Motor vehicle parts


Situbondo, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $7 goal


days left




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  45%

About Me

I am a youth who wants to develop a personal business and can absorb labor. So it can empower young men around to be creative and reduce unemployment rates in my current area of ​​residence.

My Business

I am a novice entrepreneur in the business of supplying motor vehicle parts, business that I pioneered in the promotion stage and need additional capital so I submit to zidisha. . __The need for motor vehicle maintenance gives the idea to develop this business.

Loan Proposal

I will use this capital loan for the additional capital of motor vehicle parts business. So the stock of goods in my spare parts store increased because of enthusiasts from residents around my store also increased, and motor vehicles every day also increases.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya adalah pemuda yang berkeinginan untuk mengembangkan usaha pribadi dan dapat menyerap tenaga kerja. Sehingga dapat memberdayakan pemuda pemudi sekitar untuk dapat berkreasi dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran di daerah tempat tinggal saya saat ini.

My Business

saya adalah pengusaha pemula dalam bisnis penyediaan onderdil kendaraan bermotor,,usaha yang saya rintis dalam tahapan promosi dan membutuhkan tambahan modal sehingga saya mengajukan kepada zidisha..
kebutuhan akan perawatan kendaraan bermotor mmberikan ide untuk mengembangkan usaha ini.

Loan Proposal

Pinjaman modal ini akan saya gunakan untuk penambahan modal usaha onderdil kendaraan bermotor. Sehingga stok barang di toko onderdil saya bertambah karena peminat dari warga sekitar toko saya juga bertambah, dan kendaraan bermotor setiap hari juga bertambah.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 16, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

5 weeks

Other loans



Alexandre Genereux

Gatineau, Canada

rob baird

Darwin Australia, Australia

Ask Supriyadi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dhiyke    Dec 8, 2017

    Please complete in order to apply for a loan back.

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  • Dhiyke    Oct 11, 2017

    Thank you for the help of capital loan for me, this loan is very useful for the development of my business so as to increase the turnover in the development of my mobile phone trading business, hopefully can cooperate in the long term.

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  • Supriyadi    Aug 16, 2017

    Thanks for the trust, hopefully useful for the development of my motor spare parts store.

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  • Supriyadi    Jun 9, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who have provided business capital,, hopefully can be useful and can run smoothly.

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