Building project creation

Idris Setiawan

Tangerang, Indonesia

16% paid forward



Idris Setiawan

Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

43 installments  •  72%

About Me

name: idris setiawan here I want to ask you to help this business so that it can grow I ask for help with the cool account so that my loan is processed

My Business

My business is a clothing business or clothing screen printing, printing a variety of pictures on clothes here. My business just emerged from 2015 is now quite advanced

Project Proposal

To all my colleagues, please help me so that I can build a little place so that the place is more spacious and comfortable so that my business continues to grow and progress so that I can support others. Thank you for everything.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama : idris setiawan
saya di sini ingin minta tolong pada kalian untuk membantu usaha ini
agar bisa berkembang saya minta tolong sama reken-keren agar pinjaman saya di proses

My Business

usaha saya ini adalah usaha cektak baju tau sablon baju
mencetak berbagai macam gambar di baju di sini usaha saya baru berdiri dari tahun 2015 sekrang lumayan maju

Loan Proposal

Untuk rekan semua toloang bantuanNya agar saya bisa membangun sedikit tempat agar tempat lebih luas lagi dan nyaman agar usaha saya terus berkambang dan menjadi maju agar bisa mambatu yang lain juga terimakasih atas semuanYa






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 28, 2024



Rongai, Nakuru, Kenya

Framework Eyewear

Utrecht, Netherlands

Jesus Figueres

Valencia, Spain

Ask Idris Setiawan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


