Mitumba bales (second hand clothes)


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

March 2016

On-time repayments

151 installments  •  28%

About Me

I was brought up and schooled in kang'aru village in kagio town Kirinyaga county in central province Kenya.Life was not easy as we could walk long distances to school barefooted and even stay out of school due to lack of school fees but that did not deter me from achieving my goals.I burnt the midnight oil and managed to pass my exams and later joined college though with financial difficulties.
I completed my diploma in Education in 2009 and have not gotten a job yet.I decided to start selling mitumba clothes because that did not require much money for capital .I started by selling in a Kibanda but have progress end now because I have rented a small house in juja town in kiambu county near Jkuat college.I have big plans for my business.God help me.

My Business

I have a shop along sunrise street in juja town and also sell online. I sell mitumba clothes.I buy from Gikomba market and later resell at a higher price to make profit.My customers are Jkuat university students. I chose to sell mitumba clothes because that's what my target group like for the clothes are fashionable and not expensive.My overall costs by the end of the month are usually 30,000 KESto 35,000 KES and sales of about 75,000 .I divide the net profit into re invest into the business to grow it.use the rest in my day to day expenses.

Loan Proposal

I din't receive any money on my first loan since it served as my security next loan will help stock my business thus improving sales.I will buy two bales of secondhand clothes locally known as mitumba which will cost ksh 28,000 .I can't wait to receive it.Zidisha will really help me enlarge my business.





  • Marcus    Mar 30, 2017

    Well done, Janet. You paid back already the 2nd loan fully and in time. Good luck with your next one.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 9, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months





Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States


Bill Piper

United States



United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Janet a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Janet    Jul 26, 2019

    Ithas been difficult to raise the money

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  • Janet    Mar 11, 2019

    Things are really bad here.after my business was demolished and people looted my stock.after trying to stand on my legs again there was a strike at a nearby university and my stock was destroyed and stolen.kindly bear with me.i know God is on my side and I will clear this loan and clean my name.

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  • Janet    Nov 26, 2018

    Thanx a lot for allowing me to reschedule my installments.i will pay the loan I know other Kenyans are waiting for help too.i may not also want to damage my paying history. Zidisha has really helped me and want to stay with it for life.

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  • Janet    Nov 26, 2018

    I have financial difficulties right shop was brought down in the ongoing demolishions in Kenya but God willing I will be back on my feet soon.

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  • Janet    Nov 22, 2018

    Could I kindly re schedule my business went down due to the ongoing demolitions in Kenya.but I know I will be back on my feet again.

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  • Janet    Mar 12, 2018

    Greetings,thanx a lot lenders for the money.i received my loan.i will restock my shop.i will keep you posted on the progress on sales.

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  • Janet    Mar 8, 2018

    Greetings,thanx a lot my lenders for the loan.i really needed money to stock my shop and you were my only hope.this will revive my business.
    Can't thank you enough.

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  • Janet    Mar 2, 2018

    I have re applied for the loan again
    Please fund me I need money to stock my shop urgently .please help.
    Thank you.

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  • Janet    Feb 18, 2018

    My shop.

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  • Janet    Feb 12, 2018

    makeover shop gateB gachororo road juja

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  • Janet    Feb 12, 2018

    makeover shop gateB gachororo road juja

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  • Janet    Feb 12, 2018

    makeover shop gateB gachororo road juja

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  • Janet    Feb 12, 2018

    makeover shop gateB gachororo road juja

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  • Janet    Feb 12, 2018

    makeover shop gateB gachororo road juja

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  • Janet    Feb 9, 2018

    Greetings,thanx zidisha team for the continued support in growing my business.
    One thing I love about zidisha is that you dont pressure.I can make my own installments that I can afford.its so stress free am with you for life.
    Business was not so good last year owing to the political instability.I may have missed an installment I made it later,I bet I was forgiven(wink wink).
    Sales dropped badly from August last year but I am optimistic things will better up.
    I am planning to restock my shop with the loan I am taking and introduce bank agency which will boost the sales.
    Thanx zidisha team.I love !

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  • (Comment deleted by author)

    • Marcus    Feb 8, 2018

      Dear Janet,
      I sometimes saw this happening with other loans, too.
      Please send an email to
      [email protected]
      who will forward you to your local Zidisha staff who shall be able to help you and correctly complete your loan.
      Congratulations by the way for your successful business.
      With best regards,

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  • Janet    May 16, 2017

    This is the amount am comfortable paying at the moment

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  • Janet    May 16, 2017

    Yes he called me and even came at my shop.i got to ask him the queries i had about was a good experience.Thankyou

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  • Stephen    Apr 13, 2017

    Dear lenders the following are pictures of Jane's pictures,

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  • Stephen    Apr 13, 2017

    Halo Dear lenders ,

    Theses are the pictures of Jane Muthoni's shop.

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