Purchase of pine wood material used pine


Sepanjang - Sidoarjo, Indonesia

34% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  30%

About Me

My name is Andri Kurniawan, I was born in Sidoarjo on May 17, 1986. I went to high school and graduated in 2005. I previously worked as a staff in one company in the field of timber, until in the end I and some other employees were laid off and I decided to open my own business in the field of furniture. Where I am still attached to the tradition of ancestral traditions such as the attitude of courtesy and respecting even some traditional traditions also masi much in my place. I am very interested in classic stuff and traditional impression. So I cultivate the woods there I can be creative by making furniture furniture nuances unique and traditional but with a modern concept

My Business

My income is sourced from the furniture business I founded I make furniture and household fittings. I accept all orders made from wood especially pine wood because of its beautiful motif. Pine wood products are in great demand from the kitchen for furniture ranging from kitchen cabinets to cotton garments to dining tables to wall hangings. Coffee table chair up to restaurant .. but my constraint is from the stock of pine wood itself because the supplier of pine wood is quite difficult then I need capital to buy pine wood in large quantities so that when there is a sudden order I do not need to be confused to find pine wood to the suppliers.

Loan Proposal

I will buy a pine wood from a factory palette with a price of 50000IDR / palette or 7000IDR / stem which I will use for making table and chair which has been ordered as 5set (5meja 10kursi) for the opening of noodle shop in surabaya city.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya Andri kurniawan, usia 31tahun, lulus sekolah menengah atas tahun 2005 sempat berniat untuk melanjutkan sekolah di universitas tapi terkendala biaya sehingga saya putuskan untuk mencari kerja dan akhirnya saya bekerja di pabrik pengolahan kayu di bagian pengolahan data material. setelah 5tahun bekerja muncul permasalahan dalam keuangan perusahaan yang mengakibatkan sebagian besar pekerja mendapatkan pemutusan hubungan kerja. disinilah dimulai kehidupan saya yg tidak menentu sampai pada akhirnya saya menemukan jalan untuk berwiraswasta di bidang furniture.

My Business

awalnya saya hanya membantu teman yang membuka warung kopi dengan membuatkan meja dan kursi untuk warung itu dari kayu bekas palet jenis pinus, dari situ banyak yang menanyakan atau tertarik dengan meja kursi buatan saya dan banyak yang minta buatkan secara langsung. di luar itu saya juga membuat iklan online agar meja kursi buatan saya bisa dikenal orang luas. dibalik itu semakin besar pesanan semakin besar keuntungan tapi dibutuhkan modal yang besar pula. maka dari itu saya mulai merasa butuh bantuan disaat permintaan mulai melebihi kemampuan pribadi sana, dan saya harap disini saya menemukan orang yang berbaik hati membantu keterbatasan saya.

Loan Proposal

saya akan membeli kayu pinus dari bekas palet pabrik dengan harga 50000IDR/palet atau 7000IDR/batang yang kemudian akan saya gunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan meja dan kursi yang sudah dipesan sebanyak 5set (5meja 10kursi) untuk pembukaan warung bakmi di kota surabaya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

Other loans



Malta, Malta


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States



Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada

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Mountain View, United States



United States

Ask Andri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Jan 7, 2018


Repaying on time

Installment amount


Next installment

Nov 26, 2017

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 12, 2017 $3.78 Nov 10, 2017 $3.78
Nov 19, 2017 $3.78 Nov 18, 2017 $3.78
Nov 26, 2017 $3.78 Nov 26, 2017 $3.78
Dec 3, 2017 $3.78
Dec 10, 2017 $3.78
Dec 17, 2017 $3.78
Dec 24, 2017 $3.78
Dec 31, 2017 $3.78
Jan 7, 2018 $2.95
