Capital snack business welcomes the month of ramadan


Bekasi, Indonesia

82% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

63 installments  •  79%

About Me

Good day, my name is Cynthia Kartikasari mother dr 2orang child, first child Radythia age 4thn and i Randythia msh 1thn mth day is my mother rmh ladder with a lot of busy, besides taking care rmh n anak2 sy jg busy taking care online n offline my business sy move in the field of snack n clothes where according to business sy or trade in the culinary field is very promising ttp jg quite risky krn own food has expiration time than other products, n exp jg sngat cepet then dr it sy as the seller must be smart looking somewhat cepet sy cepet goods sold with me bljual online or offline door to door

My Business

the effort in the field of food & textiles (clothing) snacks such as chocolate snack n uht dmn bln approach to bln ramadhan this order so much so much to make a lot of moral morals, so much hope to get money from Zidhisa thx

Loan Proposal

Dear Zidisha big hope sy to be approved funding I submitted this, dmn fund it will sy sy use for sy venture capital in culinary field. Because the number of orders ug make sy become a lack of capital, what else order will increase krn briefly lg enter the month of Ramadan all sdh sy calculate, if sy is approved then sy will not menysiasiakan this opportunity sy jg will be committed to responsible jwb for pelunasanya thx

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About Me

Selamat siang, nama saya Cynthia Kartikasari
ibu dr 2orang anak, anak pertama Radythia usia 4thn dan yg ke2 Randythia usia msh 1thn
saya merupakan ibu rmh tangga dgn banyak kesibukan, selain mengurus rmh n anak2 sy jg sibuk mengurus usaha online n offline saya
usaha sy bergerak dibidang makanan ringan n pakaian
dimana menurut sy bisnis atau perdagangan dibidang kuliner sangat menjanjikan ttp jg cukup berisiko krn makanan sendiri memiliki waktu kadaluarsanya dibanding produk lainnya, n masa exp jg sngat cepet maka dr itu sy selaku penjual harus pintar2 mencari cela agak barang sy cepet terjual
dengan saya bljual secara online ataupun offline dr pintu ke pintu

My Business

usaha sy bergerak dibidang makanan & tekstil (pakaian)
makanan ringan sperti snack coklat n uht
dmn bln mendekati bln ramadhan ini pesanan banyak sehingga sy membituhoan cukup banyak moral lg, sehingga besar harapan sy untuk mendapatkan bantuan dana dr Zidhisa

Loan Proposal

Dear Zidisha
besar harapan sy untuk disetujui pendanaan yg saya ajukan ini, dmn dana tsb akan sy pergunakan untuk modal usaha sy dibidang kuliner. Krn banyaknya pesanan ug membuat sy menjadi kekurangan modal, apa lagi pesanan akan meningkat krn sebentar lg memasuki bulan Ramadhan
semua sdh sy perhitungkan, apabila sy disetujui maka sy tdk akan mensiasiakan kesempatan ini
sy jg akan berkomitmen untuk bertanggung jwb atas pelunasanya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 26, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

6 months




Espoo, Finland

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Cynthia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Cynthia    Oct 26, 2018

    again decreasing business n luckily

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  • Cynthia    Jul 12, 2018

    In the next Sunday, there is a family affair that can be sold

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  • Cynthia    Jun 6, 2018

    Profit I bbrp This week has increased, jd sy committed to increase the installment each week

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  • Cynthia    Apr 26, 2018

    Thank you for agreeing the sy sy funding will use this funding as well. Maybe, as according to need sy explain td thx

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  • Cynthia    Dec 22, 2017

    The profit I get is quite big

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  • Cynthia    Oct 27, 2017

    profit sy decreased

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  • Cynthia    Oct 11, 2017

    This week my profit increases

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  • Cynthia    Aug 20, 2017

    Please finance my 2nd loan ini_Sy please

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  • Cynthia    Aug 18, 2017

    Profit down

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  • Cynthia    Aug 10, 2017

    Profit this week big ckp

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  • Cynthia    Jul 28, 2017

    Profit decreased

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  • Cynthia    Jul 6, 2017

    Abis Lebaran seller somewhat quiet, hopefully week dpn sales bs so much that sy can raise the installment sy

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  • Cynthia    Jun 20, 2017

    For this bln the profit that sy sizable jd I increase the number of installments sy_Tp unblocking kemungkinn future will kmbali 10000

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  • Cynthia    May 8, 2017

    Thx for extention _With your helped I can buy products when I sell

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