The addition of


Tegal, Indonesia

15% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

118 installments  •  53%

About Me

my name alya izz zayani, the photo is my dad. I intend to seek funding from generous zidisha investors for his willingness to help my parents trade efforts.

My Business

Our business is merchandising on the street. our income is still sufficient for the needs of the family days but can not set aside profit to increase merchandise. we intend to borrow funds to add merchandise so that our profit will be more than ever. I"m sure of that.

Loan Proposal

we will spend this money merchandise that sells in the market or in our shop. and also we will spend other equipment stalls, from tarpaulins or umbrellas and more. we hope the generous investors understand our needs. thanks a lot for zidisha and the investors who have helped to raise funds for us. send regards for success

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About Me

nama saya alya izz zayani, foto tersebut adalah ayah saya. saya bermaksud meminta bantuan dana dari para investor zidisha yang dermawan untuk kesediaannya membantu usaha dagang orang tua saya.

My Business

usaha kami adalah berdagang dagangan eceran di pinggir jalan. penghasilan kami masih dibilang cukup untuk kebutuhan keluarga hari-hari namun belum bisa menyisihkan keuntungan untuk menambah barang dagangan. kami berniat ingin meminjam dana untuk menambah barang dagangan agar keuntungan yang kami dapat akan lebih dari sebelumnya. saya yakin itu.

Loan Proposal

dana ini akan kami belanjakan barang dagangan yang laku di pasaran atau di warung kami. dan juga akan kami belanjakan perlengkapan lain warung, dari terpal atau payung dan lainnya. kami harap para investor yang dermawan memahami kebutuhan kami. terimakasih banyak untuk zidisha dan para investor yang sudah membantu menggalang dana bantuan untuk kami. salam sukses





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

25 months



Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States

Ask Alya a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Alya    Dec 8, 2017

    I am weak economically, so I change the amount of installments as much as possible first, later if my economy is stable I will change back the number of installments with more than before. Thank you

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  • Alya    Dec 3, 2017

    Good morning, sorry and help. I have paid installments on December 1, 2017 which matures on December 3, 2017 of Rp. 20,000, but I got an email due warning and the balance has not been included in my credit. Explanation please. Thank you

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  • Alya    Nov 17, 2017

    Good morning father paul and generous investors, how are you guys? thank you and my gratitude to say to God and to those of you who have helped my efforts. Until now I still consistently run my small business and Alhamdulillah still given the health for activity to pick up sustenance to move on.

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  • Alya    Nov 5, 2017

    I apologize in advance, I am changing the amount of this installment due to a sudden need. I hope you and the investors can understand it, and I hope you still believe me. Thank you

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  • Alya    Oct 28, 2017

    to Mr. Paul Buchheit and the Honorable Zidisha Investors, thank you for all this while helping to fund my business and my family. I hope Papa Paul Buchheit and the investors are willing to give me a third loan. I will use the loan as good as possible to increase the number or stock of the best-selling merchandise in our shop. thank you many paul buchheit, thank you zidisha

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  • Alya    Oct 27, 2017

    Good afternoon zidisha, the previous loan I have paid off. To generous investors, I want to ask for loan assistance again, because the amount I previously borrowed was still not enough for our merchandise needs. Thank you zidisha. May always be our partner as a small and successful entrepreneur together. Aamiin

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  • Alya    Oct 27, 2017

    Good afternoon zidisha, the previous loan I have paid off. To generous investors, I want to ask for loan assistance again, because the amount I previously borrowed was still not enough for our merchandise needs. Thank you zidisha. May always be our partner as a small and successful entrepreneur together. Aamiin.

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  • Alya    Oct 27, 2017

    I want to borrow more than before, because the previous loan was still lacking for the addition of the merchandise we needed. So I hope the generous investors are willing to lend more than the previous loans to us. Thank you zidisha

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  • Alya    Oct 14, 2017

    My previous loan has been paid off, and I intend to apply for the next loan to further develop my family business. I am very grateful before dsn afterwards to the investors who are willing to help lend the funds to us

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  • Alya    Oct 14, 2017

    I am grateful to the investors who have been willing to help lend the funds to my family"s business capital. Now my loan is paid off, our family business alhamdulillah has increased although not significant. I intend to borrow funds back to generous investors, to continue my dream of developing a family business. Thank you zidisha

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  • Alya    Oct 14, 2017

    I am very grateful to the investors who have been willing to provide loans for our family business. Now my loan has been paid off. Alhamdulillah our family business has increased although not significant. I intend to borrow back to generous investors to grow our family business. Thank you zidisha, may always be successful, and always friendly with small entrepreneurs like us one of them.

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  • Alya    Oct 14, 2017

    I am grateful to the investors who have been willing to help lend the funds to my family"s business capital. Now my loan is paid off, our family business alhamdulillah has increased although not significant. I intend to borrow funds back to generous investors, to continue my dream of developing a family business. Thank you zidisha

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  • Alya    Sep 4, 2017

    Thanks to his approval, I will use the funds to add capital and thanks for the cooperation and trust.

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  • Alya    Jun 29, 2017

    Alhamdulillah I can sustenance more to pay off my installment. Therefore, I think more quickly repaid will be better in the future. Thank you zidisha for your trust and good cooperation. Success always to zidisha

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  • Alya    Jun 12, 2017

    Thank you zidisha, your funds have been received and I have used to help the business of parents.

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  • Alya    Jun 7, 2017

    Thank you for the trust of Mr. Paul Buchheit to us. We will safeguard you as good as possible. Later the funds will we use as well as possible for us to develop in our business. Good luck always for zidisha

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