Financing ad


Kemayoran, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  56%

About Me

Haii! ! _nama I dimas nawa kartika age 27 years have high spirit in working and trying as an example I work sya staff manager of national private bank and mobile application developer. For that required capital and innovation in the development of mobile applications that competition is very tight. So I always think creatively and always optimize to run both actively sya as a national private bank employee and developer of mobile application online. So short profile of me to be taken into consideration by zidisha so that his future would be better in cooperating

My Business

The business I run as a mobile app developer. Creating apps for various consumer needs as well as improving applications and closing my client"s application security vulnerabilities. And also as a national private bank employee in Indonesia also profession sya. So the profit I get from the application developer and as manager of the staff of the national private bank in Indonesia

Loan Proposal

if approved funds will sya kn benefits for website advertising costs for marketing the products of the bank where sya work. so the benefits that reward dri sya sya can rise dramatically in jg tmpat bank sya work. _karna sya like challenges entrepreneurs active private sector employees jg online shop

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About Me

nama saya dimas nawa kartika umur 27 tahun memiliki semangat tinggi dalam bekerja dan berusaha sbagai contoh saya berprofesi sya staff manager bank swasta nasional dan pengembang aplikasi mobile .untuk itu dibutuhkan modal dan inovasi dalam pengembangan aplikasi mobile yg persaingan sangat ketat.jadi saya selalu berfikir kreatif dan selalu optimise untuk menjalan kan kedua aktifikas sya sebagai karyawan bank swasta nasional dan pengembang aplikasi mobile online.sekian profil singkat dari saya untuk dijadikan pertimbangan oleh zidisha supaya kedepan nya bakal lebih baik dalam bekerja sama

My Business

usaha yang saya jalankan sebagai pengembang aplikasi mobile.menciptakan aplikasi untuk berbagai kebutuhan konsumen serta memyempurnakan aplikasi dan menutup celah keamanan aplikasi dri klien saya.dan juga sebagai karyawan bank swasta nasional di indonesia juga profesi sya .jadi profit yang saya peroleh dari pengembang aplikasi dan sebagai manager staff bank swasta nasional di indonesia

Loan Proposal

jika disetujui dana akan sya manfaat kn untuk biaya iklan website untuk pemasaran produk bank tempat sya bekerja.sehingga benefit yg sya dapat dri reward sya jg naik drastis di bank tmpat sya bekerja.
karna sya menyukai tantangan aktif karyawan swasta jg wiraswasta online shop





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks

Other loans


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Dimas a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mahfudin    Oct 9, 2017

    Dear lender I have contacted him, and remind him, I have spoken to his wife to immediately settle or reschedule the payment, Thank You!

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  • Mahfudin    Jun 23, 2017

    Hi. . Dimas Nawa, if you have any difficulties or / other obstacles you can contact us you can access in your profile account in the help menu / or please send an e-mail to Zidisha. __Thank you!

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  • Dimas    Jun 2, 2017

    Business turnover sya increased rapidly so for the addition of the nominal amount of installments I can afford

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  • Dimas    Apr 29, 2017

    thanks to the hard work that is directly proportional sya sya * with turnover increasing jd sya sya change to accelerate the repayment installments

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