Increase the sale of chicken dumplings


Bengkulu, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

68 installments  •  22%

About Me

Hi my name is Desy.Iam 38 years old.I am mother of two children.Since my childhood as eldest always taught simple life and work hard if want something. I now live by joining husband in bengkulu area which many place for tourist which need to be developed. My hobby is cooking . I expand my business to get my child to achieve the dream of becoming a designer

My Business

When i have stopped working as a manager and opened a business of chicken dumplings on the terrace where I live resident that my own.because in Bengkulu rarely seen that sell chicken dumplings so I sell it and quite smoothly because it receives orders also.with nicely omzet net a day 300,000 rupiahs with production costs 45% her profits to help my child's school fees

Loan Proposal

Buy staples for making siomay and also buy containers for take away

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Hai nama saya desy saya berumur 38 tahun seorang ibu beranak 2.sejak kecil saya sebagai sulung selalu diajarkan hidup sederhana dan bekerja keras jika menginginkan sesuatu.saya sekarang hidup dengan ikut suami di bengkulu daerah yang banyak tempat wisata yang perlu di kembangkan.saya hobby masak.saya mengembangkan usaha agar bisa mengantarkan anak saya mencapai cita cita jadi desainer

My Business

Saya sejak berhenti bekerja sebagai manager lalu membuka usaha siomay ayam di teras ruko tempat saya tinggal kebetulan punya sendiri.karena di bengkulu jarang terlihat yang menjuak siomay ayam jadi saya menjualnya dan lumayan lancar karena menerima pesanan juga.omset bersih perhari 300.000 dengan biaya produksi 45% keuntungan nya untuk membantu biaya sekolah anak saya

Loan Proposal

Membeli bahan pokok untuk pembuatan siomay dan juga membeli wadah untuk take away





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 12, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Dessy a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dessy    Dec 23, 2017

    I have to pay for my father"s treatment I need a big fee so I reduce my installment amount

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  • Dessy    Nov 30, 2017

    Hello zidisha I am always on time to pay installments I get an email reprimand that I am late to pay the installment Recorded payments and also on the payment schedule it is clear that I am always a bayer I beg my payment at review Thank you

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  • Elly    Nov 30, 2017

    There may be a mistake, my member Dessy Puspitasari is not in arrears

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  • Dessy    Nov 22, 2017

    Hello my funders
    I want to introduce my 2 daughters their name are medinna and nadya
    I love them so much
    I want my business to grow big and advanced one day
    In order for me to provide good education to my children
    Loan from zidisha is very meaningful for my business and my family Thank you very much Zidisha
    Best regards

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  • Dessy    Nov 22, 2017

    I get a good sale in this week I can pay more installments than the previous amount

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  • Dessy    Nov 9, 2017

    Hello the funders In this week I got some order siomay I am very happy because it helped me get a good sale I can pay my daughters school fees Because the funders in zidisha very helpful once I thank
    Dessy Puspitasari

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  • Dessy    Oct 31, 2017

    Hi the funders in Zidisha
    the number of installments due to the many things happening now such as the sick father and son So I have to reduce my installments Thanks zidisha

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  • Dessy    Oct 25, 2017

    Hai Zidisha Funds I have received I have used partly I bought a need to make a siomay order I have also bought some dinnerware for the tavern I am currently working on ordering siomay IDR 400,000 is very happy Thank you so much Zidisha Regards, Dessy

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  • Dessy    Oct 22, 2017

    Thanks to the funders in zidisha I have received the second loan fund .This is very meaningful for the progress of my business. I will pay the loan on time and will not make you disappointed.I will start to buy basic necessities needed today and start making orders for customers .I thank Zidisha May God Bless You All

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  • Dessy    Oct 22, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha for giving me this fund for my efforts. I am very happy because it means a lot to my business. I will use this fund to buy the basic necessities to make the chicken siomay.I will fulfill orders coming this the funders once again I say thank you.May God bless to you all

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  • Dessy    Oct 20, 2017

    Hello again zidisha Iam very happy that my business was running well last week.The great news for this week are alot of order come.I am very hopeful that loan filing has been done before due.I'll be patient for waiting that.Thank You so much Zidisha .You are great

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  • Dessy    Oct 18, 2017

    Hello zidisha I am very happy to join zidisha.I use loan from zidisha to buy all the necessities of making the chicken dumplingsbthat I sell.alot of the request of chicken dumplings come to be served in the event many people near my house.i am grateful for zidisha effort I am a lot in help. hope Zidisha can grow and succeed

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  • Paul Thompson    Oct 17, 2017

    I hope that your business gets off to a great start, Paul Thompson. Acorn.Finance UK

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  • Dessy    Sep 24, 2017

    I changed the number of installments larger because I think I can afford to pay a little more and also want to get paid off quickly and get new capital for my store

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