Purchase of baby clothing products and snacks


Pontianak, Indonesia

15% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

136 installments  •  57%

About Me

I was born a simple family and full of hard work. Therefore I"ve been trained to work making money since childhood. I want to build my own business so I can always be close by. Anak2 and monitor its growth always. In my city for the business of children clothes seems maaih open many opportunities for me and I am optimistic my business will go forward and develop

My Business

If I get the funds I will use to add my merchandise products in the online shop so that in the future I can focus work from home. The turnover that I have got to date is around 3-5jt per month outside of the basic salary I work in the company. I think the children"s clothing business is always in demand until whenever anak2 always experience growth so require new clothes again. And the type I sell is with the price

Loan Proposal

I will use these funds to stock children"s clothing such as leging children, superiors, clothes tops, subordinates and suits that are the current trends. This product in my small shop is a product that buyers always demand. Because this product is a common product that children use every day. In addition, also to menyetok snacks food children sempol chicken and fried sausage. This type of food is also very popular with children in my home environment

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya lahir si keluarga yang sederhana dan penuh kerja keras. Karena itu saya sudah terlatih untuk bekerja menghasilkan uang sejak kecil. Saya ingin membangun usaha sendiri agar saya bisa selalu dekat denga. Anak2 dan memantau pertumbuhannya selalu. Di kota saya untuk usaha baju2 anak sepertinya maaih terbuka banyak peluang untuk saya dan saya optimis usaha saya akan maju dan berkembang

My Business

Jika saya mendapatkan dana akan saya gunakan untuk menambah produk dagangan saya di online shop agar kedepannya saya dapat fokus bekerja dari rumah. Omset yang sudah saya dapatkan sampai saat ini berkisar 3-5jt perbulan diluar gaji pokok saya bekerja diperusahaan. Menurut saya bisnis pakaian anak-anak selalu diminati sampai kapanpun karena anak2 selalu mengalami pertumbuhan sehingga memerlukan pakaian baru lagi. Dan jenis yang saya jual adalah dengan harga

Loan Proposal

Dana ini akan saya gunakan untuk stok pakaian anak-anak seperti leging anak, daster, baju atasan, bawahan dan setelan yang sedang tren saat ini. Produk ini di toko kecil kecilan saya adalah produk yang selalu diminati pembeli. Karena produk ini adalah produk umum yang biasa anak anak pakai setiap harinya. Selain itu juga untuk menyetok makanan cemilan anak anak sempol ayam dan sosis goreng. Jenis makanan ini juga sangat diminati okeh anak anak dilingkungan rumah saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 5, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

