Member since
August 2017
On-time repayments
62 installments • 98%
my name is Yusuf Suksena, I work at the Indonesian Red Cross already 20th. besides working I also started a business in the IT field, including: buying and selling PC hardware, installing a minimalist internet network, repairing PCs and hardware it was an internet cafe business. Thanks be to the help of the donors who are noble Zidisha little by little I can develop the cafe business and others
In addition to income from working my other source of income is from the business of buying and selling computers, installing a minimalist or simple computer network, repairing computers and IT devices, and the internet cafe service business at this time the market share of school children around the house
If my loan is fulfilled, I plan to add inventory equipment in the form of specification PC units to be able to use a more adequate application for customers who are mostly children and teenagers who are very familiar with adequate hardware specifications. And if it still allows me to buy a PC for the cashier
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
nama saya Yusuf Suksena, saya bekerja di Palang Merah Indonesia sudah 20th. disamping bekerja saya juga merintis usaha di bidang IT, antara lain : jual beli hardware PC, pemasangan jaringan internet minimalis, perbaikan PC dan hardware it usaha warnet. Puji syukur berkat bantuan dari donatur yang mulia zidisha sedikit demi sedikit saya bisa mengembangkan usaha warnet dan lain-lain
Selain penghasilan dari bekerja sumber pendapatan saya yang lain adalah dari usaha jual beli komputer, pemasangan jaringan komputer minimalis atau sederhana, perbaikan komputer dan perangkat IT, dan usaha jasa layanan warung internet saat ini pangsa pasar dari anak-anak sekolah di sekitar rumah
apabila pinjaman saya dipenuhi, saya berencana akan menambah perangkat inventaris berupa unit PC berspesifikasi sedang untuk bisa digunakan aplikasi yang lebih memadai bagi para customer yang kebanyakan anak-anak dan remaja yang sudah sangat faham dengan spesifikasi hardware yang memadai. Dan jika masih memungkinkan saya ingin membeli PC untuk kasir
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 26, 2018
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 months
Other loans
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