Online business sales capital


Surakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

123 installments  •  20%

About Me

I will introduce a brief story of my life from childhood, my name is puput cahyaningrum, commonly called puput, I was born in Surakarta city on 9 july 1990, I was a child aged 1-4 years old raised by my grandmother. Because mother and father work. I am very dear to my grandmother because my new grandson is my family. At the time I entered the school early childhood I was raised by my own mother because I do not want to go to school if not in waiting by the mother, so the mother must be out of her job and become a housewife. After going through my kindergarten years I went to elementary school at that time I was 6th, at that time I was not able to read smoothly, by that my teacher did not allow me to rest before I read fluently. From there my spirit of reading so big, finally within 1 week I was able to read smoothly. That"s the history of my childhood__Kesulitan who at that time I face is when I want to continue college to the open university, because the demands of my work in the must for S1 while I am new high school level. At that time I was married, and have not had the savings to pay for my college. Ultimately with my dowry to be at stake, to be sold and can make my college entrance fee. __And for the next cost I think there must be additional income that I try to sell clothes n ve in online. Alhamdlillah my small business there is a response. __ What makes my land and culture unique is because of its diverse ethnicities, its diverse cultures, and its various religions. __My son was if asked his dream tomorrow would be what would answer would be a plane driver (PILOT). My unique hobby is cooking

My Business

The goods I provide are Baju, Gamis, and Jilbab online__Barang is desirable because now many Muslim women who wear gamis and jilbab. __I chose this business because of promising opportunities and a lot of devotees. __The cost of weekly fee is less than 1jt and its turnover is about 200rb__ The advantage I will use for business turnover.

Loan Proposal

I will buy a model of calilawar clothes, long sleeve model clothes, robe balotely robe, robe made of misby, cotton robe, caftan robe, and jarbab made from spandek, made from jersey, cotton, jilbab made from japan cotton.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya akan memperkenalkan kisah singkat hidup saya dari masa kecil ,nama saya puput cahyaningrum,biasa dipanggil puput,saya lahir di kota surakarta pada tanggal 9 juli 1990,saya dulu pada masih kecil umur 1-4tahun diasuh oleh nenek saya.karna ibu dan bapak bekerja.Saya sangat disayangi oleh nenek saya karna baru saya cucu satu2nya dikeluarga saya.Pada waktu saya memasuki sekolah PAUD barulah saya diasuh oleh ibu saya sendiri karna saya tidak mau sekolah kalau tidak di tunggu oleh ibu,sehingga ibu harus keluar dari pekerjaan nya dan menjadi ibu rumah tangga.Setelah melewati masa-masa TK saya lanjut menempuh ke SD pada waktu itu usia saya 6th,pada waktu itu saya belum bisa membaca dengan lancar,oleh karna itu guru saya tidak membolehkan saya istirahat sebelum saya lancar membaca.dari situ semangat saya membaca jadi besar,akhirnya dalam waktu 1 minggu saya sudah bisa membaca dengan lancar.itulah riwayat masa kecil saya
Kesulitan yg pada waktu itu saya hadapi adalah ketika saya mau meneruskan kuliah ke universitas terbuka,karna tuntutan pekerjaan saya yg di haruskan untuk S1 sedangkan saya baru jenjang SMA.Pada waktu itu saya sudah menikah,dan belum punya tabungan untuk membiayai kuliah saya itu.akhirnya dengan terpaksa mas kawin saya yang dipertaruhkan,untuk dijual dan bisa buat biaya masuk kuliah saya.
Dan untuk biaya selanjutnya saya berpikir harus ada pendapatan tambahan yaitu saya mencoba berjualan baju n jilbab di online.alhamdlillah bisnis kecil saya itu ada responnya.
Yang membuat tanah dan budaya ditempat tinggal saya unik adalah karena bermacam-macam suku bangsa,beranekaragam budayanya,dan juga bermacam-macam agamanya.
Anak saya itu kalau ditanya cita-citanya besok mau jadi apa pasti menjawab mau jadi sopir pesawat(PILOT).
Hobi unik saya adalah memasak

My Business

Barang yang saya sediakan adalah Baju, Gamis,dan Jilbab online
Barang ini diinginkan karena sekarang banyak perempuan muslim yg memakai gamis dan jilbab.
Saya memilih bisnis ini karena peluangnya menjanjikan dan banyak peminatnya.
Biaya ongkos perminggu kurang lebih 1jt dan omset nya kurang lebih 200rb
Keuntungan akan saya gunakan untuk perputaran bisnis.

Loan Proposal

saya akan membeli baju model kalilawar,baju model lengan panjang ,gamis yang barbahan balotely,gamis berbahan misby,gamis katun,gamis bahan kaftan, dan jilbab berbahan spandek,berbahan jersey,berbahan katun,jilbab berbahan katun jepang.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 11, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Puput a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Aug 15, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 21, 2017 $7.69 Jul 21, 2017 $7.69
Jul 28, 2017 $7.69 Jul 28, 2017 $7.69
Aug 4, 2017 $7.69 Aug 4, 2017 $7.69
Aug 11, 2017 $7.69 Aug 11, 2017 $7.69
Aug 18, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Aug 25, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Sep 1, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Sep 8, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Sep 15, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Sep 22, 2017 $7.69 Aug 15, 2017 $7.69
Sep 29, 2017 $0.77 Aug 15, 2017 $0.77
