New grinder machine for my welding and fabrication shop


Kibos - Kisumu Town, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2014

On-time repayments

203 installments  •  43%

About Me

My name is Moses Makokha. I am the last born in a family of eight. Four boys and four girls. My father died when I was five years old. I barely remember how he looked like except in an old faded photo .
My mother raised us up through a lot of challenges . We could barely have enough to eat. Nevertheless she worked tirelessly like a donkey and made sure we had some education. I managed to do well in Primary school, Kwanza in Tranzoia, and managed to join St Joseph's high school in Kitale. I was nicknamed 'scientist ' by my class mates because I was good in science. Bad luck of poverty caused me to drop out of this fine school with all my hopes! I joined Sosio Secondary school in Kilgoris as a day scholar. It was barely beginning with very little infrastructure and no science laboratory!
I managed to do my KCSE and came out averagely. I joined Kitale Technical Training Institute and enrolled in Mechanical Engineering course. 3 years down the line and the course was over.
I planned for further studies in USA through fundraising. I approached my MP and proposed to cycle a bicycle from Bungoma to Mombasa and back to raise funds for my studies. It was a crazy idea but I did it! Imagine when I came back the MP had gone underground together with all the remaining strategies! I was devasted but life has to go on. I don't believe in failure!
This was a very difficult moment of my life and a redefining time in my direction. I decided to move forward with another plan.

I also work and live with street children in Kisumu town . I have been doing this for the past 15 years. These children go to nearby community public schools . Some of the children are now in primary schools,secondary schools, university, others are doing welding and fabrication and motor vehicle mechanics while still others are married and having their own families. I find great satisfaction in helping the destitute in life.

When my business expands I will have surplus to help these street children to become good citizens, responsible and self reliant in the society.

My Business

When your business falls in line with your passion then it will succeed no matter the season. My passion is welding/fabrication and horticulture. I stopped pitying myself and started horticulture. I plant tomatoes,onions,kales,herbs among other vegetables. I sell vegetables to traders at the local market and kisumu city. We use the surplus for our family needs. I also do welding and fabrication business at Kibos market, our nearest shopping Centre . I fabricate steel booths ,chairs ,gates ,Windows etc. I now have employed two artisans and two casuals to do most of the work.
Recently I made some gym equipment . When we tried them after , the gym set worked well . I now have several orders for the gym equipment . Most customers come from Kisumu suburbs.

At the moment I want to expand my agribusiness. Demand for tomatoes ,kales,onions and traditional vegetables is high. Demand has outstripped supply. I look forward to fill the gap by expanding vegetable land . Though am doing vegetables in a green house, it can only contain a limited number of plants. I look forward to satisfy the market demand by growing more vegetables.

Loan Proposal

Hiring a piece of equipment when you get an business order from your client generally eats into the business profit margin and may even cause losses .
There is a time I got an order to make a gate for a certain client . This client paid a good deposit to start off the work urgently. Unfortunately my grinder had broken down beyond repair and the business was small. I hired a Makita grinder for a week . Well ,the gate was finished on time and labour fee duly deducted but the cost of hire had eaten into my profits!

I shall use this money to buy a hand grinder . This invaluable tool is handy wherever welding and fabrication is concerned. That means no hiring again at a cost of 1,000ksh per day.

This will greatly save me from unnecessary overheads!





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 25, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months




United States

Ask Moses a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Moses    Jun 22, 2022

    I lost my crops due to floods several years ago. With the onset of the pandemic, it dimmed my hopes. However I want to start again with my farm but I don't have any capital to invest. I really need help to start again. Thank you.

    Moses Makokha

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  • Mary    Nov 10, 2018

    I hope you are doing well Moses.

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  • Mary    Sep 3, 2018

    How is your recovery from the floods going Moses? Have you been able to start the cereal business? I hope you have been able to start on a new path to success.

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  • Moses    Jun 27, 2018

    My farm was destroyed by floods and my tomato crop washed away thereby making a massive loss. Is there a way I can get a lower loan than the anticipated 4500$ to help in my recovery process ?

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    • J    Jun 27, 2018

      Dear Moses,

      You could beter ask this question to the Zidisha staff by creating a support ticket using the help menu (

      I see that you put a large portion of this loan into the MLF fund, please mention this. (Maybe it’s possible to repay the remaining amount that you received and then cancel your loan).

      Kind regards,
      Team Zidisha
      (Ps I am a lender volunteer and not a staff member)

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  • Moses    Jun 22, 2018

    Recently we experienced floods in Kenya. Little did I know that that it would affect my horticulture agribusiness. First, heavy winds blew away my two greenhouses then the whole was flooded. All my ripe tomatoes were washed away in one night!!!! My two workers were injured but are now out of danger. I'm still shaken to the core! Am thinking of my next step. I haven't paid my instalments amounting to 14,000sh. I really need thoughts and ideas on how to stand again. Meanwhile, am requesting my lenders to bear with me as I look for ways to restart my venture and repair the huge damage caused by the rains. Thank you for your continued support. Moses Makokha

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    • Mary    Jun 27, 2018

      I am sorry to hear of the flooding and injuries to your workers. May they heal quickly. I would ask what resources do you have remaining to begin earning again and what projects have you been thinking about that you have not yet tried. Is their any overlap between the two?

