

Padang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  65%

About Me

I am a housewife with one child 2 years and 5 months old, being a mother is the most beautiful gift so I have to focus but irt not an easy thing when your age is accustomed to make their own money by working or working because as a housewife, The husband so that the sense of economic difficulties will be crushed, that"s why I want to be a housewife who can help my husband at once to live is not difficult, so far I like to write blogs and selling online though only as a reseller but I want to have a cita2 product I myself. That"s why I bought a sewing machine some time ago, in order to pursue the motto "housewife can also work"

My Business

I write a blog and sew a headscarf, clothes let my child and others, although still a beginner I continue to learn to make produk2 marketable, because I must be ready to be a mother who can work. For additional life expenses also try to innovate in daily activities

Loan Proposal

I would buy a measuring instrument to start sewing product I wish to make, for the initial loan is though not yet or are still far from sufficient numbers to start a business, but I hope this is the first step to start

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About Me

Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan satu anak berusia 2 tahun 5 bulan, menjadi ibu adalah anugrah terindah sehingga saya harus fokus namun irt bukanlah hal yang mudah saat masa gadismu terbiasa menghasilkan uang sendiri dengan bekerja ataupun berkarya karena sebagai ibu rumah tangga, keran penghasilan hanyalah dari sang suami sehingga rasa kesulitan ekonomi akan terasa menghimpit, dari itulah saya ingin menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang bisa membantu suami sekaligus agar hidup tak terasa sulit, selama ini saya suka menulis blog dan berjualan online meski hanya sebagai reseller namun cita2 saya ingin memiliki produk hasil karya saya sendiri. Untuk itulah saya membeli mesin jahit beberapa waktu lalu, demi mengejar motto "ibu rumah tangga juga bisa berkarya"

My Business

Saya menulis blog dan menjahit jilbab, baju2 bernama biar anak serta yang lainnya, meski masih pemula saya terus belajar untuk membuat produk2 yang layak dipasarkan, karena saya harus siap menjadi ibu yang bisa berkarya. Untuk tambahan biaya kehidupan juga mencoba berinovasi dalam kegiatan sehari hari

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli alat ukur untuk mulai menjahit produk yang ingin saya buat, untuk itu pinjaman awal ini meskipun belum atau masih jauh dari angka mencukupi untuk memulai sebuah bisnis namun saya berharap ini langkah awal untuk memulai





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 6, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Misdar a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Misdar    Dec 21, 2017

    I change the amount of payments because I want to apply for a loan sooner

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  • Misdar    Aug 11, 2017

    Hi all, thanks for the loan, warm regards from me

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  • Misdar    Jul 31, 2017

    I have received the loan, thanks to donors

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  • Misdar    Jul 29, 2017

    Thank you for you all

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  • Misdar    Jul 27, 2017

    Hi, I will use this fund to buy additional materials of stitching materials so that stock of products can be more

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  • Misdar    Jun 22, 2017

    I have received my loan, thanks to the borrower

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  • Misdar    Jun 13, 2017

    Thank you for your borrowed, and thank you already believe me

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  • Misdar    May 13, 2017

    To save a new loan dpat

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  • Misdar    May 7, 2017

    Thank you for you

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  • Misdar    May 6, 2017

    I will use for the first charge

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