Addition of my online business shop capital

Dika Wulandari

Palembang, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $128 goal


days left



Dika Wulandari

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  100%

About Me

I Dika wulandari housewives who use free time by selling clothes in social media I opened a business online shop is already about 2tahun more Alhamdulillah thanks to zidisha provide capital loan business I helped

My Business

I sell clothes from children to adults his marketing system I use social media like Facebook and Instagram stuff that I sell Alhamdulillah many enthusiasts I hope this loan can be stunned completely for the continuity of my online business

Loan Proposal

with this loan I will make use of with the addition of products I sell because of the chance of increased orders lately very rapidly hopefully with this loan my online shop business more smoothly and I can pay off this loan on time thank you

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About Me

saya Dika wulandari ibu rumah tangga yang memanfaatkan waktu luang dengan berjualan pakaian di media sosial
saya membuka usaha online shop ini sudah sekitar 2tahun lebih Alhamdulillah berkat zidisha memberikan modal pinjaman dana usaha saya terbantu

My Business

saya menjual berupa pakaian dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa sistem pemasaran nya saya menggunakan sosial media seperti Facebook dan Instagram
barang yang saya jual Alhamdulillah banyak peminatnya
saya berharap pinjaman ini bisa terdana sepenuhnya untuk kelangsungan bisnis online saya

Loan Proposal

dengan pinjaman ini saya akan memanfaatkan dengan penambahan produk yang saya jual karena kebetulan peningkatan pesanan akhir-akhir ini sangat pesat
semoga dengan pinjaman ini usaha online shop saya makin lancar dan saya bisa melunasi pinjaman ini dengan tepat waktu





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Ask Dika Wulandari a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dika Wulandari    Jan 17, 2018

    I want to apply for a loan again but is always constrained by uploading proof of identity .. ?? Is there a solution. ??

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  • Dika Wulandari    Jan 16, 2018

    I want to pay off my loan so that his next nominal loan can go up .. and can increase my business capital

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  • Dika Wulandari    Nov 14, 2017

    thanks for the funds have been received and hopefully my business smoothly and can return the loan on time

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  • Dika Wulandari    Nov 2, 2017

    thank you for giving me credit to me I will utilize this loan best for my business needs

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  • Dika Wulandari    Jul 10, 2017

    As for the closure of my account, I believe this is a technical error I request to be reviewed

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    • J    Jan 21, 2018

      Please don't ever upload an image of your National Id. Card to this public screen! That puts you at high risk for identity theft!

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  • Dika Wulandari    Apr 17, 2017

    Dana had cair__Terima love

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