Capital for eid clothes sales turnover

Desi Widya

Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid



Desi Widya

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

53 installments  •  40%

About Me

Hello my name is desy .. Sy is a shy person, hard to socialize until at the end of my work in sales which require sy to be brave org, easy to mingle, shy, not give up easily. sy become a marketing property and it makes sy become a more friendly person, better, lbh easy to talk with other org, make sy become lbh understand character every org especially sy client, how to persuade them so want to buy product yg sy sell. But that"s 3 months ago, for sy decided to quit the job sy, syr sy more focus to accompany anak2 begin to grow flowers. Sy started trading small clothes in rmh, moslem clothes, hijab, clothing for the initial capital of the disbursement of the last sales commission. Msh small usahany, still wear plastic wardrobe to save stokny, blm wear window. Sy have dreams of a time sy business start big dg so bs bantu2 husbands for education cost anak2 sy. Sy jg hobby make a cake, biasany for snack anak2, nnti lah if there is more capital sy jg want to sell kue2 dry and cake.

My Business

Sy sale Muslim clothes hijan and child clothes, there are shoes and sandals jg .. Sy small dumb business, still wear plastic cabinets for stock clothes blm wear window..org2 who buy biasany there are paying cash and there are pay weekly according to ability .. In the last 4 months sy bs earn net income of less than 2jtan sdh in cut transport2 and lain2. Sy hoping the investors want to help sy to provide capital loans because sdh quite old sy vacuum sale in because new recovery from illness. thank you

Loan Proposal

To buy some stock of clothes in preparation for Eid, because the fasting month biasany stock market SDH clothes in old stock that is issued, if you buy now msh interchangeable with new models .__ bagus2 keuntunganny Karna could 10x considerable initial capital. , near Eid people need new baju2.

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About Me

Halo nama saya desy..
Sy adalah orang yang pemalu, susah bersosialisasi sampai pada akhirny saya bekerja di bidang penjualan yg mengharuskan sy menjadi org yg pemberani, mudah bergaul, tdk pemalu, tdk mudah menyerah. sy menjadi marketing property dan itu membuat sy menjadi pribadi yg lebih ramah, lebih baik, lbh mudah berbicara dg org lain, membuat sy menjadi lbh mengerti karakter setiap org terutama klien2 sy, bagaimana cara membujuk mereka sehingga mau membeli product yg sy jual. Tapi itu 3 bln yg lalu, sblm sy memutuskan utk berhenti dari pekerjaan sy, skrg sy lebih fokus menemani anak2 yg mulai tumbuh kembang. Sy mulai berdagang baju kecil2an di rmh, baju muslim, hijab, baju anak2 modal awal dr uang pencairan komisi penjualan terakhir. Msh kecil usahany, masih pakai lemari pakaian plastik buat simpan stokny, blm pakai etalase. Sy punya impian suatu saat usaha sy mulai besar dg begitu bs bantu2 suami utk biaya pendidikan anak2 sy. Sy jg hobby bikin kue, biasany utk camilan anak2, nnti lah kalau ada modal lebih sy jg mau jualan kue2 kering dan cake.

My Business

Sy jualan baju muslim hijan dan baju anak, ada sepatu dan sandal jg..
Sy usaha kecil2an dlu, masih pakai lemari plastik buat stok baju blm pakai etalase..org2 yg beli biasany ada yg bayar cash dan ada yg bayar mingguan sesuai kemampuan..
Dalam 4 bln terakhir sy bs dpt pendapatan bersih kurang lebih 2jtan sdh di potong biaya2 transport dan lain2.
Sy berharap para investor mau membantu sy utk memberikan pinjaman modal karna sdh lumayan lama sy vacum jualan di karenakan baru pemulihan dari sakit.
Terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Untuk membeli beberapa stok baju untuk persiapan lebaran, karna biasany bln puasa stok baju di pasaran sdh stok lama yg di keluarkan, kalau beli sekarang msh dpt model baru yg bagus2.
Karna keuntunganny lumayan besar bisa 10x lipat modal awal..dekat lebaran orang butuh baju2 baru.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks




United States

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 13, 2018

    Thank loan I have received. From that loan I will buy some stock of clothes for my shop. Thanks again.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 13, 2018

    Thank you Mr Brown has funded my loan. From that loan I will buy some stock dresses for my store. Hopefully my sales are in demand in order to get a big profit. thanks.

