Buying fertilizer for my citrus orchard


Batam, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am someone who likes gardening. Build this business from scratch as a hobby. Planting oranges that can be harvested for flavoring dishes. Harvesting is done every week and sold directly to the market to my customers. So I have income every week for family needs and savings.

My Business

From a 1 hectare land I can produce 10 kg of orange leaves. Harvesting is done every week and sold directly to the market to my customers. So I have income every week for family needs and savings. I intend to add new gardens that are managed intensively

Loan Proposal

I will buy organic fertilizer to increase my production and my garden yield. Because every week I am harvested and meet the needs of my customers in traditional markets

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About Me

Saya seseorang yang suka berkebun. Membangun usaha ini dari awal sebagai hobi. Menanam jeruk yang bisa dipanen daunnya untuk bumbu penyedap masakan. Panen dilakukan setiap minggu dan langsung dijual di pasar kepada langganan saya. Jadi saya memiliki penghasilan setiap minggunya untuk kebutuhan keluarga dan tabungan.

My Business

Dari lahan 1 hektare saya bisa memproduksi 10 kg daun jeruk. Panen dilakukan setiap minggu dan langsung dijual di pasar kepada langganan saya. Jadi saya memiliki penghasilan setiap minggunya untuk kebutuhan keluarga dan tabungan.

Saya berniat menambah kebun baru yang dikelola secara intensif

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membeli pupuk organik untuk meningkatkan jumlah produksi dan hasil kebun saya. Karena setiap minggu saya diharudkan memanen dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan saya di pasar tradisional





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 30, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Widiarto a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Widiarto    Aug 15, 2018

    thank you for the borrower who has funded my business so smoothly and well. I will borrow again to buy my garden equipment that I can not use again like hoe and sprayer

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  • Widiarto    Nov 13, 2017

    Time for harvest ... I can pay off the loan

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  • Widiarto    Nov 5, 2017

    The loan I use to buy seeds and the addition of new plant variants

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  • Widiarto    Nov 5, 2017

    The price of the crop goes up and many deposits in advance for the next vegetable harvest order.

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  • Widiarto    Oct 23, 2017

    Thank you to the borrowers who have entrusted my loan to me. I will use this loan to buy new plant seeds for my garden.

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  • Widiarto    Oct 20, 2017

    Hello thank me to the borrowers who have entrusted the loan to me. My second loan is fully paid and I intend to borrow a third time. this is very important for me and my family and I really hope to be trusted again to get a loan. I will add new plant commodities so that my garden is more varied and more results are obtained. thank you

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  • Widiarto    Oct 15, 2017

    Want to immediately pay off the loan and get a 3rd loan for additional capital

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  • Widiarto    Aug 25, 2017

    I thank you for this loan. . . hopely it is work to build new garden and will be a good income for my family. My wife has a friend to in Egypt her friends name is dr. Sholafa at Mansouri Medical university. . . if you know her please tell her our salam

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  • Ahmad    Aug 25, 2017

    I hope this loan will be of a great benefit to your garden.

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  • Widiarto    Jul 29, 2017

    Want to get a second loan for garden maintenance expenses in the next harvest season

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  • Widiarto    Jul 18, 2017

    I get orders next week

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