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      • Moses    Jun 27, 2018

        By the time of the floods I had bought a solar irrigation kit and a new greenhouse which was destroyed beyond repair by strong winds. I had invested all my available savings in it and my tomatoes were almost ready but floods carried them away. I have a business idea which can help me make some profits which I will use to start again. I would like to buy some cereals from farmers that are in season now and sell them in the city at a profit. Cereals are on demand in most parts of Kenya . Taking advantage of this short harvest season will greatly put me on track. This business requires 3000$ for 50bags of legumes. I had put some money in MLF and started saving towards a higher loan of 4500$ before this tragedy happened. If there is a way which Zidisha can help me with a much lower loan of 3000$ I will really appreciate and get back on the right track. The cereal season has a window of 30days in July. I have already done my market research . Am very optimistic in this and we want to put in all we have to get back on our feet as a family . Thank you. Moses

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        • Mary    Jul 4, 2018

          Your idea is sound Moses. Keep us posted on your progress in working towards this venture.

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  • Moses    Jun 22, 2018

    Recently we experienced floods in Kenya. Little did I know that that it would affect my horticulture agribusiness. First, heavy winds blew away my two greenhouses then the whole was flooded. All my ripe tomatoes were washed away in one night!!!! My two workers were injured but are now out of danger. I'm still shaken to the core! Am thinking of my next step. I haven't paid my instalments amounting to 14,000sh. I really need thoughts and ideas on how to stand again. Meanwhile, am requesting my lenders to bear with me as I look for ways to restart my venture and repair the huge damage caused by the rains. Thank you for your continued support. Moses Makokha

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  • Moses    Mar 22, 2018

    Thank you all the lenders for helping me all the way . I now have a farm with drip irrigation system and solar water pump. Am still setting up the system . I wil plant vegetables for sale on the wider market. It all began with a single step. Indeed Zidisha has helped me to grow. Watch this space for more Development stories on my farm.

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  • Moses    Dec 2, 2017

    Hi Zidisha . Am away attending training in Europe till January 10,2018. Until then I might not be able to use Mpesa loan remittances. Please bear with me till that time then i shall resume and make up for the unpaid weeks. Thanks and have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Moses

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    • Mary    Dec 2, 2017

      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. I sent you 2 books a week or two ago. Make sure someone checks your post office box for them while you are gone.

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      • Moses    Mar 22, 2018

        Hi Mary . You sent two books which I haven’t received yet . I checked with the post office but nothing . Which address did you use? I need to follow it up. Thanks a lot!

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        • Mary    Apr 6, 2018

          I sent them to P.O. Box 2255 00100 Nairobi Kenya. Keep checking to see if they arrive. I could not add tracking to a package for your country.

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          • Moses    Apr 9, 2018

            Hi Mary . 2018
            My address is Moses Makokha
            P.O Box 1426
            Kisumu post code 40100 (I prefer this one. ) Or
            P.O Box 3504 Kisumu 40100.

            I prefer the first’s my personal box.

            You send to the wrong address but I’ll try to contact the post office in Kisumu so that they can track it down for me though it’s unlikely I will get the books. Nairobi is 400km from Kisumu.

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  • Moses    Nov 16, 2017

    I have a supply tender with some establishments who can only pay me in lumpsome after 8 weeks. I will reduce the weekly repayment amount but readjust when am paid to enable me keep up my credit score. Previously I delayed in payment because my daughter died and financial commitments became overwhelming. Thank you. Moses

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  • Moses    Oct 23, 2017

    Hi guys. Am sorry I haven't paid my loan twice now . I just lost my daughter on 6/10/2017. I will resume soon. Stand with me. Thanks .moses

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  • Mary    Sep 3, 2017

    Here is a website for a small city farm that has now grown to 300 acres Moses. Their is a lot of great information and ideas for your future expansion. Check it out when you get a chance. Regards, Mary

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  • Moses    Sep 2, 2017

    I never knew that I can grow by starting small. The previous loan helped me to expand my horticulture portfolio. I am now a medium supplier of vegetables around Kisumu town . Am happy with the returns and I want to grow further by being a reliable supplier in some schools around Kisumu and beyond. Am so grateful to Zidisha for making a big difference in my life.

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  • Moses    Aug 29, 2017

    Am supplying vegetables at a good price.

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  • Moses    Aug 9, 2017

    I am selling my tomatoes and vegetables this season.

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  • Moses    Jun 7, 2017

    Some of my vegetables

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  • Moses    Jun 6, 2017

    Some of my salad

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  • Moses    Jun 6, 2017

    I plant vegetables and herbs like basil,persley. Coriander etc

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  • Moses    Jun 1, 2017

    Before arriving where I am , I had groped for so long in the dark on how to get a flexible financial facility to expand my business. Zidisha came in handy at a time I was nearly giving up.

    The last loan I received from Zidisha enabled me to put up a green house where I continued with my vegetables growing venture in season and out of season. The demand for vegetables in Kisumu town outstrips the current supply. This is a window of opportunity for me to continue expanding vegetable farming beyond the confines of the green house to an open space outside.

    Many vegetable traders now come to my farm to buy vegetables thereby cutting down my transport costs.

    This venture has helped my family to have enough provisions, school fees for my children and also several people depend on this farm as a direct source of employment.

    This time I want to buy more seeeds, make more compost manure, farm equipment and storage tanks to start off a 2 acre open field irrigation vegetable farm.

    Thanks to Zidisha for helping me grow.

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  • Moses    Jun 1, 2017

    This should be my last installment to pay off this loan.

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  • Moses    May 3, 2017

    Look at my green house ,thanks to Zidisha who made it possible. Growth is not instant but progressive. I grow tomatoes , green traditional vegetables and many varieties of crops . Am looking forward to expanding my market.

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