Increase the balance of my credit sales


Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  42%

About Me

Hello i am fauzia. . I am an orphan and a msh school. . I want a business kcil2 an for help my mother. . I insisted on allowing my pocket money so as not to burden my mother"s burden. I yesterday was trying dagamg plsa and the results are tolerable. . I bs save sdkt2 bt d tube. And pemting can be independent. . . . So please apply for my funding d trima ya for bs d make mutar effort again. . Before and after I say thank you

My Business

I mw cb business sales pulse yg bs I walk it when I sklh and sell d school environment. I would like to get back funding to expand my plsa sale business. Alhmdulillah payment problems jg never lost to follow. . I always pay and always keep trust. So lets the donors mwmberi me loan back.

Loan Proposal

I will use bt add my sale balance plsa who is already running kmaren and sudsh d danai by zindisha. Big hope q can d acc. So please donatue for the oldest can help me fund my small small business. . Mski small result tpi very helpful for me personally. __I bs saving and bs jajan tnpa. Ask the parents.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

halo saya fauzia..saya anak yatim dan msh sekolah..saya ingin usaha kcil2 an buat bantu ibu saya..saya inign dpt tmbhan uang jajan agar tdk memberatkan beban ibuku.saya kemaren sudah berusaha dagamg plsa dan hasilnya lumayan..saya bs simpan sdkt2 bt d tabung.dan yg pemting bisa mandiri....jadi saya mohon pengajuan dana saya d trima ya buat bs d buat mutar usaha lagi..sebelum dan sesudah nya saya ucap terimakasih

My Business

saya mw cb usaha jualan pulsa yg bs saya jalan kan saat saya sklh dan menjual d lingkungan sekolahan.saya ingin mendapatkan bantuan dana kembali guna memperluas usaha jualan plsa saya.alhmdulillah masalah pembayaran jg tidak pernah mangkir..saya selalu bayar dan selalu menjaga amanah.jadi sudi kiranya para donatur mwmberi saya pinjaman kembali.

Loan Proposal

akan saya gunakan bt menambah saldo jualan plsa saya yg kmaren sudah berjalan dan sudsh d danai oleh zindisha.besar harapan q bisa d acc.makanya sudi kiranya para donatue untuk terua bisa membantu saya mendanai usaha kecil kecil an saya..mski hasilnya kecil tpi sangat membantu buat saya pribadi.
saya bs menabung dan bs jajan tnpa.meminta kepada orang tua.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Paul Graham

United States


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Donald Major

United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Afriansa a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ahmad    Oct 14, 2017

    Afriansa Safitri plans to pay off and this week the process of preparing funds to pay the installments.

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  • Ahmad    Sep 1, 2017

    the business run by Afriansa safitri has decreased revenue. is in the process of mediating the rescheduling of payments.

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  • Afriansa    Aug 4, 2017

    Thanks for the funders. I sdh d acc back for the third time. Once again i will use wisely

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  • Afriansa    Aug 3, 2017

    Conth brown I will sell

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  • Afriansa    Aug 3, 2017

    Hurricane loan application for the third time sdh d acc by zidisha. __smga immediately funded full krna ssaya will use uamgnya to try new business that is selling chocolate pareline. __It is my hope to get funded soon and want to immediately mencba my new business. . __can see my payment yes. Thank you

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  • Afriansa    Jul 30, 2017

    Please danai me back. __bisa d liat dr rekeman payment I never late. And always ontime__semoga always bs fund me for all my dreams. . Thx and greetings zindisha

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  • Afriansa    Jul 25, 2017

    Want cpt kunas up the ceiling

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  • Afriansa    Jun 18, 2017

    Hallo thank you for being willing to fund me. I will be on time and will not waste a chance.

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  • Afriansa    Jun 4, 2017

    I want CPT. Paid so BS takes again

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  • Afriansa    May 13, 2017

    Thank you sdh want to acc acc loan me

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