Buying stock of goods for my home ready.


Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  50%

About Me

greetings zidisha, my name is opi rusady the third child of 3 brothers, and I am the youngest, now has entered a fairly adult age to be independent, I am a person who likes to joke and the most like to work.

My Business

right now I"m in business online and I"m also an employee in one company. I want to run my business well, of course with additional capital. My business is moving on clothes, bags, and hijabs.

Loan Proposal

I want to buy things like bags, clothes, pants, hijab and will knock at home as a supply of goods, and of course I will buy a special closet for the bag to be more attractive in the eyes of the buyer.

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About Me

salam zidisha, namaku opi rusady anak ketiga dari 3 bersaudara, dan aku yang paling bungsu, saat ini sudah memasuki usia yang lumayan dewasa untuk bisa mandiri, aku orang yang senang bercanda dan yang paling suka bekerja.

My Business

saat ini aku sedang menggeluti bisnis online dan aku juga seorang karyawati di salah satu perusahaan. aku ingin menjalankan bisnis ku dengan baik, tentunya dengan tambahan modal. bisnis ku bergerak di baju, tas, dan jilbab.

Loan Proposal

aku ingin membeli barang seperti tas, baju, celana, jilbab dan akan menyetok dirumah sebagai penyediaan barang, dan tentunya aku akan membeli lemari khusus untuk tas agar lebih menarik di mata pembeli.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 28, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

0 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Opi    Nov 7, 2017

    Good morning lenders, I have received my loan a few days ago. And I"ve used it for my online shop. Thank you to the lenders.

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  • Opi    Oct 28, 2017

    I want to pay off my loan because I think the loan is still very small so the payment is still very affordable, so I do not need to install it, maybe in the future I will repay if my loan is big.

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  • Opi    Oct 28, 2017

    Hay the lenders, I have received my loan fund worth 32,893 IDR. Thank the lenders.

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