and have a business by opening a shop selling credit, HP accessories, buying and selling cellphones, selling credit and HP accessories, it has been running for 3 years for selling cellphones. it runs 1 year. I also recruited my nephew to keep the counter, and I want to expand the business
I opened a business selling pulses, cell phone accessories and buying and selling second hand cell phones, my customers range from students and employees, my shop is very strategically close to the main road, close to the office of religious affairs, close to government offices, because hand phone accessories and second hand cell phones very interested
I really hope that the Lenders will provide loans for my additional capital in developing the business that I am running. The purpose of this loan is to increase the stock of accessories and buy second hand cellphones
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
Perkenalkan nama Liza, saya seorang ibu rumah tangga punya 1 anak,
tenaga pengajar honorer di RA/TK/BA mempunyai usaha dengan membuka toko jualan pulsa, aksesoris HP, jual beli HP, untuk jualan pulsa dan aksesoris HP sudah berjalan 3 tahun untuk jualan HP nya berjalan 1 tahun. Saya juga merekrut keponakan saya untuk jaga counter, dan saya ingin mengembangkan usaha
Saya buka usaha jualan pulsa, aksesoris HP dan jual beli handphone second, pelanggan saya mulai dari kalangan pelajar dan karyawan, toko saya sangat strategis dekat dengan jalan raya, dekat dengan kantor Urusan agama, dekat dengan kantor pemerintah an, karena aksesoris handpone dan handphone second sangat di minati
Saya berharap sekali para Pendana mau memberikan pinjaman untuk modal tambahan saya dalam mengembangkan usaha yang saya jalan kan. Tujuan pinjaman ini untuk menambah stock aksesoris dan menambah membeli handphone second
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 6, 2022
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