Capital of the business of buying mobile phone spare parts


Jakarta, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $65 goal


days left




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

98 installments  •  13%

About Me

Hello my name password, I am from a family that can be said about the economic her, when I graduated from high school I joined the neighbors to work migrated away from Jakarta, Batam, but up in Batam that led me to work somewhere where his man died kan me and my friend who participate also go abroad, his late fatherly survive I tried to park the streets, singing and until the end of her to get a job in mining tin, a little bit I"m trying to raise money to return to Jakarta, but there is only snag her, my friend was sick, the money collected to charge him to the doctor, because she hurt badly, typhoid that can be said acute, and for the cost of her meal, a short story of his late my friend and managed to collect the money and return to Jakarta, the end of his education is minimal I work as a cleaning service, moved moved mall through, until its end I got married and had children, was riding dr office cleaner, a leader, leader to supervisor, I am comfortable with the world of housekeeping this but with the economic needs that now I need cost very much to support my wife and children, and therefore I would like to take the opportunity to entrepreneurship, and friends told there were loans in ZIDISHA without interest, because I have a wife and children memiaya intentions as possible then I have to do more than just work alone

My Business

Stuff I can buy is the second mobile phone is dead and broken, because I have the expertise to fix the mobile phone, first"ve ever done and its result was passable, the cost to do this work at the start of the 50,000 rupiah to above 1 million to buy several pcs mobile phones and spare parts are needed, the turnover of its ordinary mobile phone sales could reach at least 50℅ per pcs her, today the results for school children, because 2 my son will go to school this year to set aside __dan in its business turnaround, and purpose next when growing rapidly want to own their own home, I hope investors willing to lend funds in order imilpian I can be realized as soon as his, what else today 20 April 2017 my son"s birthday to 8 years, may be a good momentum and get a good result next to her

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to buy some mobile phone spare parts that I need for some type of mobile phone that I have not spare parts in my place of business, because there are already some customers who ask the spare parts but the price is quite high, therefore I really need Additional capital to buy some spare parts, I really hope zidisha will help me back in this second loan proposal, sparepart prices can reach 30 $ up to 100 $ per pcs, with later there are spare parts available in my store I hope More and more customers satisfied with the completeness of the spare parts I have

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About Me

Hallo nama saya sandi , saya dari keluarga yang bisa di bilang kurang ekonomi nya , sewaktu saya lulus SMP saya ikut tetangga untuk kerja merantau jauh dari Jakarta yaitu di Batam , tapi sampai di Batam yang membawa saya untuk kerja entah kemana orang nya meninggal kan saya dan teman saya yang ikut juga merantau , akhir nya unutk bertahan hidup saya mencoba parkir jalanan , mengamen dan sampai akhir nya mendapat kerja di penambangan timah , sedikit sedikit coba saya untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk kembali ke Jakarta ,tapi ada saja halangan nya , teman saya sakit, uang yang terkumpul untuk biaya dia ke dokter ,karena sakit nya parah , tipes yang bisa di bilang akut , dan untuk biaya dia makan , singkat cerita akhir nya saya dan teman berhasil mengumpulkan uang dan kembali ke Jakarta , akhir nya dengan pendidikan yang minim saya bekerja sebagai cleaning service, pindah pindah mall di lalui , sampai akhir nya saya menikah dan mempunyai anak , jabatan pun naik dr cleaner,menjadi leader , leader ke supervisor, saya nyaman dengan dunia housekeeping ini tapi dengan kebutuhan ekonomi yang sekarang saya memerlukan biaya yang sangat banyak untuk menghidupi istri dan anak saya , maka dari itu saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk berwirausaha ,dan teman memberitahu ada pinjaman di ZIDISHA yang tanpa bunga, karena saya sudah niat memiaya anak dan istri sebaik mungkin maka saya harus melakukan lebih dari pada hanya bekerja saja

My Business

Barang yang akan saya beli adalah handphone second yang sudah mati dan rusak , karena saya mempunyai keahlian memperbaiki handphone tersebut , dahulu sudah pernah saya lakukan dan hasil nya lumayan , ongkos untuk melakukan pekerjaan ini di mulai dari 50.000 rupiah sampai di atas 1.000.000 untuk membeli beberapa pcs handphone dan sparepart yang di butuhkan , omzet dari penjualan handphone biasa nya bisa mencapai minimal 50℅ per pcs nya , saat ini hasilnya untuk anak anak sekolah ,karena 2 anak saya akan bersekolah tahun ini
dan di sisihkan untuk perputaran bisnis nya , dan tujuan berikutnya bila berkembang pesat ingin memiliki rumah sendiri,saya harap para investor mau meminjamkan dana agar imilpian saya dapat terwujud secepat nya , apa lagi hari ini 20 April 2017 anak saya berulang tahun yang ke 8 tahun , semoga menjadi momentum yang baik dan mendapatkan hasil yang baik ke depan nya

