Purchase of stock of baby diapers


Depok, Indonesia

51% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

67 installments  •  51%

About Me

My name is Dian, I was born and big in the city of ambon. I was married and had two beautiful girls named Haliza and Khanza, Haliza sudab at age 5 and admitted to school, while her younger sister was 10 months old. My husband is named cecep and this year our wedding age entered 9 years

My Business

I currently work as an administration in one of the private companies in depok city, with a gross salary of 4 million rupiah each month. Besides, I do the activity of buying and selling clothes online

Loan Proposal

The loan I submitted I will use to increase the purchase of baby diapers. I plan to buy 10 bales with estimated price per 1 bal 150.000

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About Me

Nama saya Dian, saya lahir dan besar di kota ambon. Saya telah menikah dan mempunyai 2 anak perempuan cantik yg bernama Haliza dan Khanza, Haliza sudab umur 5 tahun dan sebentar lagi masuk sekolah, sedangkan adiknya berumur 10 bulan. Suami saya bernama cecep dan tahun ini usia pernikahan kami memasuki 9 tahun

My Business

Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai administrasi di salah satu perusahaan swasta di kota depok, dengan gaji kotor 4 juta rupiah tiap bulannya. Disamping itu saya melakukan aktivitas jual beli pakaian secara online

Loan Proposal

Pinjaman yang saya ajukan akan saya gunakan untuk menambah pembelian barang popok bayi. Rencananya saya kan membeli 10 bal dengan estimasi harga per 1 bal 150.000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 30, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

10 months



Sandy, Utah, United States





Geneva, Switzerland

Dan Brinkman

Lynden, WA, United States

Frank Bailey

United States


United States

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  • Dian    Aug 1, 2018

    considering the declining sales turnover for a while during the month of August I applied for a decrease in installments to be paid on time

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  • Dian    Jun 21, 2018

    I am proposing a change in nominal weekly installment in order to keep paying on time. considering for now my business is experiencing a decline, jg ​​reduced revenue. besides, so that the borrower can still trust me for the future

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  • Joshi    Jun 19, 2018

    hope your business picks up again.

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  • Dian    Apr 27, 2018

    thank you lord joshi for his attention to me, in the future i will arrange for no late payment again. I apologize, because the last 2 weeks my merchandise sales have declined slightly

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    • Joshi    Apr 27, 2018

      No need to apologize at all! You are doing fine.

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  • Joshi    Apr 27, 2018

    saw your latest payment. Hope you can manage to make prompt repayments and keep your On Time Repayments score at 100% :-) All the best.

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  • Dian    Feb 22, 2018

    Thank you for trusting me, here I include one example of the items I sell ... warm greetings from our family to all lenders

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  • Dian    Jan 30, 2018

    Thank God for the loan I have received, thanks for her trust to me. This fund will be used to sell online, hopefully it will help a little bit of my family"s economy. Warm greetings from our family to lenders

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  • Dian    Jan 30, 2018

    Thanks to the lender, thank you for trusting me. Hopefully this loan can be useful for me and my family

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  • Joshi    Jan 30, 2018

    Hello Dian, wish you all the best in your business.

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  • Dian    Jan 26, 2018

    My previous 3rd loan I used to buy stock of goods, due to increased demand I intend to apply for a loan back in order to buy stock of baby diapers

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  • Ayu    Jan 23, 2018

    best regards mother dian bajuir, I love your paramita volunteer mentor in community zidisha, if having difficulties when using loan application zidisha or there are constraints during loan process may contact my no in help page. there is no wa I hope his loan quickly financed & his efforts can be more successful again in the future. thank you for success

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    • Dian    Jan 26, 2018

      Greetings know also mba ayu, hopefully my 4th loan is quickly funded yaa .. please help .. thank you

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  • Dian    Jan 22, 2018

    Thanks to the investor who has entrusted his loan to me, thank God my loan before it is paid off. Hopefully in the future I will still gain the trust of investors and keep the trust that has been given to me. thank you

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  • Dian    Jan 22, 2018

    Thanks to the investors who have entrusted the loan to me, hopefully the future will always trust me and can always help me. And in the future I can still keep the trust that has been given

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  • Dian    Jan 22, 2018

    Thanks to the investors who have entrusted the loan to me, hopefully the future will always trust me and can always help me. And in the future I can still keep the trust that has been given

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  • Dian    Jan 22, 2018

    Thanks to the investors who have entrusted the loan to me, hopefully the future will always trust me and can always help me. And in the future I can still keep the trust that has been given

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  • Dian    Nov 10, 2017

    thank you for trust to me, money lent to me I have bought stock of baby diapers. alhamdulillah this diaper product a lot of its enthusiasts, hopefully in the future I am still given the trust

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  • Dian    Nov 3, 2017

    thank you for trusting me. this money I will use to buy goods in the form of clothes and diapers for children to resell. hopefully this loan can revive my online sales that had a vacuum

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  • Dian    Oct 27, 2017

    thank you, the loan helped me meet my family"s needs. I hope the future of this loan will help to revive my online sales so that it can improve the quality of my life

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  • Dian    Oct 20, 2017

    thank you for trusting me, hopefully I keep my trust well

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  • Dian    Oct 9, 2017

    thank you for the trust to me, hopefully the future can continue to be given the confidence to get a loan

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