Restock merchandise


Sampang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

44 installments  •  25%

About Me

I am an independent housewife who has an online business as well as ofline Although, only a housewife does not mean can not work, make money while taking care of home and child I am doing cosmetics business and selling clothing online and off line I have a shop ofline and shop online at fanpage.tokopedia.bukalapak and shoppe indonesia And always fluent to date Although the stock of merchandise, offline just a little but I am sure one day will grow I want to increase the stock of goods in the store but lack of funds then I want to apply for a loan again in zidisha In order for my business to grow and have a set, many products

My Business

I am looking for additional income by trading cosmetics and clothing. online and offline because online business is very promising in addition to flexibel but more wide reach than the conventional market my income at least 500rb-700rb Per week even 3juta per month Income can make increase the cost of living and school fees of children And I want to apply for loans Because the current orderan and I need additional capital to add cosmetic boots because of cosmetic ordering, booming And I promise not to be late paying it I"m sure Fund borrowing dr zidisha, very useful I want to add cosmetic spoon Like Perfume, Facial treatment, hair care, lip care etc.

Loan Proposal

I want to use this loan money to add the trading capital__Because in the month of fasting Muslim dress and selling very popular mukena__Awalnya I only sell cosmetics and fasion hijab but at this time I want to increase the stock mukenah for my turnover increased ____Please for the team zidisha would approve__This loan application__Agar my store The more crowded and if not complicated I will deposit in the following loan

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya seorang ibu rumah tangga mandiri yang mempunyai usaha berniaga di online juga ofline
Walaupun,hanya seorang ibu rumah tangga bukan berarti tidak bisa bekerja,cari uang sambil mengurus rumah dan anak

Saya berbisnis kosmetik dan jual busana secara online maupun ofline
Saya punya toko ofline dan toko online di fanpage.tokopedia.bukalapak dan shoppe indonesia
Dan selalu lancar sampai saat ini
Walaupun stok barang dagangan,offline cuma sedikit tapi saya yakin suatu saat akan berkembang
saya ingin menambah stok barang di Toko tapi kekurangan dana maka dari itu saya ingin ajukan pinjaman lagi di zidisha
Agar usaha saya semakin berkembang dan punya setok,product yang banyak

My Business

saya mencari penghasilan tambahan dengan berdagang
kosmetikdan busana . secara online maupun offline karena bisnis online sangat menjanjikan
selain flexibel namun lebih menjangkau luas daripada pasar konvesional
penghasilan saya minimal 500rb-700rb
Per minggu bahkan 3juta per bulan
Penghasilan bisa buat menambah biaya hidup dan biaya sekolah anak
Dan saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman
Karena saat ini orderan sedang lancar
Dan saya butuh modal tambahan untuk menambah setok kosmetik karena orderan kosmetik,membludak
Dan saya janji tidak akan telat mengangsur nya
Saya yakin Dana pinjaman dr zidisha,sangat berguna
Saya ingin menambah setok kosmetik
Seperti Parfum,Perawatan wajah,perawatan rambut,perawatan bibir dll

Loan Proposal

Saya ingin menggunakan uang pinjaman ini untuk tambah modal dagang
Karena di bulan puasa jual pakaian muslim dan mukena sangat laris
Awalnya saya hanya jualan kosmetik dan fasion hijab tapi saat ini saya ingin menambah stok mukenah agar omset saya meningkat

Mohon agar tim zidisha mau men setujui
Permohonan pinjaman ini
Agar toko saya semakin ramai

Dan jika tidak dipersulit
Saya akan deposit di pinjaman berikut nya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 28, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 months



Saint Louis, United States

Ask Endah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Endah    Dec 18, 2017

    because there are many expenses

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  • Endah    Oct 15, 2017

    Thank you lenders have approved and funded my loan Hopefully useful

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  • Endah    Oct 10, 2017

    Why yes filing a loan, I have five days still not 100% funded when I really need funds to buy a stock of ware products that are out of stock

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  • Endah    Oct 4, 2017

    Hi lenders thank you for the loan It"s already paid full And now I need more funds To buy new goods I hope lenders are happy to give me funds Because of the trade I live and educate my children I promise not to be late to pay the installment so lenders would want to aprove the loan I needed

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  • Endah    Oct 3, 2017

    I will use this loan fund to increase the supply of goods. At first I was just a fashion trade Now can already nyetok own cosmetics although a little Hopefully fore its more smooth And can grow can have a bigger shop Thanks to zidisha loans I have extra income And I can also use it For my two children"s school costs Indeed initially there was the problem because the merchandise is quiet But now it has started rame again And I really hope zidisha Deign to give loan To me so that I can spend Produck merchandise I am ready to gradually every week

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  • Endah    Oct 3, 2017

    Currently I"m in need of capital Create more stockpiles And I am very helpful with this loan zidisha I also can increase income Funding school children

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  • Endah    Sep 27, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha loan I am not confused anymore to borrow capital To bank. My business smoothly though initially got quiet no sales a few months but now it has started smoothly back Hopefully zidisha not complicate giving me the next loan In order for my business can be more smoothly Thanks zidisha

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  • Endah    Jul 27, 2017

    Currently our merchandise again quiet. Blum income exists and to muni disorder chaotic. The end of the month maybe I just can pay off his arrears

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  • Dede    Jul 26, 2017

    I have communicated with him and he said he will pay it off at the end of this month, he said again there is a problem with his finances

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  • Endah    Jun 8, 2017

    Hi zidisha__I am very thankful for__Berkat capital loan from zidisha__Omsetet I am increasing__I hope his future zidisha can give bigger loan____ hopefully zidisha getting victorious

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  • Endah    May 28, 2017

    I have received a loan fund of 486,875 rupiah__May my merchandise is increasingly in demand__and can pay installments on time____Thank you zidisha

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  • Endah    May 28, 2017

    Thanks for the lenders who are willing to lend us a loan

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  • Endah    May 22, 2017

    I change the nominal installment let me quickly paid off and can borrow again for capital

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  • Endah    May 14, 2017

    Sy wants to pay bigger to get it paid off

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  • Endah    May 11, 2017

    Because lonely orderan__Hanya for this only installment

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  • Endah    Apr 29, 2017

    Good morning from zidisha__Saya zidhisa__Atas lending could continue to advertise and shop online I was getting crowded. __Trimakasih zidisha

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  • Endah    Apr 28, 2017

    I have already received loans __Dg number AKN 299rb and I use this money to pay for advertising online business saya____Trimakasih FP zidisha already helped

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