Adding personal money for out of state


Bogor, Indonesia

14% repaid




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

97 installments  •  5%

About Me

I was a father with eight children. I was a businessman in charge of health issues. I daily activities besides doing business is family accompany me in any of their activities at home or outside the home. Every month I go out of town to build my business and mmbesarkan network of distributors in the business. 1 year once I have a routine of going abroad. For this year I plan to go to Malaysia next month.

My Business

The source of my income comes from my business. My income 1 month is 11,000,000 S .__ My business is health where prospects or partners must first join me in my business. __Omzet Should I get per month is 550,000,000 IDR, to earn £ 11,000,000. And my income is increasing every year, __ The reason I chose this business is because of his free time can I run and needs of every human being is health. My business has been running for 12 years, first 5 years I studied with the training throughout the city .__ my loan in zidisha if funded would I use for my purposes to malaysia .__ Loan zidisha I will return to use my income.

Loan Proposal

If my loan approved then the money from zidisha I will use as extra money for the purposes of my overseas .__ With the addition of 2,700,000 then I will use as berikut__1. Buy souvenirs: 2,000,000 IDR__2. Transportation and meals: 7,000,000 Other IDR__Biaya use my personal money

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About Me

Saya adalah seorang ayah dengan 8 anak. Saya adalah pebisnis yang membidangi masalah kesehatan. Kegiatan saya sehari hari selain berbisnis adalah menemani keluarga saya dalam setiap kegiatan mereka dirumah ataupun di luar rumah. Setiap bulan saya pergi keluar kota untuk membangun bisnis saya dan mmbesarkan jaringan distributor dalam bisnis . 1 Tahun sekali saya mempunyai rutinitas pergi keluar negeri. Untuk tahun ini saya merencanakan pergi ke malaysia bulan depan.

My Business

Sumber penghasilan saya berasal dari bisnis saya. Penghasilan saya 1 bulan adalah 11,000,000 IDR.
Bisnis saya adalah bidang kesehatan dimana prospek atau mitra saya terlebih dahulu bergabung dalam bisnis saya.
Omzet yang harus saya dapatkan perbulan adalah 550,000,000 IDR, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan 11,000,000 IDR. Dan penghasilan saya selalu meningkat setiap tahun,
Alasan saya memilih bisnis ini adalah karena bebasnya waktu yang bisa saya jalankan dan kebutuhan setiap manusia adalah kesehatan. Bisnis saya sudah berjalan selama 12 tahun, 5 tahun pertama saya belajar dengan mengikuti training di seluruh kota.
Pinjaman saya di zidisha jika didanai akan saya gunakan untuk keperluan saya ke malaysia.
Pinjaman zidisha akan saya kembalikan menggunakan penghasilan saya.

Loan Proposal

Jika pinjaman saya di setujui maka uang dari zidisha akan saya gunakan sebagai uang tambahan untuk keperluan saya ke luar negeri.
Dengan tambahan 2,700,000 maka akan saya gunakan sebagai berikut
1. Membeli cindera mata : 2,000,000 IDR
2. Transportasi dan makan : 7,000,000 IDR
Biaya lainnya menggunakan uang pribadi saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 13, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

22 months



Albuquerque, United States


Melbourne, Australia


Utrecht, Netherlands


San Francisco, Ca, United States


Manaal Eisa

Washington DC, United States



United States


United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Mulyana a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ary    Apr 28, 2017

    Congratulations Siang____Saya wish to inform you that I have contact members of a / n __Mulyana Hidayat through a cell phone number but not active. ____Saya also contacted colleagues / family but they do not know and do not want to interfere problem Mulyana brother Hidayat. ____Sebelum and afterward I apologize and thank you

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  • Mulyana    Jan 4, 2016

    I want to provide information that is already one week I try to make a payment, but I got a problem related to the interference signal. So I can not make a payment zidisha. Actually I do not intend to reduce the number of installments

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  • Mulyana    Nov 24, 2015

    Sorry I can not be forced to pay my obligations in a timely manner and the agreement that I proposed. This is related to the inclusion of my child to the hospital for 5 days and nursed back for 4 days. Makes me focus my funds for child care. If my condition had stabilized, I would increase the amount of my installment

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  • Mulyana    Oct 29, 2015

    To zidisha, I want to provide information related to the delay I pay my loan maturing on 25 October amounted to 100,000 IDR. All of this because I have not been in Indonesia. My return schedule is today. If I had arrived in Indonesia, then I will be paying my loans. Thank you

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