Purchase of goods


Medan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  63%

About Me

My name is suyetno. My graduation from High School in Medan City of North Sumatra. My business rents lodging in Berastagi region of northern Sumatra. this business I take because it fits perfectly with the condition of my area which is a famous tourism area. The lodging I rented has a varied price of 250000 idr to 350000 idr. This business is a legacy of my parents. Because my parents are old then this business I am running. On weekends very many domestic and foreign tourists who stay at my inn. My inn has a motto "back to nature". Cleanliness and service are the main things at my lodgings. With clean accommodations and good service then guests will often visit in my area.

My Business

the business I run rents lodging for domestic and foreign tourists. the price of lodging that I offer with the price of 200000 idr sd 350000 idr. from this venture i can profit 100000 idr sd 150000 idr. of the cost of lodging I leave my id 200000 idr. I reserved for the operational cost of the lodging. With the slight advantage I am sure I will be able to make my lodging expand. I ask the zidisha team to help me fund my lodging.

Loan Proposal

The funds I will receive I will use for the purchase of room deodorizer, washcloth and mop and bins for indoor room and perfume in the room and my car as a towing tourists who will come to my villa. Villa today is a full day off. Many domestic tourists are on vacation. Please can accede to this loan.

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About Me

Nama saya suyetno. Tamatan saya dari Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Medan Sumatera Utara. Usaha saya menyewakan penginapan didaerah wisata berastagi sumatera utara. usaha ini saya ambil dikarenakan sangat cocok dengan kondisi daerah saya yang daerah pariwisata yang terkenal. Penginapan yang saya sewakan mempunyai variatif harga dari 250000 idr sd 350000 idr. Usaha ini adalah warisan dari orang tua saya. Karena orang tua saya sudah tua maka usaha ini saya yang menjalankan. Pada akhir pekan sangat banyak wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara yang menginap di penginapan saya. Penginapan saya mempunyai motto " back to nature ". Kebersihan dan pelayanan adalah hal yang utama di penginapan saya. Dengan penginapan yang bersih dan pelayanan yang bagus maka tamu akan sering berkunjung di daerah saya.

My Business

usaha yang saya jalankan menyewakan penginapan untuk wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. harga penginapan yang saya tawarkan dengan harga 200000 idr sd 350000 idr. dari usaha ini saya dapat keuntungan 100000 idr sd 150000 idr. dari biaya penginapan permalam saya sisakan 200000 idr. Saya sisakan buat biaya operasional penginapan. Dengan keuntungan yang sedikit saya yakin pasti saya akan bisa membuat penginapan saya berkembang. Saya mohon kepada tim zidisha untuk membantu saya mendanai penginapan saya.

Loan Proposal

Dana yang akan saya terima akan saya pergunakan untuk pembelian alat pewangi ruangan, kain lap dan kain pel serta tempat sampah untuk didalam ruangan kamar serta pewangi didalam ruangan dan mobil saya sebagai penarik wisatawan yang akan datang ke villa saya. Villa hari ini full hari libur. Banyak wisatawan domestik yang berlibur. Mohon pendam bisa menyetujui pinjaman saya ini.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 1, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Suyetno a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Andhy    Jul 3, 2018

    That Suyetno Tatik s loan will be paid on July 20, 2018 due to an accident on his car which is now in for repair. Hopefully this payment will be executed on that date.

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  • Suyetno    Jun 7, 2018

    Thank you Mr. Moursoud for the loan given to me. Hopefully this loan is useful for my business. May God bless you. Amin

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  • Suyetno    Jun 6, 2018

    I hope that the zidisha team and the funders can finance my loan. May God bless us all

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  • Suyetno    May 30, 2018

    I am currently only able to pay my loan because there is damage to my car that must be repaired immediately. I apologize profusely for this to the zidisha and the funder.

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  • Suyetno    May 15, 2018

    Thank you very much to the borrower who has given me a loan. Hopefully this loan will benefit me.

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  • Suyetno    May 15, 2018

    please to the funders and zidisha can help me to be able to approve my loan.

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  • Suyetno    May 14, 2018

    I hope that there are funders who can make loans for me. I beg...

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  • Suyetno    May 12, 2018

    I need funds to widen my swimming pool and rental car servise. Hopefully the funders can finance my loan.

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  • Suyetno    May 10, 2018

    I look forward to zidisha and the funders can fund my loan so I can expand my business.

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  • Suyetno    May 10, 2018

    Today many foreign tourists come to my villa and today I can pay off my loan. Hopefully later in the day funders and zidisha can help me again.

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  • Suyetno    May 5, 2018

    Day all the rooms are full filled due to the arrival of domestic tourists to my villa.

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  • Suyetno    May 3, 2018

    Today I am out We are bringing tourists from Australia. Hopefully they are happy for the service I provide.

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  • Suyetno    May 1, 2018

    Thank you pendidians and zidisha for the funds given to me. Hopefully this fund is beneficial for my efforts

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  • Suyetno    May 1, 2018

    Today I bring american tourists a trip to lake toba. The guy is very nice and I was given his money as much as Rp. 500,000, - for the service I provide and I will refund my loan today. thanks.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 30, 2018

    Thank you pendana and zidisha have funded my loan. Hopefully the funds I receive benefit for my business and family.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 29, 2018

    Thank you the funders and zidisha today I can pay off my loan due to the many visits of foreign tourists visiting my villa both from germany, america, sweden and australia. Hopefully the future donors and zidisha can raise my loan limit for the development of my villa and car rental business. thanks.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 29, 2018

    Day I bring guests staying in the villa. Travelers from Germany. They feel at home in my villa because of the service I provide.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 29, 2018

    Day I bring guests staying in the villa. Travelers from Germany. They feel at home in my villa because of the service I provide.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 29, 2018

    Day I bring guests staying in the villa. Travelers from Germany. They feel at home in my villa because of the service I provide.

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  • Suyetno    Apr 29, 2018

    Day I bring guests staying in the villa. Travelers from Germany. They feel at home in my villa because of the service I provide.

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