Electricity bill payment counter


Jeneponto, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

40 installments  •  60%

About Me

My name is Syukur, third child of 5, I live with my big family and already have 1 child. My main job is selling recharge voucher and mobile phone accessories in Tarowang Market near my house. My wife teaches in one of the elementary school, she graduated from teacher academy in Makassar.

My Business

I have been in the mobile phone recharge voucher and accessories business for 3 years with daily revenue of RP 1,000,000 to Rp 2,000,000. I sell recharge voucher from all operators hence it attracts more customer from various operators. From each transaction, I could get 10% profit margin With 50-60 transactions per day, I will be able to make a weekly repayment of Rp 300,000. I heard about Zidisha from my friend, that I can get 0% interest loan and interact with lenders from all over the world. I hope the lenders can help me fund my business. Thanks you.

Loan Proposal

The loan is to open a payment counter for pre-paid and post paid utilities bill. There is no similar place in my area and there is a prospect for this business.
What I will buy:

Electricity balance : $114.59
Tools and equipments : $76. 39

I can get 5-10% profit from each transaction

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Syukur, saya anak ketiga dari 5 bersaudara dan saya tinggal bersama keluarga besar saya. Saya dikaruniai 1 orang anak yang masih berumur 2 tahun.Pekerjaan saya sehari-hari yaitu berjualan pulsa dan aksesoris handphone di Kompleks Pasar Tarowang yang kebetulan berdekatan dengan rumah saya. Istri saya bekerja sebagai tenaga pengajar di salah satu sekolah dasar di dekat rumah. Istri saya lulusan dari universitas jurusan pendidikan guru yang ada didaerah Makassar, dan baru selesai tahun kemarin. Dan untuk mengisi waktu luangnya, sambil menunggu pendaftaran cpns, istri saya mencoba menjadi guru . Dan saya sendiri menjadi wiraswasta dengan membuka usaha counter pulsa.

My Business

Usaha jual pulsa dan aksesoris handphone ini sudah saya tekuni selama 4 tahun dengan rata-rata omzet perharinya sekitar 2,000,000IDR. Apalagi kalau hari pasar, omzet saya bisa mencapai 2,500,000IDR, perharinya. karena disamping penjualan pulsa, saya juga menyediakan aksesoris handphone, jadi pembeli sekaligus bisa mengganti atau menambah aksesoris handphonenya. Usaha saya ini cukup lancar dan ramai pembeli, karena saya menyediakan semua jenis pulsa dari semua operator yang ada.banyak pembeli yang datang untuk membeli pulsa. Dari setiap item pulsa yang saya jual saya bisa mendapat keuntungan sekitar 10%. Jadi kalau transaksi sekitar 50 sampai 60 perhari, saya bisa mendapat keuntungan lebih banyak lagi. Dengan keuntungan dari penjualan pulsa ini saya sanggup untuk membayar angsuran sekitar 500,000IDR perminggunya. Pengajuan pinjaman saya yang ketiga ini tetap akan saya gunakan untuk menambah modal usaha pulsa saya.Terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Rencana pengajuan pinjaman saya ini untuk membuka usaha loket pembayaran pra bayar dan pasca bayar. Karena di daerah saya belum ada loket pembayaran listrik dan saya lihat usaha ini cukup bagus prospeknya kedepan karena semakin hari semakin banyak pelanggan PLN yang membutuhkan voucher listrik . Dan saya membutuhkan dana sekitar $152,79 dengan perincian saldo sekitar $114,59 alat kelengkapan loket sekitar $76.39.
Dengan adanya loket pembayaran ini, saya harapkan masyarakat yang ada di sekitar rumah tidak perlu lagi kekota hanya untuk membeli voucher listrik. Dan saya bisa mendapatkan tambahan keuntungan dari usaha sekitar 5-10% pertransaksinya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 7, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months




Saarbruecken, Germany



Mölndal, Sweden


Oslo, Norway


Sterling, United States


Melbourne, Australia


Missoula, United States


Utrecht, Netherlands


Atlantis!!!! x), Mauritania



Marin county, United States

Matching Fund

Sterling, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States



Hong Kong



antwerpen, Belgium

United States


Paul Graham

United States

Ask Syukur a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Rachmat    Jul 9, 2016

    hello father of gratitude, if you could explain why until now not make installment payments?

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  • Syukur    Jun 6, 2016

    thanks back on its loan. I will use these funds to increase business capital so I am not afraid of running out of stock of goods again. And hopefully this fund is beneficial to my life. Thanks to funders.

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  • Syukur    May 28, 2016

    This second loan has been paid off and the loan me that I"ve been able to increase the stock of my stuff. And the result was increase my income because I no longer out of stock. My customers even more and more. Thanks to funders.

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  • Syukur    Mar 14, 2016

    I have received a loan on my new number. Thank you for the help

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  • Syukur    Mar 5, 2016

    I can not disburse me because the old card that is registered is gone and I forget the number. While my new number now is 085 656 197 230

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  • Romesh Fernndo    Mar 1, 2016

    Hi Syukur

    I have funded the balance amount you wanted, good luck. I encourage you to take care and do well.

    Best regards


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  • Aran Dunlop    Nov 16, 2015

    Hi Syukur, you're funded. Best of luck with your business, hope we can continue to help you grow it.

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  • Syukur    Sep 17, 2015

    Send regards for success. Thank you so much to funders on aid funds. The fund has helped me, especially in developing my business. And more and more customers and my income has also increased. Thank you.

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