Purchase and addition of business support tools


Gresik, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  63%

About Me

I am Aldi Juliansyah, born July 5, 1996. I started my business since I was in vocational school, I went to school at SMKN 1 Cerme Gresik Multimedia Department and graduated in 2014. After graduated from Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya, stopped in semester 2 due to lack of capital to pay monthly spp which then jumped 800rb / month. But I do not despair, I stay focused on business and I open a graphic design course. In 2016, I enrolled in an open university majoring in Communications. Now in 2017 my design studio named Djulian Design Studio has 3 employees, the projects we handle mostly come from Corporate Identity, identity design for small and medium enterprises, photo studio, event documentation, etc.

My Business

DJULIAN DESIGN STUDIO is a creative industry engaged in graphic design services, advertising, and photo studio. Located in the city of Gresik precisely on Jl. Nias Park No.37 Housing Gresik Kota Baru, a strategic place in Gresik which is now a fast growing industrial area. We have been running for 3 years. More and more of our clients are satisfied with the work and become the recommended services in the field of graphic design and photography

Loan Proposal

The addition of investment tools that support digital printing, making the work more leverage and efficient, broad target market. So it can reach a higher turnover. Opening employment for productive human resources, helping to encourage people"s economy in the creative industry

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah Aldi Juliansyah, lahir 5 Juli 1996. Saya memulai bisnis saya sejak berada di sekolah kejuruan, saya pergi ke sekolah di SMKN 1 Cerme Gresik Jurusan Multimedia dan lulus pada tahun 2014. Setelah lulus dari Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, berhenti di semester 2 karena kekurangan modal untuk membayar spp bulanan yang kemudian melonjak 800rb / bulan. Tapi saya tidak putus asa, saya tetap fokus pada bisnis dan saya membuka kursus desain grafis. Pada tahun 2016, saya mendaftarkan diri di universitas terbuka jurusan Komunikasi. Kini di tahun 2017 studio desain saya yang bernama Djulian Design Studio memiliki 3 karyawan, proyek yang kami tangani kebanyakan berasal dari Corporate Identity, desain identitas untuk usaha kecil dan menengah, studio foto, dokumentasi acara, dll

My Business

DJULIAN DESIGN STUDIO adalah industri kreatif yang bergerak di bidang jasa desain grafis, periklanan, dan studio foto. Berlokasi di kota Gresik tepatnya di Jl. Taman Nias No.37 Perumahan Gresik Kota Baru, tempat strategis di Gresik yang kini menjadi kawasan industri yang berkembang pesat. Kami sudah berlari selama 3 tahun. Semakin banyak klien kami puas dengan pekerjaan dan menjadi layanan yang direkomendasikan di bidang desain grafis dan fotografi

Loan Proposal

Penambahan alat investasi yang mendukung digital printing, membuat karya lebih leverage dan efisien, target pasar yang luas. Sehingga bisa mencapai omset yang lebih tinggi. Membuka lapangan kerja untuk sumber daya manusia yang produktif, membantu mendorong ekonomi masyarakat di bidang industri kreatif





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 10, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Sandy, Utah, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Aldi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


