Supplies of food stalls


Sidoarjo, Indonesia

19% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  40%

About Me

Trying to earn extra money to help my husband and additional savings for the cost of high school to college so that my child can change the current state of the economy and can help the parents and the people around him Useful for parents and also useful for religion __Dan if it succeeds it is kebahagian own For us

My Business

This business is very fun Because it can be done from home without having to leave the obligation at home as a housewife, and the result is to help the husband nabung to feein college children in the future. __As well as thanks to this business also we can set aside bit by bit the results of our efforts in business although sometimes there likes and grief

Loan Proposal

To buy stall fixtures and all other fittings so that our business can be even bigger and can be more developed again as we planned before and later the profit from the sale of merchandise will be used for our children"s school needs and daily needs

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About Me

Berusaha mencari uang tambahan untuk mebantu suami dan tambahan menabung untuk biaya sekolah anak sampai keperguruan tinggi agar kelak anak saya bisa merubah keadaan ekonomi sekarang dan dapat membantu orangtua dan orang orang sekitarnya Berguna bagi orang tua dan berguna juga bagi agama
Dan jika nanti berhasil itu merupakan kebahagian tersendiri bagi kami

My Business

Bisnis ini sangat menyenangkan Karena bisa di kerjakan dari rumah tanpa harus meninggalkan kewajiban di rumah sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga, dan hasilnya buat bantu suami nabung untuk biayain kuliah anak di kemudian hari.
Serta berkat bisnis ini pula kami bisa menyisihkan sedikit demi sedikit hasil jerih payah kami dalam berbisnis walau kadang ada suka maupun dukanya

Loan Proposal

Untuk membeli perlengkapan warung dan segala kelengkapan lainya agar usaha kami ini bisa lebih besar lagi dan serta bisa lebih berkembang lagi sesuai seperti yang kami rencanakan sebelumnya dan nantinya keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dagangan akan kami gunakan untuk kebutuhan sekolah anak anak kami dan kebutuhan sehari hari





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 5, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans



Sandy, Utah, United States

Ask Narulita a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mahfudin    Oct 11, 2017

    I have tried to contact him and all his refractions, but all of them can not be in contact, in hope zidisha can take firm action.

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  • Mahfudin    Sep 10, 2017

    good morning lenders. . __saya already contact brother NARULITA SURYASARI, at this time he is currently reducing his business turnover and he promised to immediately pay back his arrears" __ thank you before

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  • Mahfudin    Sep 6, 2017

    I can not contact him. but I try to send a message via facebook

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  • Mahfudin    Jun 27, 2017

    Hi. . Nurulita suryasari, please redeem your payment schedule, if you experience any obstacles or difficulties, you can contact us. __Thank you!

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  • Narulita    Jun 5, 2017

    Before his thank you thanks to zidisha dn creditors here who sdh finance loan sy. . So sy can expand my business to make it bigger

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  • Narulita    May 20, 2017

    In order for my payment to be slsai dn profits dr sy effort is adequate to be able to pay more

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  • Narulita    May 4, 2017

    Dear Paul Buchheit____terimakasih on apreaasinya. , These fund will we use to menanbah merchandise.

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