Purchase business support tools


Blitar, Indonesia

11% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

117 installments  •  26%

About Me

I am 43 years old, a father of 1 daughter and 1 son. I am starting a computer repairing service and internet course. I have been working in a computer related job and online business for 3 years. I have also used to repair and troubleshoot my friends' and relatives' computers. Sometimes, I even teach my friends about online business. I am planning to open a computer and internet course, and make it big.

My Business

I am starting a business, providing computer services, repairs, and built. I am also providing lesson on how to make money over the internet, via payment processor, accounts, blogging, captcha , etc. I can earn up to $250 per month, minus electricity $25, Internet connection, $25, staff $65, so my net profit is $135. Every month, I can set aside $16.5. The risk of this business is when there is no customer or when the customer is not satisfied with my service. Hence, I always try to provide the best service for my customer.

Loan Proposal

I need of capital funding to purchase equipment - pendukug my business activities. As for the tool I bought was a pencil eraser __.- Tiner __- __- __- Gootwick Flux Tenol __- __- __- Print Cutter BGA IC ____total whole is 700,000 filed ____ and with my back, and hopefully can tepet time to payment to thank zidisha

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About Me

saya seorang pria dengan usia 43 tahun mempunyai anak 2 , anak pertama perempuan dan anak kedua laki-laki. kami punya keinginan agar mempunyai kehidupan yang damai dan tenang. dan kami sekarang sedang merintis usaha. saya sudah hampir 3 tahun menekuni bisnis di bidang komputer dan bisnis online. di bidang komputer saya sering membantu teman, tetangga, saudara yang punya kesulitan tentang komputer, seperti kerusakan hardware maupun software. saya juga memberikan contoh kepada rekan, saudar dan tetangga bahwa ada peluang mendapatkan penghasilan lewat internet. dengan mengajarkan bagaimana cara-cara menghasilkan uang lewat internet. saya mempunyai harapan membuka kursus belajar komputer dan internet bisnis. di tahun-tahun yang akan datang semoga bisa mempunyai lembaga pendidikan.

My Business

saya memilih bisnis pribadi berupa jasa komputer berupa , perakitan komputer , seting komputer, instal sofware, dan juga bisnis online berupa , mengajarkan bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan di internet, mulai cara pembuatan payment prosesor , akun-akun, blog, capcath, btc . pendapatan saya dari jasa komputer tiap bulannya mencapai 3 juta di potong biaya listrik 300.000 dan koneksi internet 300.000 , karyawan 1 orang 800.000 total biaya ; 1.400.00 rupiah . jadi penghasilan bersih saya 1.600.000. saya tiap bulan bisa menyisihkan uang 200.000. resiko bisnis saya tidak ada pelanggan. atau pelanggan kurang puas dalam hal pelayanan. maka dari itu saya selalu berusaha mengedepankan pelayan pelanggan.

Loan Proposal

saya membutuh dana modal untuk melakukan pembelian alat - pendukug kegiatan bisnis saya. adapun alat yang saya beli adalah
.- Penghapus pensil
- Tiner
- Gootwick
- Fluks
- Tenol
- Cutter
- Cetak IC BGA

total seluruh adalah 700.000

dan dengan saya mengajukan kembali, dan semoga bisa tepet waktu untuk pembayarn ke zidisha terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 6, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

20 months

Other loans



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Suharso a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  •    May 9, 2016

    Pak Suharso, How are you? __ Maybe you have difficulties, you can consult with me. Thanks.

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  • Suharso    Apr 5, 2016

    moderate deficit

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  • Suharso    Mar 1, 2016

    financial problems piled up. please understand thank you

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  • Suharso    Feb 3, 2016

    because there is an urgent financial problems. so while I lower installment please understand. later if finances were back to normal then I will return again installment under normal circumstances thanks.

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  • Suharso    Jan 6, 2016

    I"ve received the money of 1,297,094 directly in Dompetku Indosat. And now have started my kbtuhan traded goods to support my business, and thank you very much to zidisha, and also giving me a loan. hopefully a lot of benefit to us and society. thank you

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  • Suharso    Dec 31, 2015

    I will use the loan funds for business mempelancar. and with borrowed funds, I feel terbantukan for smooth business. thank you very much my kepda kpedapa lenders. and I will try to always keep the settlement. thank you

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  • Suharso    Dec 22, 2015

    ..__ regards to successful thanks to my lender. I have paid off my first loan successfully. I now have things that I need. Although sometimes I was a little terlambat.berkat financial assistance for the purchase. I terbantukan teeth continue. Thanks

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  • Suharso    Nov 16, 2015

    is experiencing financial problems

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  • Suharso    Jun 29, 2015

    there is something about the sudden and I just could decrease the number of installments ... thanks

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  • Suharso    Jun 1, 2015

    salam sejahtera .
    angsuran kedua sudah di bayarkan semoga penuh keberkahan dalam usaha kami . amin

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  • Suharso    May 24, 2015

    sungguh sangat membantu pinjaman yang di berikan zidisha. semuanya menjadi semakin cepat. dan kepuasan pelangganpun tercapai. terima kasih.

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  • Suharso    May 17, 2015

    saya sangat gembira hari ini, meneriman bantuan pinjaman yang pertama kalinya dari zidisha. tidak menyangka secepat dan semudah itu. hal ini sangatlah membantu untuk kelancaran berwiraswasta. semoga ke depannya . zidisha lebih maju dan berkembang . dan dalam waktu dekat setelah pengambilan dana. akan saya pergunakan untuk pembelian alat-alat service . terima kasih kepada para pendana.

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