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk membeli beberapa sparepart handphone yang saya butuhkan untuk beberapa tipe handphone yang sparepart nya belum saya miliki di tempat usaha saya , karena sudah ada beberapa customer yang menanyakan sparepart tersebut tetapi harga nya agak cukup tinggi ,maka dari itu saya sangat membutuhkan tambahan modal nya untuk membeli beberapa sparepart nya ,saya sangat berharap zidisha akan membantu saya kembali di pengajuan pinjaman kedua ini,harga sparepart tersebut bisa mencapai 30$ sampai dengan 100$ per pcs ,dengan nanti nya ada sparepart yang tersedia di toko saya ,saya harap pelanggan semakin banyak dan semakin puas akan kelengkapan dari sparepart yang saya miliki





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 27, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

19 months

Other loans




Hong Kong

Dave Bogard

New York, United States


Paul Graham

United States


Betty Waweru

United States

Bill Ballew

Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States





Kevin Burch

United Kingdom

Ask Susandi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sujik    Jan 22, 2018

    Dear lender, I always monitor my member without being asked. I have tried to contact my late member including the suroto, the telephone number susandi suroto can not be contacted

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  • Sujik    Dec 18, 2017

    my esteemed lenders are currently trying to call susandi suroto and references but until now can not be contacted

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  • Sujik    Nov 18, 2017

    Dear lender repeatedly I tried to call brother susandi suroto but he did not respond

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  • Reni    Oct 16, 2017

    I have contacted him but there is no response

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  • Reni    Oct 16, 2017

    funders, I was contacted but no response from him

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  • Sujik    Oct 16, 2017

    Dear lender, I always try & try to talk with brother susandi suroto but he has no response

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  • Sujik    Sep 29, 2017

    Dear team, I am currently trying to call my brother susandi suroto but he still can not be contacted

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  • Sujik    Sep 21, 2017

    Dear lender, as a volunteer I always try to contact my member including brother susandi suroto but he never answered my phone

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  • Sujik    Aug 22, 2017

    Good night the lenders, I"m sorry I tried to contact my relative susandi but still can not connect, I will try to contact him

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  • Kevin Burch    Aug 9, 2017

    Salam Susandi, khabar bagus dari anda. Semoga berjaya, inshallah. Kevin

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  • Susandi    Jul 27, 2017

    Alhamdulillah I have checked into my account and it was already diluted his fund of 805,528, thanks again mr. Kevin burch and zidisha, hopefully healthy always, hopefully can continue to help everyone in need, and hopefully my payment can run smoothly

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  • Susandi    Jul 27, 2017

    Hallo mr. Kevin burch and zidisha, thank you for helping me fund my second loan, as I told you that I will buy some mobile phone spareparts that my customers need, this is very helpful to me once, I am very happy, I finally Can realize also give a surprise later to my wife from the profit of my sales, and hopefully can continue to smooth my business, once again thank you so much mr. Kevin and zidisha;)

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  • Susandi    Jul 24, 2017

    If this loan fund can be liquid in accordance with my expectations, then I will immediately buy spare parts that have been in need by my customers, and from the sale of spare parts there must be a profit, luckily it will I set aside some to surprise to my wife who Will be birthday on the 4th of August 2017, although I"ll give you only a small portion at least I can see his happy smile :)

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  • Kevin Burch    Jul 24, 2017

    Anda tolong keluarga anda. Bagus!

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  • Susandi    Jul 21, 2017

    In this second loan application I will buy some mobile phone sparepart with a certain type whose price is slightly more expensive therefore I need additional capital, the handphone sparepart its price reaches 30 $ - 100 $ per pcs, I will buy some pcs because there are some My customers who need the spare parts, this additional capital is very help me in managing my business, I hope zidisha can help me back in this second loan, thanks

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  • Susandi    Apr 27, 2017

    Thanks to investors zidisha and team zidisha that has given me a loan of 492 685, this is a big benefit for me, and I can buy brg and spare parts that I plan is, once again thanks smua her, may continue smoothly and Longlive, Aamiin

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  • Susandi    Apr 19, 2017

    I"ll buy several pcs mobile phones that still can be fixed and some spareparts her, it really helped me add the results for the 2nd child I will go to school this year, is not this an investment that hopefully will be a long road her, adding inclusion approximately per pcs who sell at least 50,000 rupiah, this may be a new business field in addition to my work,

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  • Susandi    Apr 19, 2017

    First I would like to thank the investors zidisha happy day, at the moment my son"s birthday, investors will trust me to lend her for my efforts, as per my plan in the beginning I would buy several pcs phone was broken and spareparts her, I hope in the future to run smoothly and the results were helpful to my wife and children, and his own service helpful for many people, thank you once again for investors zidisha :)

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