Mining project


Nairobi, Kenya


$49 to go

0% funded of $49 goal


days left




Member since

July 2024

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  50%

About Me

My name is Joyce Gitura, founder and CEO of Joywan Kenya Ltd located in Nairobi Kenya. I'm a sinlge Mom of 1, with passion to help single moms like me raise their children. Helping others is the secret sause of a happy life.

My Business

Joywan Kenya Ltd is a fully registered company with the government of Kenya and AGPO certified under the women category. Joywan Kenya Ltd is a Trading company that specializes in the distribution of goods and Services to end users.

Our mission is to help organization ease their pain, we focus on helping our customers solve their problems by getting them the right products. When we help others, we are helping ourselves because money comes after solving problems.

Am happy to be part of the Zidisha community; being an enterpreneur is not an easy journey but as *Helen Keller* quoted "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" and this is reflected in the zidisha community, God bless All

Project Proposal

Dear Zidisha Lenders

Being an enterpreneur is believing in your idea and believing in yourself; you have to go for it. As a women in enterpreneur I would like to grab business opportunity in the mining industry to Trade Raw material used in the cement manufacturering companies, an area that is men dominated. The biggest challenge I have is this project is very much capital intensive and without financial massale as a woman am not able to execute the project.

I have a business opportunity to supply 500tons of Bhauxite to one of the cement companies in Kenya. Since the art of mining is heavily focused on digging different types of excavators are required e.g backhoes, bucket wheel excavators, power shovels and dragline excavators, this machines can power through hundreds of cubic metres of material every hour. Since I have to start somewhere I will need to hire some of the tools needed to mine before I can plan and buy:-
1) Hire excavators,
2) Hire land,
3) Pay labours,
4) Hire tracks for transport

Excavators hire per month = 400,000/-
Land Owner 150,000
Pay Labourers 100,000

To simplyfy the sum total cost 1,100 ton x 500tonns =Total cost required 650,000

I therefore request for your financial support to help me raise Ksh 650,000 to execute this project that will be very beneficial to my business and to the community since it will creating jobs. This a very good business opportunity that will help expand my business in the mining industry and also help expand it to surrounding East Africa.

We will also take care of the environment by plant trees after mining

Once I excavate this Bhauxite material I will be able to supply to my client sell it and within a short time am able to repay my loan with ease.

Helen Keller said "Alone we can do so little-Together we can do so much" Thank you Zidisha community for standing with us





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested


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