26 months



Paul Graham

United States



United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States


Michigan, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States



United States


Martin Carmouze

Sterling, United States

Ask Sugiarti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Jan 1, 2020


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 15, 2017 $5.30 Nov 6, 2017 $5.30
Nov 22, 2017 $5.30 Nov 6, 2017 $5.30
Nov 29, 2017 $5.30 Nov 6, 2017 $5.30
Dec 6, 2017 $5.30 Nov 6, 2017 $5.30
Dec 13, 2017 $5.30 Dec 2, 2017 $5.30
Dec 20, 2017 $5.30 Dec 20, 2017 $5.30
Dec 27, 2017 $5.30 Dec 20, 2017 $5.30
Jan 3, 2018 $0.76 Jan 3, 2018 $0.76
Jan 10, 2018 $0.76 Jan 3, 2018 $0.76
Jan 17, 2018 $0.76 Jan 3, 2018 $0.76
Jan 24, 2018 $0.76 Jan 3, 2018 $0.76
Jan 31, 2018 $0.76 Jan 31, 2018 $0.76
Feb 7, 2018 $0.76 Jan 31, 2018 $0.76
Feb 14, 2018 $0.76 Jan 31, 2018 $0.76
Feb 21, 2018 $0.76 Jan 31, 2018 $0.76
Feb 28, 2018 $0.76 Jan 31, 2018 $0.76
Mar 7, 2018 $0.76 Mar 6, 2018 $0.76
Mar 14, 2018 $0.76 Mar 6, 2018 $0.76
Mar 21, 2018 $0.76 Mar 6, 2018 $0.76
Mar 28, 2018 $0.76 Mar 6, 2018 $0.76
Apr 4, 2018 $0.76 Apr 3, 2018 $0.76
Apr 11, 2018 $0.76 Apr 3, 2018 $0.76
Apr 18, 2018 $0.76 Apr 3, 2018 $0.76
Apr 25, 2018 $0.76 Apr 26, 2018 $0.76
May 2, 2018 $0.76 Apr 26, 2018 $0.76
May 9, 2018 $0.76 Apr 26, 2018 $0.76
May 16, 2018 $0.76 Apr 26, 2018 $0.76
May 23, 2018 $0.76 May 23, 2018 $0.76
May 30, 2018 $0.76 May 31, 2018 $0.76
Jun 6, 2018 $0.76 May 31, 2018 $0.76
Jun 13, 2018 $0.76 May 31, 2018 $0.76
Jun 20, 2018 $0.76 May 31, 2018 $0.76
Jun 27, 2018 $0.76 May 31, 2018 $0.76
Jul 4, 2018 $0.76 Jul 3, 2018 $0.76
Jul 11, 2018 $0.76 Jul 3, 2018 $0.76
Jul 18, 2018 $0.76 Jul 3, 2018 $0.76
Jul 25, 2018 $0.76 Jul 3, 2018 $0.76
Aug 1, 2018 $0.76 Jul 3, 2018 $0.76
Aug 8, 2018 $0.76 Aug 7, 2018 $0.76
Aug 15, 2018 $0.76 Aug 7, 2018 $0.76
Aug 22, 2018 $0.76 Aug 7, 2018 $0.76
Aug 29, 2018 $0.76 Aug 7, 2018 $0.76
Sep 5, 2018 $0.76 Sep 3, 2018 $0.76
Sep 12, 2018 $0.76 Sep 3, 2018 $0.76
Sep 19, 2018 $0.76 Sep 3, 2018 $0.76
Sep 26, 2018 $0.76 Sep 3, 2018 $0.76
Oct 3, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Oct 10, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Oct 17, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Oct 24, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Oct 31, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Nov 7, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Nov 14, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Nov 21, 2018 $0.76 Oct 3, 2018 $0.76
Nov 28, 2018 $0.76
Dec 5, 2018 $0.76
Dec 12, 2018 $0.76
Dec 19, 2018 $0.76
Dec 26, 2018 $0.76
Jan 2, 2019 $0.76
Jan 9, 2019 $0.76
Jan 16, 2019 $0.76
Jan 23, 2019 $0.76
Jan 30, 2019 $0.76
Feb 6, 2019 $0.76
Feb 13, 2019 $0.76
Feb 20, 2019 $0.76
Feb 27, 2019 $0.76
Mar 6, 2019 $0.76
Mar 13, 2019 $0.76
Mar 20, 2019 $0.76
Mar 27, 2019 $0.76
Apr 3, 2019 $0.76
Apr 10, 2019 $0.76
Apr 17, 2019 $0.76
Apr 24, 2019 $0.76
May 1, 2019 $0.76
May 8, 2019 $0.76
May 15, 2019 $0.76
May 22, 2019 $0.76
May 29, 2019 $0.76
Jun 5, 2019 $0.76
Jun 12, 2019 $0.76
Jun 19, 2019 $0.76
Jun 26, 2019 $0.76
Jul 3, 2019 $0.76
Jul 10, 2019 $0.76
Jul 17, 2019 $0.76
Jul 24, 2019 $0.76
Jul 31, 2019 $0.76
Aug 7, 2019 $0.76
Aug 14, 2019 $0.76
Aug 21, 2019 $0.76
Aug 28, 2019 $0.76
Sep 4, 2019 $0.76
Sep 11, 2019 $0.76
Sep 18, 2019 $0.76
Sep 25, 2019 $0.76
Oct 2, 2019 $0.76
Oct 9, 2019 $0.76
Oct 16, 2019 $0.76
Oct 23, 2019 $0.76
Oct 30, 2019 $0.76
Nov 6, 2019 $0.76
Nov 13, 2019 $0.76
Nov 20, 2019 $0.76
Nov 27, 2019 $0.76
Dec 4, 2019 $0.76
Dec 11, 2019 $0.76
Dec 18, 2019 $0.76
Dec 25, 2019 $0.76
Jan 1, 2020 $357.99
