Increase my balance of buying and selling electronic pulses.


Kota Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

25 installments  •  48%

About Me

I am a food entrepreneur that I have been working for 10 years. And I currently need additional business capital to add my food products such as: rice, eggs, oil .. I am a grocer of a sembako ... Hereby I want to apply for a loan through zidisha of 5 million rupiah that I will pay it on time every due his payment. Thanks

My Business

I am a food entrepreneur that I have been working for 10 years. And I currently need additional business capital to add my food products such as: rice, eggs, oil .. I am a grocer of a sembako ... Hereby I want to apply for a loan through zidisha of 5 million rupiah that I will pay it on time every due his payment. Thanks

Loan Proposal

This fund to increase my balance of buying and selling electronic pulses. Hopefully add to my second loan and so on with my punctuality in paying this installment of funds that I borrow. Before I say many thanks to the lender of funds to make widen the business wing of my grocery store grocery store business. To be useful for the people of Indonesia in the quality that I provide.

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About Me

Saya adalah pengusaha sembako yang sudah saya tekuni selama 10 tahun ini. Dan saya saat ini membutuhkan tambahan modal usaha untuk menambah produk sembako saya seperti :beras, telur, minyak.. Saya adalah grosir an sembako... Dengan ini saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman melalui zidisha sebesar 5 juta rupiah yang akan saya bayar kan tepat waktu setiap jatuh tempo pembayaran nya. Thanks

My Business

Saya adalah pengusaha sembako yang sudah saya tekuni selama 10 tahun ini. Dan saya saat ini membutuhkan tambahan modal usaha untuk menambah produk sembako saya seperti :beras, telur, minyak.. Saya adalah grosir an sembako... Dengan ini saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman melalui zidisha sebesar 5 juta rupiah yang akan saya bayar kan tepat waktu setiap jatuh tempo pembayaran nya. Thanks

Loan Proposal

dana ini untuk menambah saldo jual beli pulsa elektronik saya. semoga menambah terus untuk ajukan pinjaman saya yang kedua dan seterus nya dengan ketepatan waktu saya dalam membayar angsuran dana ini yang saya pinjam. sebelum saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih pada pemberi pinjaman dana untuk membuat melebar kan sayap bisnis usaha toserba toko kelontongan sembako saya ini. agar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat indonesia dalam kualitas yang saya berikan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 20, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Hammad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Hammad    Aug 28, 2017

    Thanks u very much for all my big bos for your Credit for me

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  • Devi    Aug 21, 2017

    Good afternoon my lenders have gone to him and discuss with him he will soon change the amount of the installment and as soon as he pays his arrears

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  • Hammad    Jul 31, 2017

    Thanks a lot of my big boss who has funded to build my business even more. I hope we can become a bigger business partner again. Amin

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  • Hammad    Jul 31, 2017

    Thanks a lot of my big boss who has funded to build my business even more. I hope we can become a bigger business partner again. Aminn

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  • Hammad    Jul 31, 2017

    Thanks a lot of my big boss who has funded to build my business even more. I hope we can become a bigger business partner again. Aminn

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  • Hammad    Jul 3, 2017

    I am very grateful to all my big bosses. I hope to help my business capital aid more. Amien

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  • Hammad    Jul 3, 2017

    I am very grateful to all my big bosses. I hope to help my business capital aid more. Amien

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  • Hammad    Jun 20, 2017

    I would like to say a big thank you to my bosses who have given me loan funds to make my business store bigger

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  • Hammad    Jun 20, 2017

    I would like to say a big thank you to my bosses who have given me loan funds to make my business store bigger

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  • Hammad    Jun 20, 2017

    I would like to say a big thank you to my bosses who have given me loan funds to make my business store bigger

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  • Hammad    Jun 19, 2017

    I am his person committed high earlier time to pay my loan. Like a loan before her I always early time make my loan repayments. Because for me commitment and honesty it is very important

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  • Hammad    Jun 19, 2017

    Okay wait for my loan fund boss who is funded by the boss. But why not go boss my loan fund yet? ? ? ?

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  • Helen Horseman    Jun 18, 2017

    Thank you Hammad for your 100% repayment on time.
    Good luck with your business in the future

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  • Hammad    Jun 18, 2017

    Thank you very much yes bosses all who have paid me for my additional capital. I am his person committed to me more accustomed to paying my loan repayment earlier than maturity date boss. . So that we both benefit. I benefited the value of my credit loan to be a plus and the bosses became faster I returned the funds that have been boss lend it to me to build even more my efforts. Thank u very much u are all my boss

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  • Hammad    Jun 18, 2017

    Thank you very much yes bosses all who have paid me for my additional capital. I am his person committed to me more accustomed to paying my loan repayment earlier than maturity date boss. . So that we both benefit. I benefited the value of my credit loan to be a plus and the bosses became faster I returned the funds that have been boss lend it to me to build even more my efforts. Thank u very much u are all my boss

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  • Hammad    Jun 18, 2017

    Thank you very much yes bosses all who have paid me for my additional capital. I am his person committed to me more accustomed to paying my loan repayment earlier than maturity date boss. . So that we both benefit. I benefited the value of my credit loan to be a plus and the bosses became faster I returned the funds that have been boss lend it to me to build even more my efforts. Thank u very much u are all my boss

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  • Hammad    Jun 16, 2017

    I have made my loan installment payment from the boss always earlier than the due date I should pay. I hope the boss can give more value to me

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  • Hammad    Jun 16, 2017

    I have made my loan installment payment from the boss always earlier than the due date I should pay. I hope the boss can give more value to me

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  • Hammad    Jun 16, 2017

    I have made my loan installment payment from the boss always earlier than the due date I should pay. I hope the boss can give more value to me

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  • Hammad    Jun 16, 2017

    I have made my loan installment payment from the boss always earlier than the due date I should pay. I hope the boss can give more value to me

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