Mushroom cultivation equipment


Yogyakarta, Indonesia

10% repaid




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

165 installments  •  68%

About Me

I was born from a simple family, and married to a simple man too, I am currently a wife and a mother of a princess. After marriage I joined the husband lived in the area of ​​Boyolali precisely hamlet kedungwuluh temon simo boyolali jateng. Husband is also not working, busy livestock several kinds of birds such as walnuts and magpies, I myself have not worked because it still has a new daughter 5 months old. Because I have not worked and a lot of time at home I decided to cultivate mushroom, which can be done at home and not difficult just need big capital. From my income from mushroom cultivation I will tube to widen the media / place that is used to plant mushroom, for more crops, my hobby ONLINE in social media, I often sell online like clothes, bags and shoes, not bad for side income .

My Business

With the cultivation effort of mushroom a day can yield 20-30kg, with the price of his perkilo Rp20.000, -, once planting can harvest up to 10 times, that"s where the funds I will use to pay the loan in Zidisha. Because mushroom is a vegetable plant food is healthy, delicious and delicious then many restaurants that sell food from the basic ingredients mushroom. Mushroom can be cooked into tongseng, satay, chips, and so forth. From this mushroom cultivation, I can get profit up to Rp1.500.000, - to Rp2.000.000, - in once seedlings, and mushroom cultivation is at risk of crop failure only when bad weather a lot of strong winds, so you could say a little risk of failing harvest .

Loan Proposal

With this loan I want to buy cotton for more mushroom media than usual, I will also make the mushroom cage again behind the house, so with the loan I will buy plastic, bamboo, and cotton. Currently my mushroom earnings on average overnight can be 50kilo graman when a lot can be up to 1 quintal, the price of mushrooms per kilo is currently 20,000 rupiah

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya terlahir dari keluarga yang sederhana, dan sudah menikah dengan laki-laki yang sederhana juga, saat ini saya seorang istri dan seorang ibu dari seorang putri. setelah menikah saya ikut suami tinggal didaerah Boyolali tepatnya dusun kedungwuluh temon simo boyolali jateng. Suami juga tidak bekerja, kesibukannya ternak beberapa macam burung seperti kenari dan murai, saya sendiri belum bekerja karena masih memiliki putri kecil baru berumur 5 bulan. karena belum bekerja dan banyak waktu dirumah saya memutuskan untuk membudidayakan jamur merang, yang bisa dikerjakan dirumah dan tidak sulit hanya saja membutuhkan modal cukup besar. Dari penghasilan saya dari budidaya jamur merang akan saya tabung untuk melebarkan media/tempat yang digunakan untuk menanam jamur merang, agar hasil panen lebih banyak, Hobi saya ONLINE di media sosial, saya sering berjualan online seperti baju, tas dan sepatu, lumayan untuk pendapatan sampingan.

My Business

Dengan usaha Budi Daya jamur merang sehari bisa menghasilkan 20-30kg, dengan harga perkilo nya Rp20.000,-, sekali tanam bisa panen sampai 10 kali, dari situlah dana yang akan saya gunakan untuk membayar pinjaman di Zidisha. Karena Jamur merang merupakan bahan pangan nabati yang menyehatkan, nikmat dan lezat maka banyak restoran yang menjual makanan dari bahan dasar jamur merang. Jamur merang bisa dimasak menjadi tongseng, sate, keripik, dan lain sebagainya. Dari budidaya jamur merang ini, saya bisa mendapatkan keuntungan sampai Rp1.500.000,- sampai Rp2.000.000,- dalam sekali tanaman bibit, dan budidaya jamur merang ini beresiko gagal panen hanya apabila cuaca buruk banyak angin kencang, jadi bisa dibilang sedikit resiko gagal panennya.

Loan Proposal

Dengan pinjaman ini saya ingin membeli kapas untuk media jamur yang lebih banyak dari biasanya, saya juga akan membuat kandang jamur lagi di belakang rumah, jadi dengan pinjaman tersebut saya akan membeli plastik, bambu, dan kapas. Saat ini penghasilan jamur saya rata-rata semalam bisa 50kilo graman saat banyak bisa sampai 1 kwintal, harga jamur per kilo saat ini 20.000 rupiah





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 19, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

197 months




Geneva, Switzerland


Trinidad, California, United States


Nelson, New Zealand


United Kingdom


Johan O

Borlänge, Sweden

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States


Joseph Hwang

Houston, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Qurrota a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Feb 18, 2019


