Development of subsidiaries


Bogor, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  81%

About Me

Hallo my name is Nurul Nurhalimah, live in Bogor, business and business that is sy jalani is fashion .sy love with bisnis2.Jatuhangunnya in business is already common ... but sy never despair to go ahead without giving up.

My Business

My source of income is from fashion stores and husbands PNS ... sy business in the field of wholesale and retail trade of children and adults ... with this pioneering business ... sy want to create other branches everywhere ... because the results are excellent so as to be able to meet the needs of life and school children. hopefully larger funders give loans to sy to sy spin in this business .. success always success.

Loan Proposal

This fund will I use to open a new branch as a widening wing in my fashion business ini.Semoga pendana mensuport my plan this. In opening this branch of course I need a lot of capital. That"s because I have to rent a different place of the location, then the addition of alat2 displays and prodak2 clothes that we will serve later.

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About Me

Hallo nama saya Nurul Nurhalimah ,tinggal di Bogor, usaha dan bisnis yang sedang sy jalani adalah fashion .sy suka sekali dengan bisnis2 .Jatuh bangunnya dalam bisnis adalah sudah biasa...tapi sy tidak pernah putus asa untuk terus maju tanpa menyerah.

My Business

Sumber penghasilan saya adalah dari toko fashion dan suami PNS...usaha sy bergerak di bidang perdagangan grosir dan eceran pakaian2 anak dan dewasa...dengan usaha yang sy rintis pengen ciptakan cabang2 yg lain di mana2...karena hasilnya bagus sekali sehingga bisa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan sekolah anak. semoga pendana lebih besar memberi pinjaman ke sy untuk sy putarkan di bisnis ini..salam sukses selalu.

Loan Proposal

Dana ini akan saya gunakan untuk membuka cabang baru sebagai bentuk pelebaran sayap dalam usaha fashion saya ini.Semoga pendana mensuport rencana saya ini. Dalam membuka anak cabang ini tentunya saya membutuhkan modal yang tidak sedikit. Hal itu dikarenakan saya harus menyewa tempat dilokasi yang berbeda, kemudian penambahan alat2 pajangan dan prodak2 pakaian yang akan kami sajikan nanti.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 19, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks



Malta, Malta


Melbourne, Australia

Ask Nurul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Nurul    Jul 9, 2018

    Sy has received a loan of Rp 265,743IDR from the funder ... and the loan I have spent for the shop sy ... thanks zidisha ... hopefully still successful and advanced trs ... successful greetings always.

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  • J    Jun 18, 2018

    Dear Nurul,

    Please post a photo of *yourself* as the profile picture, at the very top of the screen. This is a Zidisha requirement. Please take care of this, as soon as possible. Thank you!

    The other photo that’s currently there, you can move to a lower spot on the Discussion page, with a note to your lenders. Thanks. :)

    Kind regards,
    Team Zidisha

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  • Nurul    Jun 18, 2018

    want to quickly paid off

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  • Nurul    May 7, 2018

    Thank you already received a loan of Rp 265.743 IDR I have already spent on clothes to complete my store.

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  • Nurul    Apr 23, 2018

    Pagii .... at this time sy need support fund big enough .... minimum $ 20000 ... can i help funder ..?

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  • Nurul    Apr 23, 2018

    Pagii .... at this time sy need support fund big enough .... minimum $ 20000 ... can i help funder ..?

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  • Nurul    Apr 23, 2018

    Pagii .... at this time sy need support fund big enough .... minimum $ 20000 ... can i help funder ..?

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  • Nurul    Apr 22, 2018

    I really do not like to be chased after the same debt ... but sometimes the circumstances that make us have to try to survive from the state of life economy ... but I must be able to go ahead and keep fighting ... majju teruss unyielding.

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  • Nurul    Apr 22, 2018

    After I read and understand what it is zidisha ... sy so tau at the same time hope to lenders around this world ... hopefully I can meet and given the opportunity to get a loan fund as a means I develop a business that I was pioneering ... after many times I met with lising funders in Indonesia who are very sadistic so the results of my efforts during the year 2006 there is no form at all ... I many times had to lose the car and the house that I have cicil almost paid off, but I always let it because I have no power to fight it ... it happens when our business is in bankruptcy ... but I never despair and keep fighting for it ... I"m sure God will replace it ... because all my efforts are for the hard work and hard work my own sweat also the business that I live is a lawful business ... may God hear the prayers of servants who always persecuted ... hopefully in this Zidisha yes met with a kind hearted lover to be able to lend the funds to me ..

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