Venture capital


Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

February 2017

On-time repayments

60 installments  •  77%

About Me

I am the third child of 4 siblings. my sister is 2, my sister 1. my first brother is dead, and have child 1. currently my duty to continue the business of studio store have my daddy. unfortunately if it should be closed, because it was established since 1970.

My Business

My dad"s efforts come from print people from mobile phones, movies, CDs. and many photos. I plan to buy photo equipment let me further develop.

Loan Proposal

Buying business equipment. For example lampudan sy sk skali with photos. Tp sy confused with his capital. Bli other tools such as background. Printing equipment or printing press. Printers and computers. And sy sk skali with photos. Tp sy confused with his capital

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya adalah anak ketiga dari 4 bersaudara. kakak saya ada 2,adik saya 1. kakak saya yang pertama sudah meninggal,dan punya anak 1. saat ini tugas saya melanjutkan bisnis toko studio punya papa saya. sayang kalau harus ditutup,karena sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1970.

My Business

usaha papa saya berasal dari orang cetak dari handphone,film,CD. dan banyak juga orang foto. saya berencana membeli peralatan foto biar lebih berkembang lagi.

Loan Proposal

membeli peralatan usaha. misalnya lampudan sy sk skali dengan foto. tp sy bingung dengan modalnya. bli perlatan lainnya misalnya background. alat cetak atau mesin cetak. printer dan komputer. dan sy sk skali dengan foto. tp sy bingung dengan modalnya






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 31, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Sandy, Utah, United States

Robert D

Houston, United States


Dättwil, Switzerland

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