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 29, 2017 $38.35 May 29, 2017 $38.35
Jun 5, 2017 $1.92 Jun 3, 2017 $1.92
Jun 12, 2017 $1.92 Jun 12, 2017 $1.92
Jun 19, 2017 $1.92 Jun 18, 2017 $1.92
Jun 26, 2017 $1.92 Jul 3, 2017 $1.92
Jul 3, 2017 $1.92 Jul 3, 2017 $1.92
Jul 10, 2017 $1.92 Jul 3, 2017 $1.92
Jul 17, 2017 $1.92 Jul 17, 2017 $1.92
Jul 24, 2017 $1.92 Aug 2, 2017 $1.92
Jul 31, 2017 $1.92 Aug 2, 2017 $1.92
Aug 7, 2017 $1.92 Aug 2, 2017 $1.92
Aug 14, 2017 $1.92 Aug 14, 2017 $1.92
Aug 21, 2017 $1.92 Aug 14, 2017 $1.92
Aug 28, 2017 $1.92 Aug 26, 2017 $1.92
Sep 4, 2017 $1.92 Sep 18, 2017 $1.92
Sep 11, 2017 $1.92 Sep 18, 2017 $1.92
Sep 18, 2017 $1.92 Sep 24, 2017 $1.92
Sep 25, 2017 $1.92 Sep 24, 2017 $1.92
Oct 2, 2017 $1.92 Sep 24, 2017 $1.92
Oct 9, 2017 $1.92 Sep 24, 2017 $1.92
Oct 16, 2017 $1.92 Oct 23, 2017 $1.92
Oct 23, 2017 $1.92 Oct 23, 2017 $1.92
Oct 30, 2017 $1.92 Oct 23, 2017 $1.92
Nov 6, 2017 $1.92 Oct 23, 2017 $1.92
Nov 13, 2017 $1.92 Nov 14, 2017 $1.92
Nov 20, 2017 $1.92 Nov 30, 2017 $1.92
Nov 27, 2017 $1.92 Nov 30, 2017 $1.92
Dec 4, 2017 $1.92 Nov 30, 2017 $1.92
Dec 11, 2017 $1.92 Dec 20, 2017 $1.92
Dec 18, 2017 $1.92 Dec 27, 2017 $1.92
Dec 25, 2017 $1.92 Dec 27, 2017 $1.92
Jan 1, 2018 $1.92 Dec 27, 2017 $1.92
Jan 8, 2018 $1.92 Dec 27, 2017 $1.92
Jan 15, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Jan 22, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Jan 29, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Feb 5, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Feb 12, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Feb 19, 2018 $1.92 Feb 15, 2018 $1.92
Feb 26, 2018 $1.92 Mar 19, 2018 $1.92
Mar 5, 2018 $1.92 Mar 19, 2018 $1.92
Mar 12, 2018 $1.92 Mar 19, 2018 $1.92
Mar 19, 2018 $1.92 Apr 15, 2018 $1.92
Mar 26, 2018 $1.92 Apr 15, 2018 $1.92
Apr 2, 2018 $1.92 Apr 15, 2018 $1.92
Apr 9, 2018 $1.92 Apr 15, 2018 $1.92
Apr 16, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
Apr 23, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
Apr 30, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
May 7, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
May 14, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
May 21, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
May 28, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
Jun 4, 2018 $1.92 Jun 14, 2018 $1.92
Jun 11, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jun 18, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jun 25, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jul 2, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jul 9, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jul 16, 2018 $1.92 Jul 7, 2018 $1.92
Jul 23, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Jul 30, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Aug 6, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Aug 13, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Aug 20, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Aug 27, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Sep 3, 2018 $1.92 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Sep 10, 2018 $63.78 Sep 10, 2018 $1.92
Jul 7, 2024 $0.77
Jul 31, 2024 $0.77
Sep 17, 2018 $63.78
Sep 24, 2018 $63.78
Oct 1, 2018 $63.78
Oct 8, 2018 $63.78
Oct 15, 2018 $63.78
Oct 22, 2018 $63.78
Oct 29, 2018 $63.78
Nov 5, 2018 $63.78
Nov 12, 2018 $63.78
Nov 19, 2018 $63.78
Nov 26, 2018 $63.78
Dec 3, 2018 $63.78
Dec 10, 2018 $63.78
Dec 17, 2018 $63.78
Dec 24, 2018 $63.78
Dec 31, 2018 $63.78
Jan 7, 2019 $63.78
Jan 14, 2019 $63.78
Jan 21, 2019 $63.78
Jan 28, 2019 $63.78
Feb 4, 2019 $63.78
Feb 11, 2019 $63.78
Feb 18, 2019 $26.45
