Initial capital

Devi Ambar Sari

Jember, Indonesia

100% repaid



Devi Ambar Sari

Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

36 installments  •  83%

About Me

Hi my name is devi ambar sari anak ke 2 from couple suwardi and sriningsih i born from simple family, hardworking and entrepreneur i have 8 brothers brand is goddess, devi (myself), dedy, dian, deni, dadang, danu, and desi where my family and I have an entrepreneurial talent from both my parents we all have different traits and characters but we are very fond of self-employed

My Business

right now I"m a factory worker rubbing plate and I want to have my own photocopier shop .. near my parent"s house .. with not much capital I want to start that business I used to be a private teacher in Bali I have 15-20 the students that I should be educated but now I have to move to Java because buying a subsidy house the students regret it but I can not choose a way other than moving to Java in Java not a lot of business I can do here the competition is very tight but this tokofotocopy business is a great opportunity for me because my parents" house is adjacent to school tingakat Up my great hope that can terwujut my dream to open own business for the investors terimujasi May God always bless you amiin

Loan Proposal

I will use this fund for photocopying and transportation purchases - paper purchases in size 1 ream (500 sheets) A4 size $ 3_transportation $ 2 _the paper $ 5 ___ profit in 20% of capital

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About Me

nama saya devi ambar sari
anak ke 2 dari pasangan suwardi dan sriningsih
saya lahir dari keluarga sederhana,pekerja keras dan berwiraswasta
saya mempunyai 8 saudara
merek adalah Dewi,Devi(saya sendiri),dedy,dian,deni,dadang,danu,dan desi
dimana saya dan keluarga saya mempunyai bakat berwiraswasta dari kedua orang tua saya

kami semua mempunyai sifat dan karakter yang berbeda namun kami sangat suka sekali berwiraswasta

My Business

saat ini saya sedang menjadi buruh pabrik gosok piring dan saya ingin mempunya toko fotokopi sendiri.. di dekat rumah orang tua saya..
dengan modal yang tidak banyak saya ingin memulai usaha itu

dahulu saya pernah menjadi seorang guru privat di Bali saya mempunyai 15-20 siswa yang harus saya didik namun sekarang saya harus pindah ke jawa karna membeli rumah subsidi para siswa menyayangkan hal itu namun saya tidak bisa memilih jalan lain selain pindah ke jawa

di Jawa tidak banyak bisnis yang bisa saya lakukan disini persaingan sangat ketat namun bisnis tokofotocopy ini adalah peluang besar untuk saya karena rumah orang tua saya bersebelahan dengan sekolahan tingakat Atas

besar harapan saya agar bisa terwujut cita cita saya untuk membuka usah sendiri

untuk para investor terimakasi semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati kalian amiin

Loan Proposal

dana ini akan saya gunakan untuk pembelanjaan alat alat fotokopi dan transportasi

pembelian kertas dalam ukuran 1 rim(500 lembar) ukuran A4 $3
transportasi $2
penjilid kertas $5

keuntungan yang di dapat 20% dari modal





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 11, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Devi Ambar Sari a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Oct 25, 2017

    Thank you investors who lent the funds. the money I received well. And I will spend as per my business needs

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Oct 25, 2017

    Briliant to all investors I can not mention one by one. I hope the family investors are always in good health, happy and GBU this loan I use as possible and as soon as possible I buy the equipment I need

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Oct 23, 2017

    thanks for the previous loan. which now makes me even better economically. this time I use the loan for the purchase of the same goods with more circumstances so that my business more smoothly in the future paper 15 $ paper binder 10 $ transportation 25 $ cash $ 10 terimakasi for investors who provide loans, I hope you and your family in good health , happy and GBU

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Oct 23, 2017

    Thank you to the investors who helped me in funding the past loan. the result of the business that I run I"ve bought a new Hanphone to facilitate me in accessing the internet. my next loan I will use for paper purchase 15 $ paper binders 10 $ purchase of support materials 30 $ 15 $ Transportation Reachable to the investors who fund my loan. May you always be healthy, Happy, and GBU

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Oct 23, 2017

    Thanks to the Investors with the existence of the loan yesterday I was able to buy a new mobile phone so I can expand my sales business. May Investors always be healthy, happy and in God"s favor. Amiin

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Sep 8, 2017

    Thanks for the money. . . I"ll spend it later on for the store. . .

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Sep 8, 2017

    Thank you Mr. Paul, Mr. Mark, Mr. Paul Graham, Mr. Donald, and Mr. Jake __ May you find out how much God"s protection is and always in a happy state of love

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Aug 11, 2017

    Mr. Poul your money I have received and I have persuaded to buy the goods that I need good results of my work and can menghasilakn enough profit amiin

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  • Devi Ambar Sari    Aug 11, 2017

    Thanks a lot mr Paul Buchheit may God always accompany Mr. n Family__Dana I will use for the purchase of paper and other tools ____Welcome Mr. Paul in the protection of God for his good may be given a long age amiin

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