Business development


Surabaya, Indonesia


$134 to go

0% funded of $134 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  78%

About Me

my name is yunik i work in a health clinic located in surabaya.selain work disebuah clinic. I also have a business stalls who are on the road indrapura. I want to expand my business. but I lack funds. mangkannya I aim to borrow here

My Business

My source of income from my clinical work is also obtained from the shop. in addition I also have income from my husband.maka than that I want to apply for a loan here that can be repaid in order not too heavy too. please help

Loan Proposal

I want to use this loan to expand my business in the corner. I will use the funds as best as possible so that it can grow and the benefits of saving can also be made to make installments. so please acc my submission trimaksih

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About Me

nama saya yunik saya bekerja di sebuah klinik kesehatan yang berada di surabaya.selain bekerja disebuah klinik. saya juga mempunyai usaha warung yg berada di jalan indrapura. saya ingin mengembangkan usaha saya. tapi saya kekurangan dana. mangkannya saya bertujuan meminjam disini

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya dari saya kerja diklinik juga didapat dari warung. selain itu saya juga memiliki pendapatan dari suami saya.maka dari itu saya mau mengajukan pinjaman disini yang bisa dicicil biar tidak terlalu berat juga. mohon bantuanya

Loan Proposal

saya mau menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk mengembangkan usaha saya diwarung. saya akan gunakan dananya sebaik mungkin agar bisa berkembang dan keuntunganya sealin ditabung juga bisa untuk dibuat mencicil. jadi mohon acc pengajuan saya trimaksih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Yunik    Oct 26, 2017

    I do not borrow

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  • Yunik    Oct 26, 2017

    I did not borrow my money back

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  • Yunik    Oct 26, 2017

    I do not borrow money I have returned

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  • Yunik    Oct 20, 2017

    trimaksih for those who have lent me a fund. if my funds are already liquid I will make full use for the business

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  • Yunik    Jun 1, 2017

    I say bnyk trimakasih

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  • Yunik    Jun 1, 2017

    I want to add a loan

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