The addition of leather business capital


Garut, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  44%

About Me

I am zamzam zoeansyah .. live in sukaregang, where his tanner and leather craft in garut .. start a leather business in 2014, the first time I made a dozen handmade leather wallet, dg in help my close relatives .. I market it to leather shops in my area .. alhamdulillah prodak I entered in the market, within 3 months of production increased along with many of its demand from the store .. 2 years running kerajian production went down because many of his special rivals the craftsmen dompet dare to sell products with the price below the market so I to suffer a considerable loss because the turnaround of money from production is very slow, while the need for more and more days .. finally I decided to become an employee in one shop in my area to meet the needs .. early 2017 I began to rise again by starting over making handicrafts from starting wallets, belts, jackets, bags and other skin accecoris .. but still not optimal in due to lack of capital for the cost of production .. a few months running, although a little slow but this business continues to run .. and the costumer quite increased .. hopefully the funders give me confidence to provide loan funds to expand the business I"m back .. thank you

My Business

my business is engaged in perfume, accept orders jackets, bags, shoes, belts and accesoris from leather .. rata2 profit from each sale 30% / 40% of production capital and I already have a regular customer da active reseller who support my business .. my hope, hopefully the investors can give trust for me to be able to expand my business .. thank zidisha Love

Loan Proposal

If I get a loan, I will buy for the purposes and materials to make leather jackets, leather wallets, leather bags, and other skin accecoris. . For its sales I already have an active subscription, the average profit per sale between 20 - 40%

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About Me

saya zamzam zoeansyah.. tinggal di sukaregang, tempat nya para penyamak kulit dan tempat kerajinan kulit di garut..
memulai bisnis kulit pada tahun 2014 , pertama kali saya membuat satu lusin dompet kulit handmade, dg di bantu saudara dekat saya.. saya pasarkan ke toko2 kulit di daerah saya.. alhamdulillah prodak saya masuk di pasaran ,dalam waktu 3 Bulan jumlah produksi naik seiring dengan banyak nya permintaan dari toko.. 2 tahun berjalan produksi kerajian turun naik karena banyak nya saingan khusus nya para pengrajin dompet yg berani menjual produk dg harga di bawah pasaran sehingga saya sampai mengalami kerugian yg lumayan besar karena perputaran uang dari produksi sangatlah lambat ,sementara kebutuhan semakin hari semakin bertambah.. akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menjadi karyawan di salah satu toko di daerah saya untuk mencukupi kebutuhan.. awal 2017 saya mulai bangkit kembali dg memulai kembali membuat kerajinan dari mulai dompet ,sabuk, jaket ,tas dan accecoris kulit lain nya.. tapi masih belum optimal di karenakan kurang nya modal untuk ongkos produksi.. beberapa Bulan berjalan, meskipun agak lambat tapi usaha ini terus berjalan..dan para costumer lumayan bertambah.. semoga para pemberi dana memberikan saya kepercayaan untuk memberikan pinjaman dana untuk mengembang kan usaha saya kembali.. terima Kasih

My Business

usaha saya bergerak di bidang perkulitan, menerima pesanan jaket, tas ,sepatu, sabuk dan accesoris dari kulit.. rata2 keuntungan dari setiap penjualan 30% / 40% dari modal produksi dan saya sudah mempunyai customer tetap da reseller aktif yg menunjang bisnis saya.. harapan saya, semoga para investor dapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi saya untuk dapat mengembangkan usaha saya.. terima Kasih zidisha

Loan Proposal

Jika saya mendapatkan pinjaman, akan saya belikan untuk keperluan dan bahan bahan untuk membuat jaket kulit, dompet kulit, tas kulit, dan accecoris kulit lainya.. Untuk penjualan nya saya sudah mempunyai langganan aktif, laba rata2 setiap penjualan antara 20 - 40 %





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Craig Newmark

United States

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  • Zamzam    Nov 19, 2017

    this time is a difficult time to be able to develop a business, its many business rivals and soaring material prices is one of its factors, but thanks to the loan from you, alhamdulillah I can survive until now ... though not so fast, but my business a little growing, hopefully in the future my business is getting better and growing .. thanks for its cooperation for this .. thanks zidisha .. thanks investors

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  • Zamzam    Nov 19, 2017

    this time is a difficult time to be able to develop a business, its many business rivals and soaring material prices is one of its factors, but thanks to the loan from you, alhamdulillah I can survive until now ... though not so fast, but my business a little growing, hopefully in the future my business is getting better and growing .. thanks for its cooperation for this .. thanks zidisha .. thanks investors

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  • Zamzam    Nov 6, 2017

    thank investors for their trust .. the funds I received will I buy raw materials production .. hopefully with this, my business can be growing .. success for successful investors always zidisha .. thanks

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  • Zamzam    Nov 6, 2017

    I want to pay off the rest of my loan,

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  • Zamzam    Oct 23, 2017

    I want to immediately pay off the remaining installments before the time specified

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  • Zamzam    Oct 23, 2017

    Thanks zidisha, thank you investors .. My business is growing, success greeting always

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  • Zamzam    Oct 17, 2017

    Thanks to the financiers, thanks to his loan I can expand my business, borrowing from you the power of basic materials for his skin special leather wallet, I hope my business is more developed, thanks for the cooperation nnya so far. Success always make zidisha

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  • Zamzam    Oct 4, 2017

    Thanks zidisha, thanks to his loan I can expand my business back .. Success always make zidisha and the investors ..

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  • Zamzam    Sep 21, 2017

    Thank you zidisha, thank you lenders. . I have received a loan fund, may be useful for my business so that my business can grow, prosperous and successful always make zidisha. .

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  • Zamzam    Sep 14, 2017

    I need funds to expand my business, hopefully someone can help and cooperate. . thank you

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  • Zamzam    Sep 12, 2017

    Thanks zidisha. . Always success

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  • Zamzam    Aug 30, 2017

    I want to complete the installment payment, in order to receive back the loan capital to expand my business. . thank you

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  • Zamzam    Aug 23, 2017

    Thank you for your loan, alhamdulillah loan from you is very helpful for my business, now my income is quite increased, hopefully my business is growing, thanks

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  • Zamzam    Aug 16, 2017

    I want to change the amount of my installments, so that my credit is quickly paid off, let me apply for credit back. . . Thanks zidisha

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