Capital to sell


Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

80 installments  •  45%

About Me

I was born and grew up in jakarta currently working in a company engaged in transportation that is dumb truck as administrative staff. Working already 11 years

My Business

As a salaried employee of dr 4 million I try to trade by offering keteman office and friends in medsos .. I trade dry cakes. The food is like making a dish then in the photo to group wa .. My first loan dr zidisha I made to buy dried kie [Semprong sesame] I bought my husband and sodara sold in the office and kekumpul2 buy and sell to tmn group wa .. Fairly ... Beginning just for muter in money aja Currently I want to try to sell food cooked more variants .. Cita2 I want to open food cafeteria just a constraint of capital and place no .. Tp I want to realize pelan2

Loan Proposal

I will use this fund to sell capital is to buy goods in the form of clothing for sale about $ 10

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya lahir dan besar di jakarta saat ini bekerja di perusahaan yang bergerak di transportasi yaitu dumb truck sebagai staff administrasi . Bekerja sudah 11 tahun

My Business

Sebagai karyawan yg bergaji tdk lbh dr 4 juta saya coba berdagang dengan menawarkan keteman kantor dan teman di medsos..
Saya dagang kue2 kering. Makanan seperti membuat masakan lalu di foto ke group wa ..
Pinjaman pertama saya dr zidisha saya buat beli kie kering [Semprong wijen] saya beli dr sodara suami saya dan dijual di kantor dan kekumpul2 uang beli banyakan jual ke tmn group wa.. Hasil lumayan... Awal hanya buat muter in uang aja

Saat ini saya mau mencoba menjual makanan yg dimasak lebih banyak varian..
Cita2 saya ingin buka kantin makanan cuma kendala modal dan tempat tidak ada.. Tp saya ingin mewujudkan pelan2

Loan Proposal

saya akan mempergunakan dana ini untuk modal berjualan yaitu dengan membeli barang berupa pakaian untuk dijual sekitar $10





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 24, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Syinthia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Syinthia    Jan 22, 2018

    I"m sorry I am late to tell you the progress of my business .. During christmas and new year then. Quite the order .. Until I work with my friend to make the cake .. We pasarin to teman masing2 ... now me and my friends start start thank PO for the celebration of imlek ... After Imlek seems I have to think again business laennya .. Sorry if my business season ...

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  • Syinthia    Dec 5, 2017

    oh yes .. I am also confused with the way mebayaran in zidisha which is 2x malakan virtual revision acc .. I paid to BCA but it was not lost in the coming already byran me .. on the matter I kumpulin dr kweuntungan .. if anyone can help

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  • Syinthia    Dec 5, 2017

    Christmas Eve has arrived. I am selling cakes .. layers. cakes rolls and pastries .. good results .. I do not have enough cost to buy the complete equipment I work with my tmna .. he who for me who sell .. our capital for profit together also .. already terliat results ... many order .. smoga until imlek road continues

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  • Syinthia    Nov 3, 2017

    I try to advertise online .. I try to make a cake .. For the preparation of Christmas celebration december. Hopefully his cake sales smoothly

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  • Syinthia    Oct 22, 2017

    Thank you for your trust .. For his funding .. I will use my best ..

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  • Syinthia    Oct 21, 2017

    Today I make a bottle of chilli ... I buy 2 kg of chilli and 1 / 2kg garlic ... I am a blender .. And I enter into 200 ml bottle .. I get from pesenan office 8 bottles ... Easy work tp pretty the benefits ..

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  • Syinthia    Jun 22, 2017

    I got a loan of 100rb. . First confused kok little skali. . And I do not understand why it"s just that. Tp i follow kr i know zidisha will help in the future. . _uang yg I get I made to buy 3 jars of cake semprong with price @ rp30.000. I sell @rp 40.000._lalu advantage I buy again. I last sold 12 jars. . And now my money is Rp. 480,000. Plan after Lebaran day. Want to sell food laen. Hopefully zidisha or Mr. Paul. can help

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  • Syinthia    Jun 22, 2017

    I changed my installment. . So I will finish installing it soon. . . Zidisha. . Indeed top. Where there is lending in small installments. . Only in zidisha only. .

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