mobile phone and accessories


Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

100% repaid




Member since

November 2014

On-time repayments

35 installments  •  80%

About Me

My name is Sanata Sanou, born in Bobo Dioulasso. After my elementary and high school studies in this pleasant city, I took a training course in information tech and received a diploma in 2011. I am single and a mother of a three-year-old child. I am a person who is conscientious and looks ahead to her future, which is why I struggle every day to meet my needs as well as my child's. I am the second daughter of a family of six, in which my father is a retired civil servant and my mother is a housekeeper. I've lived with my family since I was born. After several attempts to find a job failed, with my uncle's support I opened a store where I sell mobile phones.

My Business

The mobile phone, or cell, allows people to communicate wirelessly. The sounds are transmitted by electromagnetic waves on a specific network. In Burkina Faso, the three mobile companies are Telmob, Telecel, and Airtel. Over the past ten years, the cell phone has become the communication tool most often used by the Burkinabé population. Many factors can explain this, but most notably the drop in price for this product. Though it used to be considered a luxury product, the cell phone today is accessible to the average citizen in Burkina Faso. It is rare to find a village where there are no cell phone users. For this first loan, I plan to increase my sales capacity and I hope to count on you. Thank you.

Loan Proposal

The mobile phone or just mobile, can communicate without being connected by a cable to a power plant. The sounds are transmitted by electromagnetic waves in a specific network. In Burkina Faso, three telephone operators are installed, including Telmob, Telecel and Airtel. Over the past decade, the mobile phone has become the communication tool most used by the Burkinabe population. Many factors can explain this, but it could withhold particularly lower prices this tool. Once considered a luxury tool, the mobile phone is nowadays accessible by the average citizen of Burkina Faso. It is rare to find a village where there is no cell phone users. For this second loan that I seek will allow me to enhance my ability. I intend to inject that amount of 103,000 francs in the purchase of cellular Chinese brand because these articles that many steps in my small kiosk.

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About Me

Je suis Sanou sanata, nee a Bobo Dioulasso. Apres mes études primaires et secondaires dans cette belle cite de Bobo Dioulasso, j’ai suivi une formation dans le domaine informatique d’où j’ai pu bénéficier d’une attestation en 2011. Femme célibataire, je suis une mère d’un enfant qui a 3 ans. Je suis une personne consciente et soucieuse de mon avenir, voici pourquoi je me bats tout les jours pour satisfaire mes besoins ainsi que celui de mon enfant. 2eme fille d’une famille de 6 membres, mon père est un fonctionnaire à la retraite et ma mère ménagère. Je vis en famille et cela depuis ma naissance. Apres plusieurs tentatives à la recherche d’emploi qui c’est voué à l’échec, j’ai pu bénéficier du concours de mon oncle avec l’ouverture d’un point de vente de téléphone portable.

My Business

Le téléphone portable ou simplement le mobile, permet de communiquer sans être relié par un câble à une centrale. Les sons sont transmis par des ondes électromagnétiques dans un réseau spécifique. Au Burkina Faso, trois opérateurs téléphoniques sont installés, dont notamment Telmob, Telecel et Airtel. Au cours des dix dernières années, le téléphone portable est devenu l’outil de communication le plus utilisé par la population burkinabè. Beaucoup de facteurs peuvent expliquer cela, mais on pourrait retenir particulièrement la baisse des prix de cet outil. Autrefois considéré comme un outil de luxe, le téléphone portable est de nos jours accessible par le citoyen moyen du Burkina Faso. Il est rare de trouver un village où il n’y a pas d’utilisateurs de téléphone portable. Pour ce premier prêt, je compte renforcer ma capacité et je voudrais compter sur vous. Merci

Loan Proposal

The mobile phone or just mobile, can communicate without being connected by a cable to a power plant. The sounds are transmitted by electromagnetic waves in a specific network. In Burkina Faso, three telephone operators are installed, including Telmob, Telecel and Airtel. Over the past decade, the mobile phone has become the communication tool most used by the Burkinabe population. Many factors can explain this, but it could withhold particularly lower prices this tool. Once considered a luxury tool, the mobile phone is nowadays accessible by the average citizen of Burkina Faso. It is rare to find a village where there is no cell phone users. For this second loan that I seek will allow me to enhance my ability. I intend to inject that amount of 103,000 francs in the purchase of cellular Chinese brand because these articles that many steps in my small kiosk.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 25, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 months




Adliswil, Switzerland


Rome, Italy

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States

Ask Sanata a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sanata    Nov 2, 2016

    Sanou Sanata Bonjour__Mon name is and I beg you to acceppter this change because I"ve made purchases these days

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  • Sanata    Sep 2, 2016

    It is a pleasure to see that I was funded in record time

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  • Sanata    Sep 2, 2016

    It is with a heart filled with joy that I made this request in order to strengthen my business. Your support will be very beneficial.

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  • Sanata    Jul 27, 2016

    Thank you for receiving this change .. My business is thriving well

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  • Sanata    Mar 30, 2016

    I get paid 10,000 CFA francs per month for my avctivités progresses.

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  • Sanata    Oct 16, 2015

    Hello dear lenders
    I am going through difficult times and for this reason I would like to change my payment schedule. From 17500, I intend to repay 7,500 francs a month. Two months later I could change this again on the rise. Thank you for understanding

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  • Sanata    Oct 2, 2015

    Thank you

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  • Sanata    Aug 28, 2015

    It is an immense joy that inspires me while agreeing with you these offers. This amount awaited allow me to work well and refund

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  • Pierfausto    Aug 27, 2015

    Sanata, du fond de mon cœur, je l'espère que cette fois vous pouvez réaliser votre projet. Je tiens à vous aider avec tout mon cœur et de toutes mes chances. Priez toujours pour moi.

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  • Sanata    Aug 21, 2015

    I told you big thank you for the loan that I got to help me in my business

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  • Sanata    Jul 15, 2015

    Thank you

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  • Pierfausto    Mar 7, 2015

    Bonsoir, Sanata! Comment allez-vous? Comment est votre famille et vos enfants? Je espère bien. Ne pas vous oublier.

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  • Pierfausto    Feb 18, 2015

    Sanata, du fond de mon cœur, je ai envoyé mon prêt. Je espère que cela peut vous aider à développer votre entreprise.
    Je serais très heureux si vous pouvez me donner des informations à l'avenir pour vous, votre enfant et votre entreprise. Merci.

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    • Sanata    Feb 23, 2015

      Merci Pierfausto , aussi je te remercie du fond du cœur, je tacherai de vous envoyer régulièrement de mes nouvelles ainsi que l’évolution de ma petite entreprise. Merci infiniment a vous

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      • Pierfausto    Mar 4, 2015

        Sanata bonne journée. Je espère et je prie Dieu pour que tout se passe bien. Je ne ai pas oublié de vous.

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