Increase capital for business expansion


Kota Batu, Indonesia

90% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  59%

About Me

I am a private person working as a driver of a travel and tourism tour company in Stone Town. Because the salary I received is still not fully able to meet the needs so I want to create a fishing pond that is rented out at once as well as selling fish in the pond

My Business

I work as a driver having a salary as a necessity of life, because the price of basic necessities is very expensive now I have to try to find opportunities to open a business other than I work. So I really hope to receive this loan to get additional income

Loan Proposal

I am a private employee who rely on monthly salary, and want to increase income by selling at home, so I really expect this fund to increase business capital, I expect to continue to sell and expect to get a larger loan again, thanks

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah seorang yang bekerja secara swasta yang bekerja sebagai driver dari sebuah perusahaan travel dan tour pariwisata di kota batu. Karena gaji yang saya terima masih belum sepenuhnya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan maka saya berkeinginan membuat kolam pemancinga ikan yang disewakan perharinya sekaligus berjualan ikan yang ada dikolam tersebut

My Business

Saya bekerja sebagai driver memiliki gaji sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup, karena harga-harga kebutuhan pokok sangat mahal sekarang saya harus berusaha mencari peluang untuk membuka usaha selain saya bekerja. Maka saya sangat berharap menerima pinjaman ini untuk mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan

Loan Proposal

saya karyawan swasta yang menggandalkan gaji bulanan, dan ingin menambah penghasilan dengan berjualan dirumah, karena itu saya sangat mengharapkan sekali dana ini untuk menambah modal usaha, saya mengharapkan bisa terus berjualan dan mengharapkan bisa mendapatkan pinjaman yang lebih besar lagi, terima kasih





  • Helen Horseman    Oct 28, 2017

    Thank you for full repayment of your loan Nanik, 100% on time.
    Best wishes for your business going forward.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States

Ask Nanik a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Nov 3, 2017


Fully repaid

Installment amount


Next installment

Dec 31, 2017

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 12, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Nov 19, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Nov 26, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Dec 3, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Dec 10, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Dec 17, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Dec 24, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $18.88
Dec 31, 2017 $18.88 Nov 3, 2017 $2.98
Nov 3, 2017 $15.90
Jan 7, 2018 $2.98 Nov 3, 2017 $2.98
