Capital adds wares to grocery stores


Kudus, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

139 installments  •  19%

About Me

hi I am the abdul malik of the holy. I am a hard worker. from small, sy slalu help old orng, sy pioneered my business from below. I open my business independently, I hope my business is progressing so that it can make family happy.

My Business

my business is shop. there I sell daily household needs. there is oil. biscuit.sampo.detergent and lainyya.saya pioneering my business from below. I work hard to build my store to get ahead. The neighborhoods usually buy their daily needs from my store. that"s where I make money

Loan Proposal

I will add my merchandise. Due to the thinning capital aehingga I need additional funds. __Agains gained is that I can personally add income to the family when benefiting from the purchase. And people can meet their daily needs. Such as cooking oil. Flour. Instant noodle. Snacks.

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About Me

hai saya abdul malik dari kudus. saya adalah seorang pekerja keras. dari kecil, sy slalu membantu orng tua, sy merintis usaha saya dari bawah. saya membuka usaha secara mandiri, saya berharap usaha saya maju sehingga bisa membahagiakan keluarga.

My Business

usaha saya adalah toko. disitu saya menjual kebutuhan rumah tangga sehari hari. ada minyak. biskuit.sampo.detergent dan lainyya.saya merintis usaha saya dari bawah. saya bekerja keras membangun toko saya agar semakin maju.tetangga biasanya membeli kebutuhan mereka sehari hari dari toko saya. dari situlah saya mendapatkan penghasilan

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menambah barang dagangan saya. Dikarenakan modal menipis aehingga saya butuh tambahan dana.
Keuntungan yang didapat adalah saya pribadi bisa menambah pemasukan pada keluarga ketika mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembelian. Dan masyarakat dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya sehari-hari. Semisal minyak goreng. Tepung. Mi instan. Makanan ringan.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Abdul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Abdul    Mar 5, 2018

    I want to enlarge my business

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  • Abdul    Nov 27, 2017

    Thank you for lending to me I will use With as good as possible

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  • PaulE    Nov 25, 2017

    Good luck in your continuing business venture!

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  • Abdul    Nov 25, 2017

    Good morning. Best wishes this is my 4th loan. My loan that I have already paid off and I want to apply for new loan

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  • Abdul    Oct 31, 2017

    I want to pay more

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  • Abdul    Sep 29, 2017

    Thank you very much for the third chance given. I will be better with your trust

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  • Abdul    Jun 29, 2017

    I want to pay it off

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  • Abdul    Jun 16, 2017

    I get more profit so want to pay zidisa more than the previous installment

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  • Abdul    Jun 7, 2017

    I will use my money with your trust as a venture capital. Thank you very much sir.

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