Capital stock of blood check strips


Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

25 installments  •  88%

About Me

sy is the mother rmh ladder who has basic as an architect. Now sy helps the family business in the health field. I help in the procurement of drugs. Take note of the need for a clinic, make an order.

My Business

source of income sy especially dr husband. syblm sy helped mjd freelance as building renovation consultant. stlh parenting child, sy sdh not resume lg. this time to increase income, help sy at family business

Loan Proposal

If the donor is willing to finance. There I will use buy a blood check strip. Once a week I have to have a stock: Cholesterol strips 5 pcs (5x $ 12) Blood sugar strip 5 cps (5x $ 5) Strip uric acid 5 cps (5x $ 5) Total funds I need per week $ 110. From the sale of this blood check strip and the demand from the buyer. Means that many people are aware of health. Self-examined health condition. From this capital, I am. Earn $ 20 profit per week. Chances are if capital increases, I will be able to profit even more. Because I can meet more demand.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

sy adalah ibu rmh tangga yg mempunyai basic sbg arsitek. skrg ini sy membantu usaha keluarga dlm bidang kesehatan.
Saya membantu dalam pengadaan obat-obatan. Mencatat keperluan untuk klinik, membuat pesanan.

My Business

sumber penghasilan sy terutama dr suami. sblm nya sy membantu mjd freelance sbg konsultan renovasi bangunan. stlh mengasuh anak, sy sdh tdk melanjutkan lg.
skrg ini utk menambah penghasilan, sy bantu di usaha keluarga

Loan Proposal

Apabila donatur berkenan untuk membiayai. Ada tersebut akan saya gunakan membeli strip cek darah. Seminggu sekali saya harus mempunyai stok :
Strip kolesterol 5 pcs ( 5x $12)
Strip gula darah 5 cps ( 5x $5)
Strip asam urat 5 cps ( 5x $5)
Total dana yg saya perlukan setiap minggu $110.
Dari penjualan strip cek darah ini dan permintaan dari pembeli. Berarti masyarakat banyak yang sadar akan kesehatan. Secara mandiri memeriksakan kondisi kesehatannya.
Dari modal ini, saya.
Mendapatkan keuntungan $20 per minggu. Kemungkinan apabila modal bertambah, saya akan dapat keuntungan lebih besar lagi. Karena saya bisa memenuhi permintaan lebih banyak.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 7, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


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