Purchase of business goods

Anggia Murni

Jakarta, Indonesia

153% paid forward



Anggia Murni

Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  100%

About Me

I had a falling out with child care because there were fewer children being looked after, so I created a clothing line, where I bought clothes and made some myself, and until now I still sell clothes until finally I had a shop by renting it and could put the items that were going to be sold.

My Business

My running business is in service. That is child care. In this daycare I have little to teach about behavior, goodness, badness in a story they can hear so they will be more eager to listen. And the most important thing is done while playing with them. No dictate, so learning by doing.

Project Proposal

With the funds collected, you will create capital for your clothing business. Which will be sold in stores, so we really hope for this funding.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Sempat jatuh dengan penitipan anak karena berkurangnya anak yg dititipkan sehingga saya membuat clothing line, dimana saya beli baju dan ada beberapa yg saya buat sendiri dan sampai sekarang saya tetap berjualan baju hingga akhirnya saya punya toko dengan cara menyewa dan bisa menaruh barang barang yg akan dijual.

My Business

Bisnis saya yg sedang berjalan ini adalah dibidang jasa. Yaitu penitipan anak. Di penitipan anak ini saya ada sedikit mengajar tentang perilaku, kebaikan, keburukan dalam sebuah cerita yg bisa mereka dengar sehingga mereka akan lebih semangat untuk mendengarkan. Dan yang paling penting adalah dilakukan sambil bermain dengan mereka. No dictate, so learning by doing.

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana terkumpul, akan membuat modal usaha baju. Yg dimana akan dijual di toko, maka berharap sekali akan pendanaan ini.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 20, 2024



Chuka, Kenya

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Anggia Murni

$160 (6 Projects)

Projects funded by Anggia Murni's Pay It Forward recipients

$468 (22 Projects)

Anggia Murni paid it forward to:

Tubagus Indra Tubagus Indra Hedimunandar

Need capital