Allocate special purchase of goods


Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

33 installments  •  85%

About Me

hallo..assalamuaikum..introduce, I wahyudi hidayat .. by reading and following the group facebook zidisha then I am interested to realize my ideals of being a big businessman slowly but surely .. at this time I work in one of the private hotel in central jakarta who has worked almost 15 years .. and also I pioneered the business of shoes and clothes that are sold on credit with the help of my wife .. big hope I am to the debtor to consider my wishes and expectations later .. finally said thank me .. wassalam

My Business

my income source by working get a salary range of 4 million per month and plus my business at home managed wife ranges net profit 1,5 jt per month .. total my net income 5,5 jt per month

Loan Proposal

I will allocate exclusively to the repurchase of my business needs that may still be minimal capital

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About Me

salam sejahtera..saya wahyudi hidayat,izinkan saya untuk memulai kembali pengajuan pinjaman ini semata untuk menambahkan modal usaha saya yang sudah berjalan dalam satu tahun trakhir ini.terima kasih kepada para pendana yang turut bersedia mensuport saya dalam mengembangkan usaha yang sudah saya rintis.salam..

My Business

usaha saya bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan pakaian.disamping usaha,dalam menunjang kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga,sayapun bekerja sebagai staff di salah satu hotel di bilangan jakarta pusat.terima kasih atas dukungan kepada pendana yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan usaha keluarga kami

Loan Proposal

saya akan mengalokasikan khusus untuk pembelanjaan kembali kebutuhan usaha saya yang mungkin masih minim modal





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 23, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Wahyudi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Wahyudi    Jul 25, 2018

    I apologize for my delay in paying installments, it"s all because there are obstacles in the business that I tekuni failed so I have to start a new business by using existing capital .. please understand ..

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  • Devi    Jul 24, 2018

    Good day my lenders have called the concerned and now the value will soon change the amount of his installment and will soon pay off early that is what he said to me

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  • Wahyudi    Jun 5, 2018

    Good evening .. business that I pioneered still need extra patience to produce maximum results so that I have not been able to increase the payment maximal .. please be advised, thank you

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  • Wahyudi    May 7, 2018

    Good afternoon, please understand my business tidal up and down for now .. thank you

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  • Wahyudi    Apr 16, 2018

    Greetings prosper .. my sales pulse sales are not stable, then I still have to lower my payment nominally for some time until my business back to normal .. thanks

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  • Wahyudi    Apr 2, 2018

    Dear zidisha ... this time I changed the installments into smaller dikarnakan business pulse I slightly decreased .. please understand and if later my pulse business improve again, I will pay with a bigger lagi.thanks

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  • Wahyudi    Feb 28, 2018

    first I am very grateful to the funders who are willing to provide funding facilities to me for the success of this new business I pioneered, this Fund will I make capital for topup pulse that I will use for resale ..

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  • Wahyudi    Feb 25, 2018

    by paying the full and orderly, slowly but surely all installments will be paid, especially with the subsequent capital will certainly be better again for more business later ..amin

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  • Wahyudi    Jan 13, 2018

    with estimates and predictions of day-by-day sales results continue to increase to be able to increase the number of payments per week .. thanks to the supporters and team zidisha to smooth all of this

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  • Wahyudi    Dec 19, 2017

    thank you for the funds already successfully transferred my personal kerekening ..

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  • Wahyudi    Dec 19, 2017

    greeting prosperous for the donors who have provided loan support to me. This fund will entirely be used for business capital managed by my wife at home. thank you

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  • Wahyudi    Dec 18, 2017

    greeting prosperous for the donors may always be given physical and spiritual health .. warranty, please consider my loan proposal to the 3 for my use properly so that hope and future of my family will be more prosperous with the existence of zidisha which felt beneficial for our ideals. .

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  • Wahyudi    Nov 24, 2017

    with the result of effort and maximal effort can finally make more profits from yesterday so it is not a burden to give more in its payment

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  • Wahyudi    Nov 1, 2017

    Thank you to say to the lenders on the loan that has been approved .. where I will use this as a capital for clothing business that I will spend later .. I also do not forget to thank the team zidisha who has helped in the achievement of this fund

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  • Wahyudi    Oct 24, 2017

    best regards .. now I have paid off my first loan .. big my hope to be able to get my second loan which is felt beneficial for my family business later .. thank you

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  • Wahyudi    Oct 24, 2017

    I want to give a high sense of trust to the fund so that in the future I can start a new loan that I can use for my business in order to improve the economy of my life later

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