Vehicle maintenance support


Surabaya, Indonesia

153% paid forward




Member since

February 2018

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  69%

About Me

My name is matsuya, I live in Surabaya Indonesia, I am 37 years old and having a small business only adds to the busyness and experience. It is very important to run a business with bribes with the risks that will be faced because it is better to fail than to never try it at all because that way I am sure success will come to us when we dare.

My Business

I am currently running a travel business in Surabaya and the vehicles are all in credit condition, the travel business is in an up and down condition, just be patient and enthusiastic until the vehicle installments can be paid off in order to enjoy maximum profit. It is very important to run a business with bribes with the risks that will be faced because it is better to fail than to never try it at all.

Project Proposal

I am currently running a travel business in Surabaya and the vehicles are all in credit condition, the travel business is in an up and down condition, just be patient and enthusiastic until the vehicle installments can be paid off in order to enjoy maximum profit. It is very important to run a business by being ready with the risks that will be faced because it is better to fail than to never try it at all.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya matsuya, saya tinggal di surabaya Imdonesia, saya berusia 37 tahun dan meliki usaha kecil hanya menambah kesibukan dan pengalaman.
Sangat penting menjalani bisnis dengan suap dengan reaiko yang akan dihadapi karna lebih baik gagal dafioada tidak pernah mencobanya samasekali karna denga begitu saya yakin keauksesan akan datang kepada kita keika kita berani.

My Business

Saya sekarang sedang menjalankan bisnis travel di surabaya dan kendaraan dalam kondisi kredit berjalan semua, bisnis travel kondisi naik rurun hanya bersabar dan semangat hingga cicilan kendaraan bisa lunas semua agar dapat menikmati hasil profit yang maksimal.
Sangat penting menjalani bisnis dengan suap dengan reaiko yang akan dihadapi karna lebih baik gagal dafioada tidak pernah mencobanya samasekali.

Loan Proposal

Saya sekarang sedang menjalankan bisnis travel di surabaya dan kendaraan dalam kondisi kredit berjalan semua, bisnis travel kondisi naik rurun hanya bersabar dan semangat hingga cicilan kendaraan bisa lunas semua agar dapat menikmati hasil profit yang maksimal.
Sangat penting menjalani bisnis dengan siap dengan resiko yang akan dihadapi karna lebih baik gagal dafioada tidak pernah mencobanya samasekali.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 10, 2024



Utawala-githunguri, Kenya

Mercy Achieng

Kisumu, Kenya


Narok, Kenya


Olchobosei Market, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Meru, Kenya


Meru, Kenya

Ask Matsuyal a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Matsuyal    Sep 13, 2024

    All I can say is my deepest gratitude, this assistance is very useful in increasing capital in purchasing vehicle tires.

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  • Matsuyal    Sep 13, 2024

    I can do vehicle maintenance and care at the beginning of the week, which makes things easier and gives me more time to run my taxi travel business.

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  • Matsuyal    Sep 10, 2024

    Thank you for the mutual support from all of you, helping each other is the strength of a growing community.

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  • Matsuyal    Sep 9, 2024

    I am currently running a travel business in Surabaya and the vehicles are all in credit condition, the travel business is in an up and down condition, just be patient and enthusiastic until the vehicle installments can be paid off in order to enjoy maximum profit. It is very important to run a business with bribes with the risks that will be faced because it is better to fail than to never try it at all.

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  • Matsuyal    Aug 23, 2024

    Thank you for your help and trust, sometimes a little help is very valuable for some people, especially me, I hope you are blessed with good fortune in every aspect of your life.

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  • Matsuyal    Aug 22, 2024

    Restarting a community that helps each other, also being grateful for the help from fellow community members.

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  • Matsuyal    Jun 24, 2018

    many thanks

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  • Matsuyal    Jun 13, 2018

    I forgot my installment obligations.

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  • Matsuyal    Apr 16, 2018

    I am sure able to pay this installment

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  • Matsuyal    Mar 27, 2018

    a very meaningful belief l. thanks

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  • Matsuyal    Feb 21, 2018

    hello, thanks for the help

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