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  • M A Brown    Jan 12, 2018

    Lovely dresses Desi!

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    • Desi Widya    Jan 12, 2018

      Thank you .. Those are some examples of dresses that I sell .. And many more clothes that I sell.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 7, 2018

    Greetings to all zidisha investors .. Here are some examples of gamis and clothes that I sell. I look forward to all investors willing to fund my loan. Because with the loan I will add stock to my clothing store. thanks.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 1, 2018

    Thank you zidisha investors my loan that has been paid off already. Thanks to the help of zidisha investors I can continue to increase the display stock for my Muslim dress shop. I hope this time investors will help me with the loan I have submitted. thanks.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 1, 2018

    For a loan this time I will add some stock of clothes in my small galery. I hope the investors will help me.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 1, 2018

    Thank you zidisha investors my loan that has been paid off already. Thanks to the help of zidisha investors I can continue to increase the display stock for my Muslim dress shop. I hope this time investors will help me with the loan I have submitted. thanks.

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  • Desi Widya    Jan 1, 2018

    Thanks to zidisha investors. My previous loan is paid off. I am grateful thanks to the help of zidisha investors I can run a business selling Muslim clothes and anak2. Hopefully this time also zidisha investors want to fund my loan proposal. thanks.

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  • Desi Widya    Nov 20, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha investors. My business started smoothly and got a decent profit. Thanks to a loan from an investor I can raise funds for my venture capital turnover. Hopefully future investors will always be open to assist in additional funding of my venture capital. thank you

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  • Desi Widya    Oct 23, 2017

    Thanks to all zidisha investors who have financed my loan. With this loan fund I will buy clothing stock for my clothing store. Once again I thank you.

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  • Desi Widya    Oct 22, 2017

    I hope that zidisha investors will accept my loan application. Because the loan will I make for additional capital to buy clothes for my clothing merchandise.

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  • Desi Widya    Oct 20, 2017

    For zidisha investors, sy sy krmn loans already paid off .. skrg sy borrow back for additional capital turnover women"s trade dress .. Sy hope smg the investors want to give me a loan. Thank you..

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  • Desi Widya    Oct 19, 2017

    Thanks for zidisha investors .. the previous sy loan has been paid off .. From the previous loan sy get a lot of profits and can for additional sy treatment in because I just recovered and just finished the recovery .. I hope this time zidisha investors want to fund the loan me again because i want to start the business again .. Thank you ..

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  • Desi Widya    Oct 19, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha investor .. my loan which previously paid is paid, yesterday there is a little delay due to sick sy and need recovery .. But now the sy situation has improved, and start selling again, thanks to the zidisha loan ago sy sdh get many benefits and can for the cost of my treatment as well. I hope this time the investors can give more loans to me .. Thank you.

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  • Devi    Sep 22, 2017

    Good night I"ve been contacting her no tlp inactive. . .

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  • Petrus Haryono    Sep 1, 2017

    Keep trust. ontime installments let the credit limit go up and more useful

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  • Devi    Aug 15, 2017

    Hallo investor I have communicated and currently he is experiencing a decrease in his business turnover and he will soon pay his arrears please the investors understand the distress that is natural mother desi thank you

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  • Devi    Jul 2, 2017

    Hello mother desy please pay her duty immediately thank you

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  • Desi Widya    May 20, 2017

    Thanks Zidisha investors, I have received a loan of Rp 448,875. After this I will buy some stock of clothes for my store display. __Once again, thank you.

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