The addition of a stock of gallons of mineral water at my grocery store


Cimahi, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $68 goal


days left




Member since

March 2016

On-time repayments

66 installments  •  48%

About Me

I was born from a simple family, my mother died when I was sitting in grade 6 of elementary school. To get on with life, I sell snacks at school during breaks. After school I was still traveling by selling ice cut. With full struggle ahirnya I can grow up, and grateful I was given the advantage by God to be a smart child. Until the end I can improve my life and get a career in a private company. Due to the accumulated job responsibilities, I have almost no time for my children. Finally I decided to open my own business opportunity so that more time for my children. In my area there are so many migrants from various parts of the country that there are so many cultural and cultural diversity. I aspire for my children to live more established than life I"ve ever been through. I have a hobby in the field of marketing because from childhood always face the field of commerce. Whatever form I can sell.

My Business

The current loan to add to previous efforts is the stock of drinking water in gallons. The previous loan is only enough to buy 6 gallons, and now 15 more gallons will be added. The business that has been running is a grocery store, to complete the procurement of goods I add to the type of merchandise ie bottled drinking water. In the vicinity of the location I trade, there is a newly completed housing and started to be filled by residents who definitely need a lot of drinking water, so I often lack of stock. With the addition of gallon stock, then surely it will be fulfilled high demand level. The price of 1gallon with its contents is 62,000 I will add another 15 gallons so 15 x 62000 = rp 930000. Hopefully the foam lenders help. thank you

Loan Proposal

This fund will I buy a gallon with the price pergalon is rp 62000 Needs 15 bottles multiplied by 62000 so the total requirement of capital is rp 930000. The advantage is to help residents to get drinking water with a distance not far from home

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya terlahir dari keluarga sederhana,ibu saya meninggal sewaktu saya duduk di kelas 6 sekolah dasar.
Untuk melanjutkan hidup,saya berjualan makanan ringan di sekolah pada saat jam istirahat.
Sepulang sekolah saya masih keliling dengan berjualan es potong.
Dengan penuh perjuangan ahirnya saya bisa tumbuh dewasa,dan bersyukur saya diberi kelebihan oleh Tuhan menjadi anak yg pintar.
Sampai ahirnya saya bisa memperbaiki hidup dan bisa berkarir di sebuah perusahaan swasta.
Karena tanggung jawab pekerjaan yang menumpuk, saya hampir tidak punya waktu untuk anak2 saya.
Ahirnya saya memutuskan untuk membuka peluang usaha sendiri supaya lebih banyak waktu untuk anak-anak saya.
Di daerah saya banyak sekali pendatang dari berbagai pelosok negeri sehingga banyak sekali keaneka ragaman kultur serta budaya.
Saya bercita cita supaya anak2 saya bisa hidup lebih mapan dibandingkan kehidupan yang pernah saya lalui.
Saya mmpunyai hobby dalam bidang pemasaran karena sedari kecil selalu menghadapi bidang perniagaan.
Apapun bentuknya saya pasti bisa jual.

My Business

Pinjaman saat ini untuk menambah usaha sebelumnya yaitu stok air minum dalam galon.
Pinjaman sebelumnya cuma cukup untuk mmbeli 6 buah galon, dan sekarang akan ditambah 15 galon lagi.
Usaha yang sudah berjalan adalah toko kelontong, untuk melengkapi pengadaan barang saya menambah jenis barang dagangan yaitu air minum dalam kemasan.
Didaerah sekitar lokasi saya berdagang, ada perumahan yg baru selesai dibangun dan mulai diisi oleh penghuni yang pastinya membutuhkan banyak air minum, sehingga saya sering kekurangan stock.
Dengan ditambahnya stok galon, maka pastinya akan terpenuhi tingkat permintaan yang tinggi.
Harga 1galon dengan isinya adalah 62.000
Saya akan menambah 15 galon lagi jadi 15 x 62000 =rp 930000.
Semoga para lender busa membantu.
Terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Dana ini akan saya belikan galon dengan harga pergalon adalah rp 62000
Kebutuhan 15 botol dikalikan 62000 jadi total kebutuhan modal adalah rp 930000.
Keuntungannya adalah membantu warga sekitar untuk mendapatkan air minum dengan jarak yang tidak jauh dari rumah





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 19, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

7 months




United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Sri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sri    Oct 29, 2022

    Business conditions are affected by covid so that income in carrying out business activities is greatly affected

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  • Sri    Aug 31, 2022

    No income due to c19 just about to start pioneering again

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  • Devi    Jul 1, 2018

    I have contacted him but no answer yet, I will try to contact again.

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  • Devi    May 29, 2018

    I have repeatedly contacted but can not answer any. thank you

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  • Devi    Apr 20, 2018

    I have contacted him, he promised to pay him soon.

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  • Devi    Apr 16, 2018

    I have contacted him, the information he had run out of accidents and also difficulty paying via atm. I have tried to coordinate the payment via another bank, and the information he will pay on the 20th

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  • Sri    Mar 19, 2018

    Thanks for the funders. I will use this fund to buy gallons as stated in the proposal. Hopefully this trust can have a positive impact for the progress of my business. thanks. Regards...

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  • Sri    Dec 12, 2017

    Thank you for the cooperation that has been established for this. Loans this time still I will use to add gallons of mineral water.

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  • Sri    Dec 8, 2017

    Initial financing I can already finish. Subsequent financing applications are still in place for additional gallons of mineral water

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  • Sri    Sep 21, 2017

    Thank you I say to the funders, hopefully with the money already given can at least give a positive contribution to my business. __This plan I will use this money to buy gallons of mineral water

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  • Ronald    Sep 20, 2017

    Hey Sri! I wish you all the best for your project! Best regards, Ronald (Switzerland)

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  • Sri    Sep 18, 2017

    Good morning. . . __Price thanksgiving alhamdulillah. . . , for the previous installment is paid off even though the percentage of return is only 86%. __Hal this is because I am in mourning. __This time I will resend the loan, with the need to increase the stock of goods we sell. __I am very grateful if the funders can approve my request as soon as possible. __Regards. . . __I hope zidisha can always make a positive contribution to my business development

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  • Sri    Aug 4, 2017

    Good afternoon, some of the last time I experienced a late payment. __Hal this is due to the concentration sy split because the elder sick and then died. __I hope the future cooperation can be established smoothly. __Thank you

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  • Sri    May 15, 2017

    Good night. . . __Thank you for trusting me. __I hope the loan fund already given can help me in developing this business. __Although nominally relatively small, but I believe this fund will make a positive contribution to my business. __I hope this will be a blessing for all. __Aamiin

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  • Sri    Mar 20, 2017

    Selamat pagi. , , __Pertama Battle of all I apologize for the delay in the disbursement of funds in relation to information about its me sick. __Saya Thanked donors for giving a loan to me, and I am confident that with this loan will expand my business little by little. __Saya Hope the future will enhance better cooperation. __Terima You and best regards. , ,

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  • Sri    Mar 4, 2017

    I would mwnggunakan this money to increase the stock of existing goods. __Dengan Stock increases, omzetpun will inevitably go up so profitpun increases. __Saya Thank the donors, because it has given me the confidence to get a loan

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